Webby Merlin @Webby

Jacksonville, FL Offline

1PM Clan & Friends - Club Escotia OPEN HOUSE
Where: Club Escotia
When: 4 years ago [11 Oct 2020 13:00 SLT]

Clan's weekly Party with Friends! THIS WEEK: OPEN HOUSE PART 2... Last week we didn't let Clan off the stream for 4 hours! Come by for some laughs, perhaps some shenanigans, probably some live music... who knows what we'll do... but swing by and meet the man behind the voice and his band in our native habitat!

3PM Clan Escotia LIVE at Club Escotia!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 4 years ago [2 Oct 2020 15:00 SLT]

Clan and the band are goofing around and having some fun at home today - we'd love it if you would come by and say howdy :) Clan's been working on some new songs, can't wait to share with you! Come as you are... you're perfect :)