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Virtual Melody Grid @VirtualMelodyGrid

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The Home of touring musicians on the hypergrid!

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The grid is under maintenance, see you later thank you

Sunday Funnies-BS News @ferdfrederix -A Hot new Bug Report-Learn about the EEP Glow! https://virtual-hg.com/JOpensim/index.php?option=com_conte...

I like to drop a post every now and then on another virtual universe I'm involved in developing, with a working name of Starlite Galaxies. It's a user-content generated world like SL and Opensim, but not based on their code. A complete new game engine has been written from the ground up in proprietary codebase using C++, utilizing the Vulkan API instead of OpenGL. The universe will not be compatible with opensim code, but we are discussing a bridge option down the road to allow opensim users to visit. The game is currently approaching alpha testing for which all slots are filled.

The top shot is a helmet readily available on 3D model sites that we use to test our handling of PBR materials and shaders. This one is reflecting the environment we dropped it in and running at 4910 fps on full blast graphics using a GeForce 3060 card (I believe this is the same helmet visible in the recent SL tutorial on their version of PBR)

The bottom image is an asteroid field with 50,000 physical objects all orbiting a central mass independently of one another. We wanted to find a breaking point, but only got the fps down to 720 fps.

We also are testing on a variety of lower end machines to find baselines for the graphics and physics. But if you want to go full-bore gaming using VR, controllers, joysticks, flight-sim equipment, etc., then all of that capability is already there and working. Probably would only want to use VR with your feet on the ground. We found flying ships in VR was...unsettling.

See my Facebook page for larger images: https://www.facebook.com/LunariaEmporium

Jupiter Rowland: @Arielle: When I say "OpenSim devs", I DO mean those who created OpenSim, the source code and everything. I also said that there are people who believe that these slogans have always been an official... 2 years ago

-Bakes On Mesh -
#curvybody #heads #fullavatar #arkhamcity

Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. - IMPORTANT for residents to attend!! All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

Friday 03/03/2023 1:30PM Pacific

Today's Topics:
Littlefield Grid's 10th Anniversary Celebration, New live music series - Rouge Galaxy, Family Game Night.

Full Avatar Curvy Neko BoM #arkhamcity

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Der Bau der Wikinger geht weiter, der kalte Norden und der Winter kommen immer näher.
hg.cc-group.cc:8002:CCI Lofoten
The construction of the Vikings continues, the cold north and winter are getting closer.

Virtual Melody Grid: I love it! 2 years ago
LOST DATA in Opensim.

Hello everyone, I recently decided to move my regions back into a mini-grid application (linked in my profile) due to issues I was experiencing with OSgrid. One of which was the problem with losing MESH assets. It was a well known fact that some 'textures' would go missing but eventually return again. My biggest issue was mesh assets being worn on NPCs while rezzed inworld. One NPC had his head missing, the maid had a missing foot. Console errors would warn me that my NPCs were not going to be fully drawn. I keep boxes of all assets for NPCs and the backups also had the same missing content problem. It does not end there, boxes with mesh items rezzed on land inworld (not in inventory folders) were also affected. It was my understanding (from online articles) that storing items on land was generally regarded as being safer than keeping items in your inventory.

What do you do?

When attempting to load an old oar to OSgrid, I discovered that it will ignore assets which are already in their database, even if the osgrid entry is damaged or missing. So the only way to get those items back is to load this oar on another grid. Maybe a Standalone, Dreamgrid or any other server which has it's own database. Here is how my recovery procedure worked:

1. I loaded an oar backup (from a hidden INVENTORY REGION) I made LAST NIGHT which had several thousand missing items. During the creation process, RED console errors gave warnings of items that would not be included in the archive.

2. I created a separate region to load oars (made last year and the year before) of that SAME sim. As the oars were loading I noticed it was skipping assets and only loading the missing content. I had one old oar load 15 assets and skip the 25k+ which were already in the database. In this experiment, I used several oars in the "recovery" region. I emptied the sim after each oar load. I figured It would not necessary to keep the content live.

3. When all was said and done, this produced an interesting side effect. Since missing assets are now in my new database, I could go into the region which once had asset loading errors and rez mesh content which was previously missing. This tells me that the damaged oar had mention of the missing assets written into it and all that was needed is to load the missing items into the database for retrieval. The way Oar archives work is nothing short of genius!

4. Once the procedure is complete a NEW OAR can be made (with noticeably less content errors) and the Wizardry & Steamworks database cleanup procedure (https://grimore.org/opensim/database/asset_cleaner) can be used to discard database bloat.

Anyway, I wanted to share my findings on this topic and I hope it will help someone who has lost assets. As a content creator, I can tell you it is devastating to lose things you spent a great deal of personal time making. An old saying comes to mind: "Never keep all of your eggs in one basket". Having a hypergrid enabled standalone region on the side will let you get those lost items back. If you wish to stay on OSgrid, you can have your alt bring recovered data to your OSgrid region with NEW asset IDs.

I cannot stress enough... BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP your DATA.

-Peace & Love

Jerralyn Franzic: Curious... I'm basically a user in Open Sim. I don't have any land that I rent/own and I don't run a sim. Is it possible for me to back up my inventory in OSgrid using the OAR method? I'm looking to... 2 years ago

Full Avatar Evo Valentine's day #arkhamcity

Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamcity

Mystische Lofoten -- Mystical Lofoten
hg.cc-group.cc:8002:CCI Lofoten

Virtual Melody Grid: looks great! :) 2 years ago