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Little hacker bastard. Look how big the story is. You can hack as much as you want. It doesn't change the story. You are only momentary and nothing you do as a hacker makes you bigger. You are nothing, you have nothing, you will not have been in the end. How pathetic and pitiful. You think what you do is important and right. But you are alone, frustrated, and your hacking successes are those pathetic self-affirmations that don't really satisfy you. You want a world where you are respected. But you are not able to find your way in this world. Not able to approach people and see and accept the positive. To be or not to be, that is the question. In the end it was light or nothing. It's up to you. The negative cannot win. The + always flows to the - and no hacker turns it around. Hackers are mostly children of drug parents or rich people who are socially unfit. So sad, OK smart kids wake up sometime and make something of their life. Failures give up and their characters become impoverished. They fight hard for recognition in an environment where everyone is abusing everyone else to achieve the same illusion. In principle intelligent .... but what use is it if you are socially unfit? There are people who have created positive things, whose name will survive. Your miserable life and the attempts to enrich yourself ...... Your demise will not be noticed.

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

Nice Minik from Stark Islands ZetaWorlds did another great edition as photographer with the beautiful Vanessa Mondar, her model and muse.

You can get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.

this might be my final Aurora Borealis.....after a decade of fiddling:)
It looks kinda vague on the pic....u need see it in action inworld, see my Picks

Teleport Arkham City

Teleport Arkham City

BOM Caterina - Dia De Los Muertos Now at Steamland

New Shop I am Working on. Has the FestAvi items I have collected over the years (Yes I have gotten permission to put them there). More to come but Check it out.

Thank you FreyaJo8 for giving me inspiration. In the beginning when first learning to create jewelry I asked about rigging. It was suggested to me at the time to not rig because it gave to many issues like the necklace doesn't lay right but instead flops around unrealistically. So with that I shelved the idea of rigging and did not want the added expense of Avastar. So Freya commented that the rings float and don't lay right, so it prompted me to research again to see what is new with rigging. As it turns out there is a kit for Maitreya with mesh hands that are rigged so it is just a matter of placement of ring on model. I have MS so have a very hard time with dexterity and vision so getting it to place just right is the challenge for me but it is a new year with new goals and this is one. I will work hard at trying to get all "new" rings rigged, just please be patient with me :)


Free House Gallery I and Free House Gallery II
Come soon as free download OAR so all can
open this two popular sim with a trafic from
700-1000 visitors in 30 day. :-D

Hello, bonjour
terrain en trav aux
changement, changing

Why not visit the new Adult Movie Studio's in the City and watch some of the stunning girls perform for you. Please be aware you must be over 18 to enter The City and its venues due to scenes of sexual activity. More shows will be added soon.

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

HELP!!! lol I'm looking for someone to help me create parcels and put in teleporters. I'm a bit behind and have to do 50 4x4s building so this other type of help would be great. It is paid and I will need more help off and on so I would like to know if anyone wants to work with this longterm. The other people in our Artistic and Non Profit group are not tech and so its up to me to get it ready for them. Its not loads of money but im willing to pay. As this grows in Jan i will be hiring additional staff regular. hugss
Now.....We are going to organize a Dj's Marathon on Party Destination Grid in order to be able to touch the most hearts. International Solidarity is a force not to be lost. Dj Stevie .Dj Illusion. Dj Viktor. If you are Dj contact me.

need something fun for halloween? Tired of the same ole stuff thats around? Steamland might be the answer. 3 new outfits (Mechanical Birdcage, Hells Demon, and Which Witch?)

Virtualife presents a new dream land, Wedding Virtualife, for your ceremonies for the most beautiful day, complete with church, restaurant, disco all this on the sea, come and crown your dream with us we are waiting for you

My Pretty Valentine bento and classic ring, Free/Full Perms Jewelry

It's me, at the beach in Pearl Sea region, Discovery Grid!

Teleport Arkham City

Teleport Arkham City

Mythos- the land Of Myth & Legend-Alternate Metaverse Grid

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

Colorful, beautiful and a little bit crazy..
Come in and find out

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

Teleport Arkham City

Created this Outworldz Dreamgrid ring with @Fred Beckhusen 's permission you can find this ring at Monentes Jewelry store too. I have it bento rigged and also Classic! Thank you Fred! Jewelry One note though the bento rigged avatar cost is way up there, it has to do with the data in the rigging. The classic avatar ring is much lower cost, I am wearing it and it works with my bento hands too.

Teleport Arkham City

Teleport Arkham City

A beautiful Pandoran region, unlike most you have seen. Lush tropical plants, there are free plants at the landing, a nice place to unwind.

Teleport Arkham City

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

I created a bento rigged set of three bangle bracelets with two pinkie rings. Please know that because there are five pieces the avatar cost does go up so the secret is when you are adding your clothing choose wisely, shoes, hair and clothing with jewelry the cost naturally goes up. Depending what you wear is what the final avatar cost will be. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Enjoy and share!
YAY Region

Virtual Discovery Tour Mardi 12 Janvier 2021.
Rdv à l'accueil de VD à 20h45 (heure de paris) ,nous irons au Brésil à Santa Catarina !!!
Virtual Discovery Tour Tuesday January 12, 2021.
Meeting at the reception of VD at 8:45 p.m. (Paris time), we will go to Brazil to Santa Catarina !!!

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

Heart Bezel with Diamond, diamonds also adorn the band
My Sweetheart rigged-Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Rigged pinky rings at Monentes Jewelry! Yes I said rigged :) More rings coming soon. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Toute l'équipe de Virtual Dream vous souhaite tout ses meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année 2021 .
Mardi 5 Janvier reprise du Virtual Discovery Tour
Rendez vous à l'accueil de VD à 20h45 .
The entire Virtual Dream team wishes you all the best for the new year 2021.
Tuesday January 5 resumption of the Virtual Discovery Tour
Meet at the VD reception at 8:45 p.m.
Rogue Galaxy Sings LIVE at GasWorks 6PM

Saturday night is "LIVE" night this week at GasWorks! And no one better than the fabulous Rogue Galaxy! Rogue has a basket full of new songs in her arsenal and they are fantastic and FUN!! Blues, pop, romantic and swingin'... Rogue sings it all! Come find out, and find your smile :) Join your friends tonight at GasWorks.. A whole night of fun is in store for you!

renewed Sarracenia, this time, the Leucophylla