TrishiaOConnell @TrishiaOConnell

USA Offline

Irish Thickhead living in the US


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Is it inclusive hair or do I have to search for the right hair ? Is there a styling card included?
no hair you can use whatever you want as long as it is EVOX
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if no one like children avatars, why are there so many shops for childrens clothes?
There are just a few very vocal people who HATE child avatars whereas the rest have no issue pro or con about them. To me they are at least more realistic then furries, dinkies, fairies and dwarves who all qualify as being of short stature.
While this isn't on-topic with my original post: I'm okay with shops that offer stuff for perfectly clean children's outfits.

But whenever I see a kids' shop that offers fully nude skins and scripted boy dicks, it seriously makes me wonder.

Is that shop owner so clueless about what's in the boxes in spite of what's shown on them? I mean, I know that next to no shopkeep in the Hypergrid curates their stuff, and many slap boxes with broken permissions or even empty boxes against their shop walls, but seriously.

Has that shop owner only hung up that stuff for completion's sake, hoping in all seriousness that nobody will buy it?

Is that shop owner naïve enough to believe that THEIR customers will ALL only acquire that stuff to play nudist family?

Is that shop owner so out of the loop that they're completely unaware of the existence of paedo ageplayers both generally and in OpenSim specifically, so they can't imagine these items could possibly be acquired for sexual purposes?

Does that shop owner know but (pretend to) not care who acquires that stuff and what for?

Is that shop owner secretly (or not so secretly) a proud paedo supplier? Or paedo themselves?

Or does that shop owner secretly have a logger script running to identify avatars who come and pick up that stuff, and the shop is nothing but a paedo honeypot after all?
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Access denied when I want to teleport