Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself

There is a Safari Group here on OSW where I post updates about recent visits

My Regions

6 1 0 Users
Home to the installation "The Little Prince" by Wizardoz Chrome, Tina Bey and Cherry Manga, and to Inworld Review studio
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19 3 0 Users
Annex to the main HG Safari clubhouse on OSGrid. Home to Inworld Review with Mal Burns
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HG Safari
47 16 Safari 0 Users
Home of HG Safari, with information about our weekly hypergridding trips. Self Guided Tour hub - themed trips on art, science history, film etc. Free items, including mesh clothes at Meshanthropy store, also on the island. PLEASE NOTE the photos in the slideshow are of Destinations visited by the ...
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HG Safari Week 192
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [23 May 2018 12:00 SLT]

The last Safari, a party with three hours of live music on

HG Safari Week 191
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [16 May 2018 12:00 SLT]

The penultimate Safari

HG Safari Week 190
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [9 May 2018 12:00 SLT]

Two more interesting destinations

HG Safari Week 188
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [25 Apr 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Mesh Ruth Fashion Expo on TanGLe
Learn about the new Mesh avie by Shin Ingen made for Opensim, see clothes designed to fit this avie, and dance to the tunes of DJ Rusty Station 1 then go to Expo Isle
DESTINATION 2 starting 1.30 SLT
Lumiere Noir Celebration on Sanctuary Grid
Tosha Tyran and Jessie Campbell present a NPC show, the prim tutorial on Ivory City, and a dance city 4

HG Safari Week 187
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [18 Apr 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Discovery Grid
Tenbears Running is our guide as we tour three regions on this relatively new grid, owned by Angel Destiny. We'll see Spirit Rock Ranch, Crocodile Island, and Fantasy Sea. Discovery Grid is owned and run by Angel Rock Ranch
DESTINATION 2 Ilan Tochner on Kitely
Kitely owner Ilan Tochner meets us to discuss the success of his grid, tells us about the future, and talks tech. Bring your most probing questions. We're guests of Daniel Hoffman on his r

HG Safari Week 186
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [11 Apr 2018 12:00 SLT]

Live music from CelticMaiden Warrior on her home region - enjoy the songs, explore the mountain wilderness region with its lakes and forests - watch out for the NPCs! sanctuary
DESTINATION 2 KENG CITY, DIGIWORLDZ We're invited by Antoinette and Nubian Keng to see their Black HIstory Commemorative Museum, to dance and learn about Keng City city

HG Safari 183
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [21 Mar 2018 12:00 SLT]

It's the Equinox, so wear something appropriate.
DESTINATION 1 "Art et Life" at Guinguette
Wizardoz Chrome and Aime Socrates have prepared a beautiful exhibition of French impressionist paintings on Ignis Fatuus Grid's seminal region Guinguette.
DESTINATION 2 Antarctica with Larysa Firehawk
Learn about this fascinating continent, experience sounds, animations, and hear news of Larysa's upcoming participation in the upcoming Centre for Fine Print Research event in

HG Safari Week 182
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [14 Mar 2018 11:00 SLT]

Culture, Music and Art in opensim.
DESTINATION 1 Tryad Destiny Digital Art, with special musical guest, Moses aka Tom Albury (

"La Liberté Guidant le Peuple A. Delacroix"
A famous painting that has been re (or mis)interpreted in a lot of famous ways. Watch the video posted below to get an idea about why you should care. We will see an exhibition of paintings inspired by the painting, curated by Katia Parcdesarts

HG Safari Week 181
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [7 Mar 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Ieko Catnap art on Francogrid
Beautiful region by a wonderful artist, visit the gallery and dance at the Irish Pub
IMPORTANT this region takes a long time to rez! Cache it in advance !
DESTINATION 2 Sporting Fun with Bill Blight
Bill's showing us more of his wonderful opensimworld... details TBA

sad comment Icons
Today there was a post about the closing of a really nice grid, and I want to put an icon showing I am sorry it's going.
The only non-happy comment icon is the prayer symbol - not appropriate. I don't want to encourage negativity on OSW but... can we have a face with a tear? Also a "wow" face would be a great icon to add.

Kelso.Uxlay: I second this excellent suggestion! 10 months ago

Great new art experience by Nyx Breen on Koeln sim in Pangea grid
Check out the grand opening

Opensim. it's all about options, creativity, and wide open spaces.

Terra Merhyem is a multimedia artist with a huge amount of talent and energy.
Here's an article about her work, with emphasis on her contributions on the lovely Pangea Grid
HG Safari 2022 Week 15 Liverpool/Beatles Week
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [1 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Liverpool/Beatles Week!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band came out this week 55 years ago.
Destination 1: Liverpool Old Dock, Kitely. Graham Mills' ongoing project to reconstruct the historical docks of the city of Liverpool, home town of the Beatles. Please note, this region is only open for our visit, otherwise it is closed to the public
grid.kitely:8002:Liverpool Old Dock
Destination2: Pepperland on LFgrid by Mudpuddle Cleanslate. An imaginative reconstruction of the cartoon scenes of the movie Yellow Submarine.

Special Safari Easter Hunt!
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [20 Apr 2022 12:00 SLT]

Ange and Nani invite us all to a special Safari on their Easter Hunt region Arborea
This is a Princess Hunt, for how it works, watch the video
Note the region is already open so you don't have to wait for the Safari visit to go and see it!

