TrisTH @TrisTH

España Offline

SysAd :) Systems administrator among sheep

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Honestly... let's be clear... there are grids that are really terrible, they are just awful, and they have the audacity to advertise themselves as if they were the best...

I wonder how users don't realize that they are in a mess and consciously decide to stay there, but we'll address this topic in the days following the holidays. For now, I want to be kind to those who deserve it...



And Merry Christmas to all Christians, happy holidays to everyone else.

KrisTina: Why is the region in question still taking up the Rank 2 spot if it's "Inaccurate" ? 1 years ago
THE WITCHES HUD is BACK! Everything broken is now fixed!!! Works fantastic, with some beautiful spell changes to the hud! I worked like mad on this to fix it for all of you for a gift! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! note: unfortunately i've not had time to fix the fairy hud, the vampire hud, and the wizard hud. But the witches hud and the elf hud are fixed and fully operational.

CyberGlo CyberStar: To get it just go to It's upstairs on the bookshelves. 1 years ago
I just opened my first store for my new Egyptian antiquities at ACRES Mega Sky Mall in Digiworldz. Currently this is the only place on the hypergrid you can find these since I do not yet sell them at my home region of Luxor or at the Main Store on Wolf Territories grid. Here you'll find Egyptian statues, decor, and vendors for some of my larger Egyptian structures, one of which is displayed outside. The mall uses Digi currency and there is a Podex terminal at the mall entrance.

Store Address: hop://

Clan's Band preparing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
All redheads will get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

Hypergrid International Expo opens this Friday and sessions start Saturday in multiple languages!

HG Address: Welcome

For full information go here:

TrisTH: thanks for thinking about the subtitles, I will try to remember and attend 1 years ago
The rusty locomotive of forgotten history...

100 years ago, on 23/09/1923, in a slightly more advanced country, the people rose up and stopped the first attempt of fascism to seize power. The uprising is drowned in blood by the fascist government, but it still succeeds because the government falls from power and the fascists never succeed in fooling our people again.
Unfortunately, after only 10 years, fascism succeeded in another country and is still fooling the more naive people of the world.
Little evidence remains from that time.
In front of the train station in the town of Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, the locomotive of modern history is rusting... Yes, that's right, with this locomotive with the iconic number 555, more than 100 years ago, progress moved across half of Europe (try to find more of his long history).
Lost or intentionally deleted pages of history, changed facts... Maybe you also need safe transportation for the future? The locomotive is here, it hasn't escaped...

CyberGlo CyberStar: Now that's a grocery hauler! My GT can only carry so little b/c of tiny trunk and tiny back seat. Who live there? midgets? 1 years ago

We collectively raised $206 for charity with $108 going to UNICEF as 36 visitors attended out charity event! We decided to triple our donation for such a great turnout. Attendees at the event pitched in another $98 towards charities. Thanks to Posy Potts, Mathilda Stark, Niki Stark and Edison Rex!

If you can, please continue to support a charity of your choice or donate to one of these. Thank you all so much for this great event and the donations!

Here is the original post:


To celebrate World Peace Day we are holding a charity event on the 21st of September. You can visit the events region during that day and find some links to charities if you wish to donate and for every visitor during that day we will donate $1 to UNICEF.

Later that day at 10am grid time we will kick off a little event for everyone with your favorite DJs.

10am - Hazel Ito QUIRKY ECLECTIC
noon - Mattie Stark LIVE!
and at 2pm Vincent Sylvester will just play music until you keel over....


niki stuart: A great party fro a great cause thanks to all concerned 1 years ago

Having a good time welcome, we will visit you soon..

