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Sacred Savanah
Amidst the ancient sands and beneath an ethereal orange sky that seems to hold the echoes of bygone battles, there lies a land born anew from the ashes of war and destruction. Here, in this sacred Savannah, nature and history intertwine in a delicate dance of resilience and regeneration.
As the sun dips low on the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the arid landscape, the land seems to exhale a collective sigh—a testament to the trials it has endured and the hope that now stirs within its depths. The scorched earth, once ravaged by conflict, now bears the promise of rebirth, as tender shoots of green push their way through the barren soil, reclaiming their rightful place in the sun.
In this landscape of renewal, a sanctuary arises—a haven for both endangered wildlife and priceless relics of antiquity. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of the ancient pyramids, elephants roam freely, their majestic forms silhouetted against the vibrant hues of the setting sun. Lions, once symbols of power and conquest, now find solace in the shadows of crumbling temples, their fierce spirits tempered by the wisdom of ages past.
But it is not only the animals that find sanctuary in this sacred land. Nestled amidst the dunes lie ancient ruins and forgotten tombs, relics of a civilization lost to time. Carved from the very bedrock of the earth, these monuments stand as silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of history, their weathered facades bearing the scars of countless generations.
Here, among the whispers of the wind and the shifting sands, the past is preserved and honored—a reminder of the enduring legacy of those who came before. As night falls and the stars emerge like jewels scattered across the heavens, the land seems to pulse with quiet, timeless energy—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 3 months ago
Complete Rental System v1.0

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API

Complete syteme comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk


Lone Wolf: *** DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM FROM THE SHOP *** Apparantly I just come to rip off ideas, when in fact I could build myself anything you have. 2024-02-24 08:12:42 Lone Wolf http://grid.wolfterritories... 3 months ago
A tall ship battle , ships with crews ! It's great fun. This is last ship standing ( mine :) ) burning! No cargo to steal, all was burned ! With many thanks to the Catronian Archipelago group members to make this event exciting.
Putri Solo will be singing live @ Twiztid Timez grid Timez Welcome Area
Saturday 24th February 2024
9pm - arrive early!
This is a great opportunity to visit the newly created Twiztid Grid, enjoy good company and wonderful music with Putri and to celebrate the amazing Faith Fromund's birthday! It was a surprise but the cat is out of the bag now and she is thrilled.
Ok it's official now and the cat is out of the bag! What is to be a surprise birthday party for my amazing and treasured friend Faith Fromund is now public.
I told her to come dressed in business attire for an official business meeting - laughs! Also asked her to stay out of an area of her own sim! Can you believe it? damn lucky she knows I am bossy at time when determined to get something done!

On Saturday 24th February 2024 @ 9PM - we have organized for the talented and amazing singer Putri Solo who will be singing live for Faith's birthday party.

Everyone is welcome to come along [the more the merrier]. On arrival - grab your party hats, balloons and cute little animated balloons and celebrate with us for Faith's birthday!

Come early but be sure to take the taxi here: Timez Welcome Area

The event will be held on the Twiztid Timez main grid - you won't miss the color on arrival at the welcome center.

Please don't take the OMG LM - I will place a notice for those that go there by mistake.
But you want the Twiztid Timez Welcome Area grid Timez Welcome Area

come and get lost

Sodasullivan: Lovely place with lots to explore. Love the attention to detail. 3 months ago
Great modern-mess looking bed, with some decent textures. More than 500 up to date animations (you will find some similar ones to the Lithe bed, but they are all improved!). Has FF/FFM animations as well and sits up to 4 avis!
Local Uber: hop:// Boutiques/373/411/23
Other TP options:

let us entertain you! We've converted Tesla's old warehouse and laboratory into a quirky bar and grill. As always, Avedon Park is open to everyone of any shape and size. Come explore. Have fun.

It took me about 3 years and 3 grids to finally get this castle built. Starborne Keep will take some time to explore. There is so much to see in The Land Of Xzar, plan to stay awhile. Please, don't just stand there and cam. You won't hear the sounds of the land and you won't see the details. You can get a notecard with Landmarks to help you get around at the landing. Use them, walk around, explore. If I am on, say hi. Strangers are only friends you have not met yet.

