ThorHawksinger @ThundergodThor

Amasango ( Offline

It's complicated.


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Education departments are deliberately doing this. That is the first steps in taking freedom. Conditioning/training the young. :x
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Be safe, stay well and be blessed in your real life.
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Totally agree with you.
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Exactly, to each his/her own. If they want to give their content away freely then by all means have fun with it, enjoy it, share your talent and skill. If they want to charge for it, that is just fine as well as long as what they are selling is not content they pilfered from someone else. I have bought some things that I felt were worth a few bucks, I have also gotten free content which is awesome, and I have given my own creations away freely and that is my choice. It all boils down to respect for other people, their creations and their wishes. When people have mutual respect, things go smoothly, when they don't that's when the S**t hits the fan.
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Fair use only applies if you can show that the only way you can express your point to educate, instruct or otherwise convey information that is pertinent to your class, cause or course. For example, using a copy-written photograph of Adolf Hitler in a class concerning world war II would come under the classification of "Fair use". There are also creative commons - a set of various licenses that allow people to share their copyrighted work to be copied, edited, built upon, etc., while retaining the copyright to the original work (often used attributively): in other words you can use it but you must be sure that the original creators name remains on their portion of the document or object you are making. The best way to avoid issues is to learn to build your own.
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Well you won't have to wait as that has already been said by a very judgemental nut job. She said to me point blank that all "G" rated grids are for pedophiles and asked to be banned from our grid until we changed our rating to Adult, so I politely indulged her request to be banned. And that goes for anybody else who feels as she feels. We run a pretty tight ship for a reason. As for those who don't want child avatars around, if you don't like child avatars then don't come to our grid, ban them from your grid and STFU.
Again, I find it ironic that people are being told to "STFU" on a post where opinions are being requested.
I'm not telling the commenters here to STFU I'm telling those who want to complain about child avitars on "MY" grid, and believe me I've heard it a lot. People are free to express all the opinions they like when asked to, but i stand by what I say...."As for those who don't want child avatars around, if you don't like child avatars then don't come to our grid, ban them from your grid and STFU." Please do not misconstrue that as me telling those voicing opinions here to STFU. Then again opinions are like armpits, everybody has one and they usually stink. Don't like my opinions...ya know what to do. ;D
I guess with "G" rated you mean "having even a single sim that isn't Adult-rated" because such people tend to define the content ratings as follows:

General = G-rated, but chock-full of paedos
Moderate = G-rated, but chock-full of paedos
Adult = G-rated, but no child avatars allowed

I sincerely hope that the lady in question got banned from all grids that aren't 100% Adult-rated, including OSgrid, Kitely and the other biggest grids. And I hope that she'll end up deeply disturbed by half of the grids that remain because they're anything but G-rated. Unless, of course, at least half the furniture at her own home is for BDSM.
In SL, the definitions of A, M, and G are clearly defined. And child AVs are allowed in all, with some reasonable restrictions. I don't know why folks in OS can't work with at least the SL definitions of G, M, and A.
They keep arguing that "OS is not SL" and thus can and must have its own definitions.

As for why, I can see two reasons. One is because they think it takes ratings to keep child avatars out. It certainly does not take ratings to keep furry avatars out, by the way.

The other one is because they seem to want to cleanse the Hypergrid of any and all naughty content where female toplessness is on the same level of naughtiness as public BDSM.
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The FCC controls only the content of various communications venues such as TV, Radio and access to certain internet sites and materials. It is up to the parents and, say, school officials, and Libraries to make sure their internet settings are set according to the Child Internet Protection Act. Parents can do this with parental controls and monitoring, but there is really virtually nothing illegal about having a child avatar. If grids don't want kids, ban em and STFU.
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It's awesomeness!! We are, after all, a family grid.
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Aren't all of the mesh bodies in Open Sim knock offs from Second Life avatars?
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The "love" of money is evil. :D
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This is the New Hope region located at Grid Our Dawn. Hope. Hope to see you all there. And Misty is working on a tour train. She's done the bumper boats as well. We have an awesome team of builders here in Grid Our Dawn!
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Looks like the work of a little snotrag.
yep same person
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We have our grid set so that an Admin has to approve any newly created accounts. I'm one of the Admins, I deleted the trouble makers so they don't get an account. New applicants must fill out a questionnaire and give the correct answers as well, otherwise they do not get an account. No, we don't have many on our grid but the one's we do we "know" we can trust.
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I get the same thing, region not found.
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You are so right about those who try to dictate to you what you can and can't do with your own creations. I've had it happen that I could not export my own creations to others, when that happens I clear out of that grid and have made it a policy to share all of my creations with my other avatars so no one person can prevent me from keeping and sharing my creations. The whole point of creating is so that other's may enjoy what you've made as well. :D Blessings!
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God bless ya Johnny, hope and pray you can be back soon, you're awesome!
Thank you. God bless you to. high 5's bro :)
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You have a home with us my friend!
Yes, I do ! ... Trude and you have been most kind and generous. My home is for certain there, I guess GCG was my "she-cave" ... lol
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Looks awesome as always!!
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I know absolutely nothing about computers when it comes to what you're talking about but to me it sounds like one very huge "de fragmenting" operation.
It's not a defrag but the mental image is very similar and ... equally slow =/ it's "that kind of operation" that's relatively uninvolved but takes for ever.
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I was able to get there without issue, perhaps the problem is fixed now.