ELVEN HUD version 20 released!!!
If you are an elf you need this hud! :) Recently updated, and many bug fixes.
The hud collapses to a small trifoil button which when clicked expands the buttons of the hud. What the buttons do:
1) Teleport - presents a menu to tp you to anyone in a sim.
2) Spy - presents you menu to zoom in on anyone on your sim.
3) Scrying - rezzes a green ball that you click. This ball has several menus. It is used for finding things. You click the ball and select the type of items you are looking for, such as agents, active, scripted prims, passive prims. Then it shows you a list of all such items near you. Then you click select and click an item in the menu. The ball shoots out a greenish stream of light to point to the item. Great for finding lost tiny things that you can't see.
4) Invisible - Turn off your ao and click invisible and you sink below the ground, seemingly disappearing from view. To return to view just click the round TRI-Foil button. Note clicking the round trifoil button ends most spells.
5) Sanctuary - This rezzes a lovely fantasy elven pavillion created by cat of alternate metaverse grid. Then... It tp's you to the top of your own ivory tower, giving you a few of the lands. To get rid of it when you're done, just click the trifoil button and the entire tower vanishes magically. You can also invite friends to sit at the top of the tower with you and contemplate the meaning of the forest. :)
6) Shield - This just rezzes a simple shield that will ask if it can attach to your avatar. To end this shield simply click the trifoil button. :)
7) Speed - This increases your walking, running, and flying speed by 3x the normal values. So you can zoom across your land at the speed of a wood elf. :) To stop and return to normal speed just click the speed button again. It will tell you in local chat your speed is returned to normal.
8) Attack - If you are on a land where you can rez, this will present a menu of people nearby. If you select a name, blue light will shoot from your hand and zoom to that person. The person will be caught up in a whirlwind of bluefire, and as they try to walk they will be lifted higher and higher off the sim. To end this magic effect just click the trifoil button.
~ Note ~ This is the only magic hud that is currently working due to recent changes in the scripting engine. I will go through the other huds eventually and update them to work again. Starting with the ones people request. Those huds are: wizard hud, witch hud, fairy hud, vampire hud.
Note: The radar hud and the multisim status reporter hud have been updated as of today to work with the current sim changes. All 3 huds ( elven hud, radar hud, and multisim status report hud ), are all available at wizardry.
Please enjoy and have fun.

We are in the Kingdom of Del Dewel Mall prowling for our next victim will you be our next victim join us.
lol nothing but fun.

I am pleased to advertise the second blender class on rigging. Below is the notecard of required downloads to participate. Class will meet here promptly at 9PM Grid time.
downoad wuff

Oni Girl

auto rig

blender 3.5 preferred

KatKakoola: Just taken a look at those links, some things I didn't know about so I'll delve a little deeper! Kudos for posting this stuff, new things and new imagination are always needed x Sending 100 Excellence... 1 years ago
Below is a reposting of a comment I made in response to Openlife’s pathetic and wrongheaded rebuff to my initial post. I promised to repost my comment if it was deleted from the thread. Not only did my comment get deleted, but I have been blocked, but through the wonderful technology of alts I am able to access Onellife’s diatribe and also what others who have blocked me are posting. No surprises, it has allowed Onelife to distort and manupulate in order to put across his (wrongheaded) point of view, even to the point of contradicitng themselves on a few occasions.

Seriously, 4chan and 8chan could learn stuff from this lot! Indeed, the more I think about it there is an element in Opensim that seems to want to promote some kind of conspiracy theory. Inadvertantly I seem to have provided fodder, though I cannot for the life of me see how my few comments, none of them at all outrageous, unless you’re one of the EIOSSBF cartel, have created such a furore From that they seem to have taken on a life of their own, becoming ever more grossly distorted according to the viewpoint people like Onelife want to project. Good luck to them, my original piece is there to refute their accusations.


Good to see that there is at least a fewwho have a balanced view of the software industry. In the interests of full disclosure I am the person who wrote the article for which Openlife’s article is, I suppose, a attempted rebuff .

For clarity's sake, my piece is still up and there to read. Several people have rather bizarrely taken what I wrote and assumed that it is an endorsement of the EchoVoice project. It is not. It is, however, an opinion piece suggesting that if we want the nice things in Opensim, then it's likely we'll have to pay for them, or do without - it really is that simple. EchoVoice was used as an exemplary, nothing else.

I was also accused by Openlife of more or less demanding money with menaces, and by another suggesitng that I was calling people ‘cheap’*.when all I did was to suggest that most people could afford small contributions: not that they had to, and nowhere did I even hint that people should donate, merely that they more than likely could. Of course there will be a very small number of people who won’t be able to afford to contribute to anything, but I hardly think they will exist in any significant number in virtual worlds as they will be destitute, not inworld, and have far more to worry about than the people on here who are triggered at any suggestion that they could, shock, horror, pay some money for something for once in Opensim.

One of Harper Held’s comments was so abusive and intemperate that I not only deleted all their comments, but also blocked them. Both Openlife and GlennXpletive had some of their comments deleted due to them being either needless repetition, or irrelevant rants that had no place and only served to interrupt the flow of the thread. Because of this Xpletive then felt it okay to make xenophobic comments about my ethnicity. A complaint has been made about that.