JayR Cela: This looks great. 4 months ago
At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 4 months ago
Darkness cannot survive in the LIGHT! Please shine a LIGHT on the evil that is permeating and destroying our lives and this world.
Visit AWAKENING and collect your own Light Bearer Lantern along with all the links and please share far and wide.
Collectively we can dismantle this evil and restore PEACE on Earth. It starts with each and everyone of us.
Hi lovelies, I have added a few tiny but cool things:
- Paula's Popcorn Maker: Which dispenses popcorn boxes with animations
- Whiskey (to wear): With drink animations on wear for the glass, and several hold animations for the bottle (click on the bottle to switch - and thanks to Matthew for the script).
- Marshmellow (dispenser): You can wear this cup of marshmellow, and click on it yourself to get a marshmelllow stick, or invite others to click on it!
TP options:

IndigoQueen King: Pretty awesome!! Picked up mine last night been munching on popcorn ever since LOL have to try the whiskey and marshmallows next..Thank you!! 4 months ago
This is the Castle display area at Lunaria Emporium where you can walk through them all. My first attempt at building in SecondLife 15 years ago was a castle and I never looked back. There three available for purchase in different styles and they all have multiple hidden chambers and passages to discover:

The Ceridwen castle, done in a fantasy/fairytale style in a silver and amethyst color palette with a special hidden room below

The Caerwyn Fortress complex, which is a massive, detailed fortress in the Norman / Celtic tradition with realistic 13th century textures. The fortress was inspired by the remains of Harlech Castle located in Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales

The Caerwyn Keep, designed with a smaller footprint in mind

A medieval covered stone bridge to match

There's also a partially finished Camelot Keep that I hope to get back to someday, but it is not currently available. All the castles are available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, all venues are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.

Gabriel_Solstician: Highly detailed buildings - Luna’s right, well worth visiting first, you won’t be disappointed! ☺️ 4 months ago

Are you vaccine injured? Help is available, visit Awakening for links for assistance whether that be legal, medical or just to meet with people in your situation.

RemmyRavenhurst: I had a post deleted from this thread so am going to try to repost it here. The gaslighting and coercion that occurred during covid was disgusting. The emotional manipulation was disgusting. The gover... 4 months ago
Finally! After a very long break, a new Stark! magazine has been published.

This issue was again photographed by Nice Minik. This time Nice deals with the thought of what it would be like to be able to see the fantasies of others. A very exciting topic, in my opinion.

You can get this and all other issues published so far from our vending machines in front of the Stark! shop, directly behind and below our Studio 54.

Come and pick up a copy, even of the complete vending machines!

Nice Minik: Thank you Mattie, for the opportunity to publish some of my ideas again, for finishing the layout and for the patience for projects that take a little longer :) 4 months ago
Who doesn't like 4 couches for the 'price' of 1? This one is a modular set with 4 difference pieces, so you can extend it as much as you want. Each piece sits 2 avatars and has +400 animations! I have uploaded it in 9 different colours/textures.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/368/385/23
Other TP options:

Interlude Gallery of the Arts proudly presents..
Valentines Erotic Art Show Event
Featuring Photography by Cherokee Demar
When: Sunday Feb 11th - Feb 29th
Time: 11:00am
Place: Interlude Gallery of the Arts

Cherokee Demar is a resident of both Digiworldz and Secondlife.
Her passions are in photography, dance, dark art, bdsm and portraits.
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
I found the root problem of the Opensim Community

It has become 100% apparent the one consistent problem of this community is criticism. Whether it be constructive, productive, observed or helpful it is automatically deemed an attack and the emotionally disturbed retaliate.

The severe lack of mental maturity is almost astounding but makes apparent as to why this website becomes a soap opera, every couple of days.

One person could post a new dress. Yes every sheeple will post ooh ahh and oh. Maybe it's an awesome dress? But if one person notices a defect, something missed or something out of place and says anything. AHHH OMMMaGAwwd!! The critiquer is immediately attacked, de-railed, accused of being uneducated and MUST have mental disabilities, a.k.a. un-hinged! The person is labeled a troll or a post hijacker, etc.

That one person would then be subjected to the rest of the sheeple, trying to one up the other for glory points, clout, community appreciation, medal of dishonor? Take your pick, it probably has been awarded and true.

In the end, what has been accomplished? The dress is put into obscurity and ignored. The creator lifted on some social chair among the crowd for being a VICTIM. Oh the horror that someone noticed an error.

Rather than thanks, let me fix it and re-post? Which would be the BEST option and solution. Very rare chance.

