Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself

There is a Safari Group here on OSW where I post updates about recent visits

My Regions

6 1 0 Users
Home to the installation "The Little Prince" by Wizardoz Chrome, Tina Bey and Cherry Manga, and to Inworld Review studio
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19 3 0 Users
Annex to the main HG Safari clubhouse on OSGrid. Home to Inworld Review with Mal Burns
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HG Safari
47 17 Safari 0 Users
Home of HG Safari, with information about our weekly hypergridding trips. Self Guided Tour hub - themed trips on art, science history, film etc. Free items, including mesh clothes at Meshanthropy store, also on the island. PLEASE NOTE the photos in the slideshow are of Destinations visited by the ...
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Trips to Kinky and to AMV this week, two quite astounding builds, more than meets the eye in both cases! thanks to our lovely hosts and grid owners for making it happen.
Thanks so much to our wonderful hosts on 3rd Rock and Neverworld grids and tothe thirty odd brave souls who came to see two great sci fi builds. If you missed it, catch the highlights of Week 1 of the new HG Safari season here:
Mobius has been banning osgrid avies for the past six months or so due to a security issue, but good news, the problem seems to have gone away! Here's a post about the grid guys and some photos you may remember...
Our weekly Safari trips start again on Wednesday April 5, hope you can join us!
Opensim is full of cool places to visit anytime of course - and the Safari Blog never stops, here are three recent reviews
Angkor Wat:
Monet's House:

LaviaLavine: Love going on these Safaris when I have a free moment to go!! 1 years ago

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

Thank you so so much Caro Fayray and @Xinashi (Nico) for being the hostesses with the mostesses... this was the Safari visit yesterday. Just one week left of the season...
Thank you so comuch Caro Fayray and @Xinashi (Nico) for being the hostesses with the mostesses... this was the Safari visit yesterday. Just one week left of the season...
Thanks so much to @Amaranthim and @Hairy and all the Bridgemere crew for letting us invade their airspace. Ditto to Dr Dave, the ever lovely Youca and all the Burners for a great train ride.
If you missed the insanity on Wednesday, here's the gen:
Interested in the nutty side of hypergridding? Consider joining our group here on OSW
Thanks so much Dorena and Anachron, and the great Foxx Bode, for letting us see a bit of opensim History yesterday!
Missed the Safari trip? You can read what they had to say here:

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

AMAZING hosts @CCI Grid gave us an unforgettable tour this week on Safari, and the sailing on Alanna was a treat! Words and pictures here:

So much brilliant creativity on Safari this week
Cuteulala's amazing new music device, and the great role-players of Carima Grid.
Bored by the frowzy drama of The Box? read on, and go exploring instead.

Tomorrow Safari starts again! hope you can make it

Thirza Ember: Thanks to everyone who came along, and to our fabulous hosts. If you missed the trip and are curious about what happens on Safari, or would like to visit the places independently later, here are som... 1 years ago
Here's a roundup of some of the things that happened in Opensim in 2022.
What did I miss from the list, and what was the biggest virtual event on your grid?

Fun for Xmas day - another ephemeral Hunt by Ange Menges and Nani Ferguson.

Safari is on hiatus, in the meantime here's the backstory of a cool place to visit

Thank you Walter and Camryn for sharing this gorgeous build with us all.

Thank you Nico for that wonderful final destination of the year. Everyone should see your sim and read your words!

Yesterday's Safari, with the friends of Soul Grid, and then Luna Lunaria!

Rudi Bakerly: Thank you Thirza. It was an amazing experience to have you with us. Many thanks for the attention you give to this nice hypergrid project. 2 years ago
A week of fun on and off Safari - opensim empty? Nah.
With visits to Aire Mille Flux, Shipyards, and Creanovale.
Snoots and Nyx - two artful destinations on OSGrid and AMV. Thanks to both our hosts for letting us explore their work

Thirza Ember: Al Scot made a nice video of Nyx's build 2 years ago
Thanks to @Fred Beckhusen, and @Roland Francis for letting us celebrate Lord of the Rings week on their wonderful grids
A mini roundup of opensim happenings on the Inworld Review.
Always on the lookout for news and new guests, join the Discord group or send me a message if you'd like to be part of the show.
Hypergrid Explorers & Creators

Thirza Ember: Have an upcoming event? Got a poster? Drop it on me, with a short explanation of your event and we will do our best to include it in the show 2 years ago

Thanks to @Bibiana and to @Aphra for having us visit, and a special thanks to @Jupiter for his contribution

Jupiter Rowland: If you're still looking for SFposer, you can find it boxed and ready to go here ( and the script itself here ( 2 years ago

Thirza Ember: to travel with friends like you guys is pure bliss 2 years ago
Interested in Roleplay? Already have a group, or looking for a new RP family? Learn about the Wyldwood RP , their regular meet-ups with other RP afficionados, and of course, the roundup of news in Opensim
InWorld Review: Sundays at 12 noon SLT
Like - Subscribe - Comment - be a guest on the show!

This week's InWorld Review featured a great build over on the Science Circle, with AbaBrukh Aabye, plus a 30 minute roundup of some opensim news. You can watch it here.

RIP Torben.

KarinBecker: Rest in peace and condolences to all his friends and loved ones. 2 years ago

Opensim. it's all about options, creativity, and wide open spaces.

Big thanks to Maria Korolov for coming on Safari with us yesterday. If you missed it, here's some of the highlights.

Hella: Maria is an unprecedented meeting in the world of the metaverse, so enthusiastic since so many years :)), thank you for having organized this evening like no other. 2 years ago
Hi all, Maria Korolov is joining us tomorrow for the first Safari of the Fall season.
The announced venue has changed, though. Meeting at the OSgrid clubhouse, not on the Safari annex. That's because Avacon grid had something happen with its servers, and although it is back online and lovely, there is a bug in Textures.
Do you like chatting in French? Do you want to explore the hyperverse with a gallic air? Then the Soirees Franco are right up your alley. Or should that be allee? Learn more here

Great fun, and so informative, Lorin Tone's sound class.

Luna Lunaria: I love creating and adding sounds to my regions 2 years ago

Here comes season 3.

Roland Francis: Great read, Thirza. 2 years ago

Season 3 begins one month from today. Don't wait, please go and visit the Summer build on Creanovale any time before our tour - there's so much to see !

comments 333 post likes 1323

HG Safari Week 19
in 2 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

HG Safari Week 19
in 2 days - 0 likes - 0 comments

My Reviews


A beautiful landscape!


Congratulations on making one of the best art regions in opensim. This is a wonderful place.

Lioness Den

Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.


what a work of art. Love it.

Starfleet Museum of Science

wow great work, really informative!

CCI Troms og Finnmark II

What a wonderful place to visit - and revisit! so much beautiful detail, gifts, fun things to see and do.

Forest of Azure

Absolutely beautiful work - everything positioned with exquisite care. One of the prettiest landscapes you'll find in opensim... with some bonus material you may find intriguing.


This whole grid is so beautiful. Great shops, and fun people too!

Far Far Away

One of the most thought provoking Hunt regions in opensim


So many handy animals! (Caution: region is subject to flooding)

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