Any pertinent comments were left. And yet I have been accused by Xpletive of restrictung their free speech, which is ludircrous. If they want to rant about me there are plenty of places where they could do that, and heck, they could even set up a website to do that - but of course, to do that properly, it would cost them money, and presumably these people are the core of the ‘Everything in Opensim should be free’ cult.

Sure, it's possible that someone could come along and do it for 'free', but it's unlikely. The eagle-eyed will also have spotted that my piece, whilst focusing on a voice module, was somewhat wider in scope, and was presenting an argument that maybe we should be prepared to cough up a small amount of money, if we want nice things in Opensim. There is a precedent, though it’s from 2015 (before the EIOSSBF nonsense started)

And if that wasn’t enough, there is this one so we could have decent vehicles in Opensim:

And... Related to what trggered the OP into writing their piece:

However, that one didn’t succeed, probably because of the avaialbility of Vivox, which, to a degree is understandable, but hardly an ideal solution.

The notion that Red Hat Linux is free of cost because Fedora is free is also a bit of a dishonest claim. Red Hat does have a cost:

EDIT: IBM through Red Hat largely finances both Fedora and CentOS Stream, and development is by both the community and paid professionals employed by Red Hat. A symbiotic relationship common to many opensource projects.

And, as Mike Chase says in his comment, there is a heck of a lot of paid-for work in GNU/Linux and the ‘free’ is more about freedom than free of cost, and, to be fair, most distros don’t make a charge for, but many (if not most) do ask for a contribution to cover their costs, such as this, from Ubuntu MATE:

I certainly didn’t intend to stir up a hornets (or is it a vipers?) nest over this, all I wanted to do in essence was show how the power of numbers could work hugely to our collective advantage. Anyone might think I’d suggested that people should donate their life savings, or steal the bread from their childern’s mouths! Seriously, some of you would do well to go back to school and learn English comprehension.

*Come to think about it, I do think that most of those bitterly complaining and using the poverty of others as a weapon with which to beat me are indeed ‘cheap’. Not just because they don’t want to contribute towards Opensim project, but because they are cynically and despicably exploiting poor people to bolster their arguments rather than going off and berating exploitative employers for not paying their workers enough to live a comfortable life, or petitioning the government to ensure that adequate unemployment benefits are paid to workers unable to find work.

A great alternative to vivox is mumble. It's changed a lot since the mumble-whisper project for opensim back in 2010. I run a mumble server right here at my house, and anyone can connect to it and try it out. On windows just download the mumble client or on apple mac download this client
Mumble also has clients in most linux package managers already ready to go. Mumble has super high voice quality and it's totally private. I've already used it at my grid with several people and the quality was amazing. Plus the fact the mumble server runs on a small raspberry pi at my home with zero problems. If you wish to connect to it, just use as the server address and you can try it out on port 64738. There are also mumble 'servers' for windows, mac os, and linux. So you can run it on something besides a raspberry pi, and have your completely secure and private own voice server. I understand a lot of people worry about vivox listening in to their private conversations. ok. Here's an alternative. What's great about it is you can play opensim with mumble in the background so it doesn't affect the game play at all, AND it's great voice quality.

MrSnoodle: So does the end user who randomly enters your region need to do anything other than click the talk button in the viewer to be able to talk? 1 years ago
What I always kept missing, was a good dark shade of an upcoming wave.
so, time for a game changer. Made it a double,one in blending alpha, second on masking and dark....oh well, u gotta see em!
After 14 years of trying, I'm finally happy with this one:)
Think I'm gonna throw em in ZZHOP on the next Expo round.

Fun With Curves! I wanted a nice looking rope at the end of the dock,and,of course, bollards. The pelican is on the animesh drawingboard:)

Created a new nice spot, on ZZhop Island, with waves...well, u need see em yourself
Perfect spot to relax and let my mind wander.
can u spot the mermaid on the rocks?:)

OVERHAUL of ZweetZ' shop is done;lights, main floor now glass with big hole,stairs going down to basement, where I will line up all the statues; I started to make mesh game characters, beauties, samples are already there. Lemme know what u think! ? :)

New project, Next one will be better :) Stay tuned
(Nexus Textures, Joe Mesh)

Ellen: When is the private tour? 2 years ago
Once I'm finished upgrading Luxor, it might be time to revisit this project and turn it into something really fabulous. I have some interesting ideas, including a possible Atlantis region. We'll see. This began life a few years ago as a scene concept for a chapter in a book I'm writing, then I set it aside until I could decide what I wanted to do with it.

You can see the current version at my main store on Wolf Territories Grid. Click the Roman sign in the lobby to go there.