It is pretty pathetic and this post will be attacked because it goes against the grain of the sheeple. You must agree and obey and follow without individual thought, logic or suffer the wrath of the emotionally disturbed!

And people wonder why I rarely post so much so, that even Swiss coocoo clockmakers, accuse me of making a first post, because of the space in time in between them.

Once this community can mature, and stop with the self-righteousness and take criticism constructively, will it thrive. Only time will tell, but I doubt it. Because in the years I have been here, and this is no different than toxic secondlife, it hasn't changed for the better.

Give it a try and be better.

For the record, as an experiment, I will not partake in this discussion.

Here is a great chart to compare: Difference-Between-Constructive-and-Destructive-Criticism

Nico Kalani: SheaButter: For some reason, I can't reply to your comments either. I don't have you blocked, so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm sorry that I left off the sarcasm thingy on my comment. Yes, he is... 4 months ago
Just in time for Valentines Day, we have just released a beautiful heart shaped pier set! There are 4 pieces in the set: Heart & Square with and without pillars so you can use them in the water or as a patio in your backyard.

If you like what we're doing, pop on over and see all the new items in stores every day!

Mike & Zoey ♥

Pagane: Do you notice we are talking to ourselves? None of the drama queens pooped here? I thank them for blocking us and we can discuss without their hysterical attacks :) 4 months ago
Confronting and shocking but the truth needs to be shown. Use Media if you wish to listen to any of the videos - there are a few videos for viewing.
You can click on objects for notecards with links

A gift is located [use the teleport] along with a box of all the links to do your own due diligence.

If you have lost a loved one recently or you are injured due to mandates, AWAKENING will no doubt trigger you - that is understandable. There are a few displays that may be too difficult for people to see, especially if a loved one has been lost.

There are gardens to relax in, to pray, to take time out and just be.

Please know there is a global community out there waiting for you - reach out and open up and please know you are not alone.

United as One Humanity ♥
Advantis new free items , Skins ,heads ,Body 2 Weapons shops s.w.r.p meter lots of different rp areas based on Cyberpunk or starwars. Ziost area and S.w.t.o.r Ships (local TP) Ground beach areas link to Neverworld continent and also Hypergrid teleport hub. If you want to add your region to the teleport hub here let me know. Have fun exploring and sharing !!!
don't forget to also visit our sister sims of
Cyberpunk Dystopian City's with huge free area also at Lucidus
dont forget for great Free items some scifi items also. Or just come hop around Neverworlds map lots to see and find , We love to share, Keep Open Sim Free and Sharing !!!

Lots of new users, lots of fun. Come on over!

Star Ravenhurst: Pretty Ad! 4 months ago
Hand of 'God'
Today I had another of those moments many can relate with... as I was placing some lamp posts, the bridge I had place for mere practical purpose called me. There were stand-alone lanterns in the set...and there it was. If felt 'right'. But why? Why was so excited? There was nothing groundbreaking on it, I was eventually going to put lights there so..why? The pixelate landscape had suddenly become a place, a scene, a story. The mesh suddenly 'blended' together to emulate the quirkiness and choesive imperfection that we find in the real world by the Hand of 'God'. And it dawned on me that that's what many of us seek on this creative process. Not terraforming, or landscaping, but emulating the Hand of 'God'. The dimly lit wooden footbridge soon demanded some eery fireflies and bushes. And I know it will soon demand more: a forgotten fishpole, maybe a misplaced plank, a rock coming up from the river that never quite fit with the wooden structure...
[Snap from new in-the-works VIP resident area at Darkheart's Playground]

Sodasullivan: Looks beautiful. One of the hardest things to do when landscaping or decorating is to try and create "randomness." It can be ridiculously frustrating and then it will just "click" when you get it righ... 4 months ago
For the last 3 weeks, I have dealt with a intermittent issue on my grid that has about driven me nuts. I have tested, and eliminated possibilities …..without luck.

Yesterday two of the largest grid owners in open sim, Lone Wolf from Wolf Territories and Josh Boam from Aviworlds, took time from their busy schedules to help finally fix this issue. In addition , Rafael from Wolf Territories assisted. I cannot say thanks enough!

Although I work with Josh’s hosting business, this involved much more. Josh would not give up and recruited Lone Wolf.

In my opinion, maybe this is what opensim was designed to be: sharing of knowledge and helping each other.

Lone Wolf and Josh did not have to give up their time to help a tiny grid…..but they did!

