TrisTH @TrisTH

EspaƱa Offline

SysAd :) Systems administrator among sheep

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I asked Nyx Breen if he would like to join our exhibit and display his work too at Mind Odyssey, to my delight he has accepted and will be working on his exhibit in the coming days. Thank you, Nyx.

nyxbreen: Marianna thanks for the article and looking forward to upcoming projects. 3 years ago

Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]

Come learn Blender one little bite at a time.
We are learning many things together, rigging, animesh, converting prims to mesh for OpenSim.
Don't be shy to ask a question or discuss a problem with Blender, bring it and we'll see if we can solve it.
I've created a YouTube channel with some of the beginner stuff the way I teach it. Check it out at
Class is held almost every Wednesday at 9:30AM, you must be able to hear voice to get the instruction, a Blender screen is shared on a media prim and on a WEB page (using Screen Leap).


demzel chat

Just arrived to Oceanid II - Zoe's mall II, the new Bento BoM Mesh Body (Athena6), and all the New BoM layers, for your gorgeous bodies.
Enjoy share and be happy!