Here's the address: Emporium - Main Store
Me gustaría aclarar algo porque se ha puesto en duda, como siempre, por estos lares, la integridad de muchos de nosotros a la hora de poner cosas en las tiendas. He abierto mi primera tienda en Opensim, gracias a un gran amigo que me ha dejado un local en su terreno. Ha sido una de las pocas cosas que me han mantenido entretenida y mi única idea era compartir, con todo aquel que perdiera un poco de su tiempo en visitar el lugar, las cosas que he podido ir comprando en otros grids. Cosas que al comprarlas aparecen como copy/modidy/transfer. No he robado nada a nadie, principalmente porque no sé hacerlo, y, aunque supiera, tampoco lo haría. Creo que la mayoría de los que nos movemos por Opensim, queremos tener cosas bonitas, interesantes, diferentes...Yo he pasado muuuchas horas recorriéndome todos los sitios que he podido, buscando items que merecieran la pena, otros que me parecían graciosos, otros, símplemente para ayudar a otras personas a montar sus tiendas, decorar sus casas, sus terrenos...lo que sea. Los que me conocen, saben que esto lo hago porque me encanta descubrir sitios nuevos y, si de paso, encuentro tiendas que me venden cosas que puedo compartir, pues mejor. Las cosas que están en mi pequeño rincón, están tal y como las he comprado. Podéis ver el nombre del creador y a qué grid pertenece. Yo no modifico nada porque es el trabajo que ha hecho otra persona y no voy a ocultarlo porque no sería justo para ellos (según pienso yo, eh? que esta es una opinión personal y mi modo de actuar). Así que, bueno, espero no haber ofendido a nadie. Solo comparto esto porque duele que te acusen de cosas que no has hecho y afecten a otras personas que gentilmente han confiado en mí.

thedeeferry: It's All Good, Sweetgirl. 2 years ago
Classic Closet new outfit Mesh Denim Shift with Leather Belt-Turquoise Blossom Necklace. Pair this with nice cowboy boots and a hat! Please read the terms enclosed.

Antonia Ling: A really nice outfit and I like it. I don't think I can wear one of these super-short-micro-mini-skirts as an adult and serious woman. Just my opinion. 2 years ago
Today I want to tell you about Haven of Memories and my Dear friend, Lavia Lavine who created it with her own builds as well as stuff from many talented folks in our Metaverse. One of her best talents in MHO is putting together "Scenes". One of her best qualities is her loving heart...and her orneriness. ;) This fountain was put together using her own stuff as well as many other talented creators' work. You can't tell by the photo but the water moves down the steps perfectly and she worked hard to make it happen. Amazing to see in person! It isn't linked so you can't just come and grab it. I am showing this to you because it is simply stunning and the whole region is peaceful, comforting, and beautiful for reflection, memories, and feeling close to your loved ones. What a beautiful Memorial Garden! You don't even have to have an account on the grid to have a memorial of your loved one here. The only requirement is that they lived a Virtual life on any grid in the Metaverse. It is a way for all of us to remember them in one place that we can visit at any time. I took this photo because I thought this was so beautiful and everyone should know that it is there for all of us!!! Thanks, Lavia!

LaviaLavine: Thank you Star for that wonderful review and yes we welcome anybody from any grid who would like to memorialize a loved one from the virtual world, however we also have a section for those whom have b... 2 years ago

We are making a change for regions that are closed to group access only. While it is allowed to list your region here (if it is hypergrid-accessible), your region must be assigned to the category "Group Access/Private". You can go to your region's page to change that category.

The regions that are group-only will be marked with a [G] in the beacon and in the website listings

KrisTina: Thanks! 2 years ago

Wow! That's a lot of visitors for 3 days.

SheaButter: That's three days, and a lot of Avitron. 2 years ago

A wonderful day for some sailing. This is Duyfken , a model of the first Dutch ship reaching Australia (coincidentally)

