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Chapter 7 - Insomnium from my book Eos Renascent is now on Wattpad. You can read it here:

"Maeia jerked awake, choking and disoriented, and found herself on her hands and knees with hot, broken stone beneath her. Caustic, black smoke billowed in the air, burning her throat as she tried to breathe. The light from great fires raged in the distance, silhouetting shattered buildings and soaring structures and casting everything around her in an ethereal orange glow.

Feeling excruciating pain, she looked down at her arms to see red, bleeding skin and blackened blisters from severe burns. Lying on the ground nearby was the red sword she recognized from the sarcophagus. It had a faint red glow, as if it were red hot, especially around the handle grip.

What is happening to me?"

A misty swampy morning

The story so far...

Aurora Starchild: I *know* I still have to visit. But work is crazeh and little time I have I am using to bring some more pretty things for you folks 5 months ago
Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 5 months ago

dreams Pangea / Aedifex

OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.

Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 5 months ago
*NEW RELEASE* FONY BAOBAB MESH TREE (Adansonia Rubrostripa),coming straight from Madagascar to your SIM, FULL PERM and FREE! Seasonal textures included // leaves with smooth animation - 01 prim only. // Available at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Enjoy :)

Darci Viper: Thank You Jimmy :) 5 months ago

Your Limo:

How to create Mesh Models with AI Video >>>

CyberGlo CyberStar: Lone Wolf you always are at the fore front of technology with using A.I. I'm amazed at this ai mesh creator! Thank you for taking the time to demo this for all of us. Your videos are always very in... 5 months ago

Hippie Nude Year!

Aurora Starchild: Love the pic! Damn the look so happy :D 5 months ago
I don't make New Year's resolutions. I make a New Year's wish list. Here are a few wishes from thousands collected from 154 different countries.
• "I wish that the climate crisis will end."
• "I want the war to end in Ukraine and my father will come back home and live under the peaceful sky."
• "I wish for the world to be a little less homophobic and a lot more accepting in 2024."
• "I wish for a year when I finally have the courage to do the things I'm scared to do and achieve the things I've dreamt of."
• "My wish is to become financially stable, but also take my mom on her bucket list trips."
• "I wish to see my 99th birthday and make it to my granddaughter's wedding in September!!"
• "My wish is that my wife be pain free, happy, healthy and come to know how truly special she is."
• "My wish is for my dad to never forget how much I love him.
• "I wish to hug a chicken."
What's on your wish list? Also, do you have a chicken to hug? Asking for a friend.

Niketa Amly: Awesome work sis.. Outstanding work on details of the land. 5 months ago

niki stuart: have a great festive season everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 months ago

Happy Holidays Opensim! Your gifts are under the tree at Shapeshifter, right in front of Ringtail's shop!

Lone Wolf: I love the use of colour on your region . 6 months ago
Historical records show that Bad Santa imported a load of Christmas items into OS in 2018. And in 2019, 80% of all the Christmas gifts in the world were made in China. Make of that what you will. All the Bad Santa x-mas imports are now out in the Marche Nour Deux back lot. The China imports? No clue.

The Marche Noir Deux Yard Sale: Stuff so old, it's new again.

Haiku Bot: Snowflakes on red lanterns, Santa's reindeer dance with dragons, Joy in every chime. 6 months ago
100% original mesh hair that is menu-driven with 47 colours. Non rigged- adjust size and fit as needed. Fantasy-style opulent updo. Don't sell, don't say its your creation, don't put on SL.
Have fun!

Product Marketplace is Live at Wolf Territories Grid ->

Luna Lunaria: Thanks Lone! It's just amazing how many great tools you have given us on your grid 6 months ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Opening T&S Fashion ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁
Eröffnung der Boutique
Frauen und Männer / Men and Female Fashion
Donnerstag/Thursday 14.December 2023
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr
Mit musikalischer Untermalung / with musical accompaniment
☊ DJ Tommy White & DJ Crazy Ever

▶▷▶ Taxi: Worldwide Mall
░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC Worldwide Mall ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: T& S Fashion is officially open now! Also cool vibes to enjoy your shopping 6 months ago
This "mildly adult" surfboard-swing-couch is made out of original mesh for couples to get cuddly at any beachy hide out. Hang it from a tree or way up under an arch made of stones or a bridge for thrill seekers. Grab a copy at Grid Tumbler. xoxo The animations were carefully selected for beautiful and natural movements-especially if your hands are bento. wink wink

Unplanned party at the Tribute Club. Please attend only if you don't have any plans :)


Nico Kalani: We had between 7 and 11 people over 6 hours at the club last night. What will happen if we actually planned an event and announced it in advance? Yikes! 7 months ago