Some tips for would-be hosts for the chaos that is our group trips. If you have had the Safari visit your grid or region, do you have any added advice to give?
HG Safari 2022 Week 09
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [9 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

Books, Big Art, and Carnival
Please come to the CLUBHOUSE on OSgrid to meet the group, get the LMs and find out any last minute changes. Safari
DESTINATION 1 Books and Art at the MdM. Rosanna Galvani invites us to check out the new Ebook library at the Museum, and to see some of the famous art collection on the surrounding regions 2
Fun and dancing on Wyldwood! Sample the sights of New Orleans, learn more about the Bayou, and indulge in some Carnival dancing with Harmony Beningborough and the gang Bayou N'Awlins

HG Safari 2022 Week 07
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [23 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Our traditional visit to the region held by Wordfromthe Wise
DESTINATION 2 Concert and party with singer songwriter Whirli Placebo at a new Cornflakes inspired build by Cherry Manga, in the sky above the Clubhouse. Safari

HG Safari 2022 Week 06
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [16 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Technology on the Move
DESTINATION 1 James Webb telescope on Logicamp grid. Learn about the new technology taking the place of the famous Hubble telescope.
DESTINATION 2 Nova Saunders invites us to visit Portage, a historic American town where train and canal transportation helped connect the country with cutting edge tech in the 1850s onwards.

HG Safari 2022 Week 05
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [9 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Art and Taj week!
Please join us at the clubhouse before start time, to pick up the LMs and have a chat. Safari
Tryad and Loru Destiny, Stormy Scorpio and Moses Rae welcome us to their grid. First stop, SPOOKY CITY an inner city build featuring examples of the rl art of Tryad, and then Stormy shows us one of her sims. City
Tosha Tyran shares with us her meticulous recreation of the Temple of Love. Chat to the NPCs, snap your own souvenir photos, and dance with us! You're bound to fall in love. Mahal

HG Safari 2022 Week 04
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [2 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Please meet us at the Clubhouse before we begin jumping!
"Travelling in the Metaverse – Defining Your Travel Outfit and Suitcase" A Presentation in Chat hosted by AI Austin. Come and share your experiences, technical knowledge, and views on future tweaks that would improve the hypergridding experience. city
Govega Sachertorte and Locked Semaphore welcome us to The Caves, Neverworld Grid. Tunnel build by Andron Rae, This immersive underground experience is a celebration of the life of the artist Pasha Theas Caves

HG Safari 2022 Week 04
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [2 Feb 2022 12:00 SLT]

Please meet us at the Clubhouse before we begin jumping!
"Travelling in the Metaverse – Defining Your Travel Outfit and Suitcase" A Presentation in Chat hosted by AI Austin. Come and share your experiences, technical knowledge, and views on future tweaks that would improve the hypergridding experience. city
Govega Sachertorte and Locked Semaphore welcome us to The Caves, Neverworld Grid. Tunnel build by Andron Rae, This immersive underground experience is a celebration of the life of the artist Pasha Theas Caves
The picture is Aphra, looking like an amazon!

Safari Starts up again!
Yesterday we had a test meet for the Safari, no trip, just a meet and greet session. Thanks to all who came and tested their skills at finding the right place and time. The first Safari of the new season is next Wednesday 12 January beginning at 12 noon Grid Time (Pacific) which is 9pm Paris time. Just like always.
Safari Starts up again!
Yesterday we had a test meet for the Safari, no trip, just a meet and greet session. Thanks to all who came and tested their skills at finding the right place and time. The first Safari of the new season is next Wednesday 12 January beginning at 12 noon Grid Time (Pacific) which is 9pm Paris time. Just like always.
HG Safari Week 185
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [4 Apr 2018 12:00 SLT]

Two OSGrid destinations this week
DESTINATION 1 Emil Jannings on Zweet Zurroundingz
Listen to Emil with a selection of Live Readings on the theme of April Fool, also enjoy the d=music dance, and explore the woods on Amsterdam Bingy's signature region... caution, slow rez, cache before if you can! zurroundingz
DESTINATION 2 Celebrating 10 years of Virtual Belfast and the Maritime. Stiofain MacTomais invites us to discover the Curzon Theater, with documentaries about the architectur

Unmissable build by @Frankie Rockett, many thanks to @wbalazic for helping make this event happen. Great fun on LFGrid!

Thanks so much to @soabad and @Siwas for hosting a wonderful trip to Lofoten!
Spain in opensim a refreshing piece of reality!

Mobius has been banning osgrid avies for the past six months or so due to a security issue, but good news, the problem seems to have gone away! Here's a post about the grid guys and some photos you may remember...

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

The first in a series of articles about places on the SGT (Self Guided Tours)
This time, 'Sauce' by Maya Paris on Aire Mille Flux.
This is a new project for the Safari. Themed tours, each with 6 destinations, that you can take alone or with friends, any time and not just on Wednesdays with the big Safari group. These Self Guided Tours can be found at the clubhouse on Avacon and (soon) on OSGrid too. jump to to see them and pick up the LMs.
Some tips for would-be hosts for the chaos that is our group trips. If you have had the Safari visit your grid or region, do you have any added advice to give?

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No upcoming events

My Reviews


A beautiful landscape!


Congratulations on making one of the best art regions in opensim. This is a wonderful place.

Lioness Den

Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.


what a work of art. Love it.

Starfleet Museum of Science

wow great work, really informative!

CCI Troms og Finnmark II

What a wonderful place to visit - and revisit! so much beautiful detail, gifts, fun things to see and do.

Forest of Azure

Absolutely beautiful work - everything positioned with exquisite care. One of the prettiest landscapes you'll find in opensim... with some bonus material you may find intriguing.


This whole grid is so beautiful. Great shops, and fun people too!

Far Far Away

One of the most thought provoking Hunt regions in opensim


So many handy animals! (Caution: region is subject to flooding)

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