Maybe we can all learn from these individuals!

Sharing knowledge is Caring

FYI. The default setting of 2 threadsets can cause major headaches depending on your region….it is way too low in some cases. You all probably know that…but I learned.

thedeeferry: So, OpenLife has me blocked, so I cannot reply directly to its comment. Nor can I send it a private message which I prefer. I apologize to any others if what I type now offends you. This is directe... 4 months ago

coming along

Aurora Starchild: Looks GORGEOUS! 4 months ago

went hunting today, look what i found

Nico Kalani: One of the great things about these sneakers is that they are the only ones I've seen with socks. What is cool is that you can tint the socks. I once had a pair with one sock tinted red and the other ... 4 months ago

360 degrees PIC of MAGABAGA MEGA MALL in Europa. All SCI-Fi stuffs and related can be found here for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy :)

Mystic Moonlight: great build jimmy and ty for sharing~S~ 4 months ago

Announcing the opening of a new little pet store at Raven's Peak - Cinders Bay - Raven's Pets. A collection of companion pets that will be growing over time. Pop on over to check out this little gem of a store!

Mike & Zoey ♥

thedeeferry: Such sweet animesh companions. Thank you so much for your time and effort. ( ๑>ᴗ 4 months ago

Freedom fighter

Jerralyn Franzic: Want to check this sim out! Hope it reopens soon, take care. :) 4 months ago
Because sharing is caring? 8 people... so up to 4 simultaneous couples at the same time with more than 1000 animations all up! Because it is all could even make the rug 100% transparent and just place it on a beach! Possibilities are endless - the challenge might be to fill all the sitters!
Uber: hop://

RafaGuzn: Thank you for the gifts, a little bit too laggy though. It might help to make one package for each product, instead of separated single items. Just a suggestion. 4 months ago
Cyberglo has made an absurd and unfounded accusation against Silvia Frey. His post starts with a hysterical headline: PRISCILLA IS BACK!!! THIS TIME A NEW NAME/AVATAR.

I asked Cyber, "Answer just one question. In what way is Silvia Frey, who joined the Blackswan grid almost 8 months ago, and was known in the CopyKat Grid before that,"new?" So far, no answer. Obviously, she is not new.

Cyberglo identifies Silvia with a Blackswan grid address. Blackswan is home to a small group of friends who have been together in SL and now OS for over a decade. It looks like Silvia came to Blackswan in June 2023, when the CopyKat Grid closed. Maurice invited only a few trusted people from CopyKat to BlackSwan. It's doubtful that a guy responsible for keeping two grids safe would invite Priscilla Snot-rag to BlackSwan.

Several people have asked Cyber for evidence to support his wacko-nuts-cray-cray claim. One of them comments, "Hey Cyber. Almost a full day after you made this scaremongering and slanderous post. Obviously, you do not have any evidence. No logs, no screen caps, nothing."

Another person comments, "Why don't you allow Silvia to defend herself of your post? She is trying to access the comments and can't see the post". In other words, he has blocked her. Perhaps in his fevered imagination, he thinks she can take down his regions by just commenting on his OSW post. Did I say wacko-nuts-cray-cray already? It bears repeating.

LaviaLavine: Much like the media, some people lean to wild, paranoid, speculative accusations without a modicum of actual evidence to support their claims. These types are best taken with a grain of salt and forg... 4 months ago
Hi Friends! I uploaded a new video of me trying to learn to ride this new Dragon a friend was so kind to gift me. The camera angle is difficult, so I have been messing with the camera and hopefully will find a good setting for riding him, cause it is so much fun! Come see me and you can ride him too!

Susanna_Heller: PBR Texture and Reflection Probe (Laminat Texture) 4 months ago
Chapter 7 - Insomnium from my book Eos Renascent is now on Wattpad. You can read it here:

"Maeia jerked awake, choking and disoriented, and found herself on her hands and knees with hot, broken stone beneath her. Caustic, black smoke billowed in the air, burning her throat as she tried to breathe. The light from great fires raged in the distance, silhouetting shattered buildings and soaring structures and casting everything around her in an ethereal orange glow.

Feeling excruciating pain, she looked down at her arms to see red, bleeding skin and blackened blisters from severe burns. Lying on the ground nearby was the red sword she recognized from the sarcophagus. It had a faint red glow, as if it were red hot, especially around the handle grip.

What is happening to me?"