TrishiaOConnell @TrishiaOConnell

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Irish Thickhead

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MEEP MEEP... next one is ready to go.. The Road Runner !!!

For all shogun and asian fans...

TrishiaOConnell: Amazing new items you have. Thank you for that! 1 month ago

All my best wishes for a successful, peaceful Easter from

TrishiaOConnell: same to you 2 months ago

besides St. Patrick´s ...everything you need for a good easter shopping experience..

Everything you need to decorate and celebrate St. Partrick´s day. Come have a look and give it a try!

some still stuck to Valentine parties..some prepare for easter...but remember 17th of March is St. Patrick´s day!

Don´t forget.. Feb. 14th is Valentines day!!

Omy2024: So cute, thanks so much Thomas - you have some fabulous gifts at your sim and it is very appreciated. 5 months ago
Happy new year ! Seems nothing has changed and the anarchy goes on on this side. Back from vacation and going on vacation next week. Here are some updates.. The experimental sim with "purgatory" on it will be dissolved and parts of the sim will be found again on heavy water. Heavy water is undergoing major expansion and is therefore closed for an indefinite period of time. Afterwards, group access as usual. Cockatiels paradise, as you would expect, receives regular updates and is always changing. Greetings!

New items arrived ..have fun!

Dear Friends.. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. Have a good new year too! Your Thomas

Trizzy Hunter: Merry Christmas Thomas and have a safe New Year. Here's to 2024 may all you wishes and dreams come to pass. 6 months ago

the turkey stays alive!!!

RosemaryWoodhouse: Gives me cool ideas for my thanksgiving decorations in rl. 7 months ago

Like my grandma said..if one door is closing ..another door will open..and in this case...the doors are open !! Have fun on the winter sims Xanten and Atmos

That's it for this year. I would like to thank all of my loyal visitors who brought the sim to life. I hope you had a nice time. Many things that you suggested last year had been implemented and have brought a breath of fresh air into the sim.
Unfortunately, there were a few black sheep who didn't know how to behave. That's why I couldn't keep my promise to keep the sim open to everyone and everything this year.
Thanks also to the visitors who actually r e a l l y visited various Halloween Sims and then gave their great reviews.
I would like to thank you again for the many great encounters. It was an honor to be the host again this year.Hopefully we see you all back next year. Until then, have a good time.
Your Thomas

SheaButter: I actually visited many Halloween builds, and left reviews on most. Your still on the top 10 for me Thomas. Great collection you have there, enjoyed visiting, and thanks for sharing. 7 months ago