Not primitive at all, simply stating truths. What does it matter what sex someone is in RL? For all we know you could be a woman, or someone transitioning; it doesn't matter a jot. Glenn deserves all he gets: there is only one bigot here, and that's Glenn, he proves it over and over with his hate speech, which contrary to VickyJoanne's opinion below, is't problematic or difficult to define at all. It's simply any language that seeks to undermine, dehumanise or derogate someone else without sound justification, i.e. is a lie.
There are those, who, from a standpoint of false equivalence who will argue that calling out nazis, fascists, racists etc is unfair, as they have a right to their opinions too. As Thomas Mann said, "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil" I don't know whether Glenn is a fascist, but I do know he is a Trump supporter an MAGA fruitcake. and along with Trump Glenn is the kind of person who enables fascism and the rise of the far right. I wonder what is Glenn's opinion of the Unite the RIght rally in Charlottesville in 2017? Maybe that would be unfair, as wouldn't want to tax the mans clearly confused thinking too much, as I'm pretty sure he'd be somewhat conflicted, especially over the 'Commie libtard nazi fasicst' counter-protestor who was brutally murdered.