My Sister Ms. Kitty shared this with me this morning. She finds the best stuff! Especially when she knows I have an interest in something. This is around 18 minutes and worth every minute of your time. It will open, blow, and astound your mind. At least it did me. A thousand kudos to the creator of this short film!
I hope it is OK to post a link here. I just want everyone to watch this. SO creative.
My very first attempt at a fully mesh living room suit. It has a sofa, chair, coffee table, end table and multicolored touch floor lamp that works. The sofa and chair both have sits, just right click the cushion, select sit here and when you sit the menu pops up. The only thing not mesh is the oval area rug for obvious reasons, it's only one prim to start with. The upholstery pattern is "Peacock" and the wood is light walnut. The coffee and end table are brass, glass and wood. I hope you will enjoy this suit for your region as much as I did making it. - Blessings and much love, Lavia
Oggi scrivo perche sono veramente arrabbiata e ritengo che non sia questo il modo in cui si dovrebbe "giocare" nel metaverso .
Troppe invidie , troppe paranoie ...appena entri in una land subito che ti vengono in I.M. per dirti che non si può copiare non vi sembra di essere tutti un po troppo ridicoli?
Capisco i quelli che gia copiano roba degli altri che vogliono???
E poi diciamocelo quasi tutto quello in open sim è stato "rubato " da second life con programmi non proprio leciti e legali!
Quindi dico uno lascia il "copia" non vedo perche non copiare....diverso è se come detto prima si usano programmi non leciti e allora è giusto protestare .
Poi a volte vi dimenticate che questa NON E' LA REALTA'!
Qui non ci si sposa davvero...non ci si fidanza davvero non si va a letto a dormire davvero......VIVETE LA VITA REALE CHE E' MEGLIO!

TrisTH: more of the same from my post today.... 2 years ago
We are greatly honored to be able to add a beautiful tribute Memorial Wall for a very precious man who did much to help many, Rudi Bakerly, was one of the most kind souls I have known and it was my privilege and honor to create this Memorial Wall to him. May he rest in eternal peace until we meet again at the rainbow bridge.

Hugabug: very beautiful memorial Rudi will be missed 2 years ago
For better or worse, I am sharing things I have done for online safety in Opensim, as the reader you can decide for yourself which actions to take. If you can learn from your own mistakes, you are pretty smart but if you can learn from SOMEONE ELSE'S mistakes, you are a genius!

After reading a number of posts on Opensimworld, it is apparent that some hobbyists of unaware of protections they have available when running Opensimulator for the first time. Some tinkerers may opt for running a simulator on their spare computer at home and connecting the region to an OPEN grid like OSgrid or Zetaworlds. Nothing beats the excitement of having your own land for the first time. You spend hours designing your city, giving it a theme, placing sit targets on all of your furniture; everything is 'ponies and rainbows' until some jerk comes in and decides to populate your territory with questionable objects in the hopes they can READ YOUR COMPLAINTS HERE ON OPENSIMWORLD while they are fondling their (ahem - your favorite depiction here) ego at your ire.

THE BEST RESPONSE TO TROLLS IS NO RESPONSE. When you ignore them, they move on to someone else who will make some noise... They are like vampires feeding off of negative energy.

The screenshot above illustrates things you can do to protect your simulators. In 'about land, options' section I un-check the Everyone boxes. Only Group users may use those features. You can also define who may enter, in 'about land, access' you can restrict access to a group or only certain individuals. Now some of you will say "Stop right there, my visitor's AO will not work or they cannot use their custom dance huds". The good news is that if your visitors are using the AO built into their viewer, that is not a problem, they will have their own custom animations or dances and will not need to run scripts. If the visitor is someone you can trust, you can allow them into the group... If you are having a party, you can temporarily enable script access to guests while you are present. When you are running the region it is up to YOU to POLICE IT. You have options for blocking hostiles in your built-in configuration files. There are also scripted solutions for traffic control where you can banish individual users, entire grids or IP ranges in real-time. You are free to seek out any technology which keeps your world safe. I strongly advise that you examine the code before employing these security devices.

For Hypergrid users: Enjoying a LAG-FREE experience is not the HOST's responsibility. IT IS YOURS.

As computers get more powerful each year, region operators WILL populate their sims with content that could bring many CPUs and display adapters to their knees. Lets face it, not everyone can afford to buy a new computer every year with all of the latest bells and whistles. When traveling you want to make sure your PC is optimized for controlling client side lag. Luckily, your viewer has features available to combat these issues. Reducing draw distance, particles, LOD and avatar complexity will give you better frame rates at the expense of reduced visual quality.

Other ways to protect yourself when traveling include: Making sure your SUITCASE IS EMPTY - the more junk you have in there, the more BLOAT that follows you as you travel. You can also make a lightweight hypergrid avatar. The screenshot above shows my actual inventory window. Instead of carrying everything on my person, I have everything rezzed on land in a hidden region on my grid that only I can access. Less inventory means less orange smoke at login. I have been told that some shady grid owners can use rogue simulator code see what is in your suitcase and copy it. I have also heard of grid operators cloning visitors via collision scripted objects - it is easy to copy stuff a cloned avatar is wearing. I always say "Never wear anything when traveling that you do not want some simpleton to copy". I have seen some nasty OSSL code that will crash the sim of the person who cloned you without permission. Trolling the trolls can be fun BUT I digress, TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.

