Trouble Ahead @Trouble


Owner of Catronian Archipel in Kitely

Come sail your own historical ship, free!! We made a ship ( see pic ) in a rezzer for all who wish to learn to sail the historical ship Statenjacht Utrecht. When you board the ship, a HUD for navigation will attach automatically on your avatar so you can start immediately testing the sails and the cannons! More people can rezz ships, so you can take your friends and have a test battle as well. You will find the rezzer by walking through the " sailing school " teleporter at our landing point, and you will find your way. There is a book close to the rezzer you can use as a tutorial , but we also arranged a personal teacher for you: IM in Kitely captain Snoots Dwagon for an appointment , he will lead you to a higher level in the sailing battles! Many thanks to Christine Nyn who made the rezzer for us. ( the ship flies a white flag, so no other captains will attack you! )