ThorHawksinger @ThundergodThor

Amasango ( Offline

It's complicated.


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I was able to get there without issue, perhaps the problem is fixed now.
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I keep getting a syntax error on this when I paste it into the "new script" of the prim.
Try this:

string previously_Welcomed;
collision_start(integer total_number)
collision(integer numDetected)
if(llDetectedName(0) != previously_Welcomed)
llSay(0,"Welcome to Wicked Waves, " + llDetectedName(0));
previously_Welcomed = "";
}// END //
Thank you very kindly. :D
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Falene, it is sad to hear your words and situation, though I do clearly understand them. We all go through things here in the virtual open sim, and yes there are plenty of mean and unkind people not just here in virtual but in real life too. You can't let them get the best of you, you can't give in to their nonsense because if you do, they win. Perhaps I'm just to stubborn to allow that to happen, and we've been through some pretty bad stuff up to, and including, the loss of our entire grid because of hacks and thieving copybotters. But I enjoy what I do here too much to give in or give up. I've met too many wonderful, caring and decent people and we've become a family. You might consider joining another grid and yes our doors are open at Our Dawn. Justyn is what you like, be yourself, be creative and don't worry about the negative nitwits out there. ::hugs::