Thirza Ember @Thirza


I run HG Safari, and the Hypergrid International Expo.


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Not only is this a very useful synopsis of a pretty much universally used tool, it's also really great to see the Article feature on OSW being used!
Some extra background info... after Refuge Grid closed, Aine Caoimhe became a resident of Littlefield Grid (home to the Speakeasy) and was there until she passed away, so that's where any 'official' updates or improvements would have happened . You can see LFGrid owner Walter Balazic talking about Aine on Inworld Review here:
The stranger it is that her own sim Paramour Shopping only had the Clubmaster v2.0 when Walter took it over.
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have you tried Jimmy's massive collection of flags over on AMV?
As a follow up to Thirza's comment, I was at Jimmy's 3d Museum today where he has these flages. It is an amazing collection of flags from around the world. These flags also have a nice gentle movement. Here is the address for anyone who needs it: MUSEUM
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It was an unforgettable tribute, and a privilege to be there
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ty Thirza - I used to have such a cafe in RL so this cafe is all about the things we did there :)
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Thanks, Jamie, that was just what she needed
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asking for a nice friend on donjavi grid. Help us out, guys!
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there is a bunch of stuff like that on AMv at Jimmy Olsen's 3D Museum region. MUSEUM For disco lights, try the nearby region Light and Sound Museum. and SOUND MUSEUM And Druskus on ZoneNations grid makes original disco floors and buildings. I think they're on Island but you may have to ask him.
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I'm inworld most days and I'm currently part of a team organizing an event which will have 20+ people onstage, plus a huge backstage group of helpers. Everyone is nice. Not everyone has a high opinion of all the others, not everyone shares the same views, but they're all respectful to each other, cheerful, and enthusiastic about reaching our shared goal. I agree there are a lot of aimless people in the world, real and virtual. Aimlessness, like selfishness, brings out the worst in a person's character. I think the Box and the few troll who like to dominate it will never outweigh the good that is being done every day in opensim.
Optimism is like love and luck. If you reach out to it, it will reach out to you.
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what an adorable and serene place, I love it
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To clarify - while the talks and art presentations at this event are not in English, but there are subtitles in English (and many other languages!), the Expo booths are available to all grids all languages welcome... yes, including english speakers !
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Rule 1 of opensimworld: Never read the box, it's usually full of crap.
Rule 2 of opensimworld: Block out unpleasant people.
ha ca oui je mute facile moi ...
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Love it - will you be updating other LK items?
Potentially, especially if they have problems such as further very large poly counts, etc.
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Best wishes to the beautiful Nasti
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j'espère que c'était une bonne soirée, je suis désolée de ne pas avoir pu assister
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it's the same old story, the diaspora of opensim people. some hate Discord, and some hate OSW, while others hate FB (where I made this group 6 years ago) ... great if we can have multiple information points where people can see what is out there!
Well, good to know there is enough hate to go around! But for me, it's just a matter of which platform works best. I sent an invitation to the Discord server. Right now, I'm inclined to edit the original post here to include the invite to the Discord "Where To Look For Stuff" (AKA Recommended shops). If people want to recommending a shop like this one to this group, that's fine too.
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That sounds like a very dodgy pickup line...'let me show you where I keep my rinestones'