Opensim does not have to be the 'WILD WILD WEST' - protect yourselves & protect your regions. You and your guests can enjoy the best of Opensimulator.

As always, feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

Pagane: One more.... will say only once. Years ago one of oldtimers here show me how connect to IP port 8003 with linux terminal and direct send SQL commands. Priscilla use this hole and BASH SCRIPT yes, li... 2 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago

Is It Normal To Be So Normal?
This outfit? It's how I might dress in RL. And it's so damn normal looking...


Crazyposeidon: Normal is crazy. Normalities are moving away from reality at the present time. Everything that is “normal” is constantly changing. Don't forget normal is not normal !!! For many people, normality is a... 2 years ago

Orion: Medieval role-play in a galaxy light years away.

TrisTH: I think it's great that simulators are given content, especially fun and entertainment 2 years ago

Wir feiern Silver sein Birthday
seid dabei Welcome

Thank you @FredBeckhusen for adding the great new VR feature! We will be adding images to our new VHG VR page here Image shown here is Cherry Manga's exhibit Thank you Cherry!
You can see the exhibit here: Odyssey

TrisTH: I was able to enter, spectacular 2 years ago

This video was filmed live at the Copperville Holiday Celebration.
It features a presentation of Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
We gathered around the parlor and enjoyed the storytelling of Shandon Loring as we became immersed in the wonderful sets and characters created by Koshari Mahana & Kimm Starr.
A good time was had by all as most everyone came in period costumes as well. Kudos to everyone and Merry Christmas!

Symphony: Wonderful. loved the video version also. thank you for doing this and sharing 2 years ago

Boa noite a todos,

Grande Festa de Confraternização do Grid Terra Nova!

No comando: DJ Long Spiritor

Todos convidados!!!

Equipe de Festas de Terra Nova Grid.

I have a new shop at the Mall on the Genesis grid!! Star Ravenhurst Designs has original content, mostly prim twisted. You can take a TP to the Specialty shops to find it. Perhaps you will find some Christmas gifts for your friends and family! Also, check out the many houses and buildings at the mall on the lower levels. I have a few free buildings for you and will be adding more of my builds and content. There are also many builds by Thundergod Thor, Lavia, and Gramzy. Much Love and Peace to all of us in the New Year! Al Kahov

Thirza Ember: outstanding ! 2 years ago
Suggestion: Three categories of avatars on sims
I have a suggestion for OpenSimWorld which will also involve the beacon, namely to sort avatars on sims into three categories.

One, staff and residents. These are the avatars that represent the sim owners, residents on homesteads and everyone else who lives and/or works on a sim. Their UUIDs have to be listed on a notecard. The UUID of the owner of the beacon should automatically count as staff.

Staff and residents should count as activity so that you know that someone is on the sim, but not influence the popularity.

Two, bots and decorational avatars. These are the avatars that are mere decoration and that serve similar purposes as NPCs, but that aren't NPCs for whichever reasons. Their UUIDs have to be listed on a separate notecard.

Bots and decorational avatars should be treated the same as NPCs. They should neither count as activity nor influence the popularity. (Downside, admittedly: They could be used as flies on the wall to monitor sims.)

Three, visitors. These are the avatars that aren't on any notecard.

Only they will influence the popularity.

This will require new beacons. But this could be done in such a way that OSW will treat all avatars detected by old beacons like staff and residents. Activity will be shown, but it won't have any impact on your sim's popularity unless you replace your beacon. You want your popularity ranked, then get a new beacon. You can't be bothered to replace your beacon, then say buh-bye to your popularity.

The sim entries on OSW would require another change: The avatars graph would have to be split into two colours, one for staff and residents, one for visitors. This would show if staff is present (not whether it's AFK, though) if a sim isn't a homestead, and it'd also show whether staff and residents are correctly listed as such.

In order to enforce the correct use of the new beacon, each sim that's caught not listing staff, residents or bots as such will have its visitor count set to Inaccurate until it has proven to have fixed the issue.

TrisTH: That requires a change in the viewer, right? Or at least in Jopensim in user management 2 years ago

Free Hobbit House

Free Trees .. animated and without animation :))
