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House rezzers on land allow you to rez mansions on your new parcels.

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh, really? That's impressive! I don't think I've come across similar tech in SL. 5 months ago
21st September is WORLD PEACE DAY!

Whilst it may seem slightly frivolous, ZetaWorlds is having an event/party, We can't end the wars, the assault on Ukraine by Putin's Russia, the conflict in Gaza made worse by Israel's tamper tantrum, the military junta terrorizing Myanmar, but we can raise awareness and we can make a difference!

Anyone that buys a region that day, any package really, all proceeds will be given to Angel of Life aid for Ukraine! Let's raise some money!
The charity is linked here:
(additional information: [added by Mathilda Stark])

The day starts of with a Q&A session again with Edison and Vincent answering burning issues, questions, and talking us through planned upgrades etc. Please direct your questions and anything you might want to discuss here:

So the timetable for the day:
8am: Q&A Session
10am: Quirkessential DJane HAZEL ITO plays one of her unique mixes
11am: Sees the return of live singer ROGUE GALAXY to center stage
12 noon: High noon, for our live DJ MATTIE
1pm: It's the normally naked DJ RUUD, but this time at least partly clothed, don't miss this!
2pm: Our lovely ELLEMIR takes over the decks before handing over at
3pm: to the next live DJ NORA COLA

So please come and join us, donate to great charities one way on another, and make it a night to show support for the wronged and a world living in peace and harmony!

If that somehow offends you: Attacking fellow humans is abhorrent whether it be punching your neighbor or invading a whole country for no reason.

(Original source:

Caribia: Most of the russian people are against this war and world peace should show in virtual too 5 months ago

Every Tuesday we stir up some dust in Wild Kingdom in Neverworld featuring Sasha King LIVE

I have just finished placing out 19 new items in Vesti. The Everyday InsTYle store has some, as well as Fever, The Lingerie Shop, The Latex Source and Xara. Also placed 1 new wedding dress that fits Xara/LaraX is up stairs in Elegance.
Need something new, well come check it all out..

Even though it says "Offline", the region is up and running

In just a few short very busy days we have really developed this beautiful area, adding water below and attaching Aspen Homesites to the continent. Also, to the east I have added a sandbox for Bountiful Members only. I started putting in some street signs as the roads are very complex. There is a large freeway as you can see running West-East. The Waterways have either raised bridges, or drawbridges. There are tons of embankments and other details. yesterday I added some sims to the east that are named after Fallout 4 place names. Maybe we will do a RP on that area ... we shall see. Come visit, and come get a free parcel. PARCELS ARE FREE TO ALL IN THE CONTINENT NOW. Please follow the few rules: be nice, build only in theme of the region, no ban lines, no terraforming. Thats it!

Star Ravenhurst: I have always found putting in a road/path system a challenge. This looks amazing and I know it was no easy task. Adding street signs isn't easy either. Well done! 2 years ago
FREE LAND -- as usual!
Update: We have five parcels in Stardew ready. (next sim over part of the continent project) Self serve, just click the mailbox and delete the available sign. All of the parcels are waterfront with street frontage. Lot E is a bit smaller and has the most streetfrontage, would be good for a service station, small marina, gift shop, grocery store, restaurant, or small retail. All free!
Thank you to everyone who so far has stepped in to help with the continent project. I will be parceling later today in Stardew. There will be nice waterfront parcels .
Parcels are homestead sized - 12K meters and up and they are flat. They are suitable for a home site. You will own the land so you can change the name of the parcel and set home. And its free.
You are allowed to fence your property if need be, but no ban lines please. Lets keep these areas semi public, semi private.
Look for the available signs in Stardew to claim a parcel.

This is our blank slate. Who wants to start using tons of prims here? Prim limits are 5000 on ALL free parcels.