Thirza Ember @Thirza


I run HG Safari, and the Hypergrid International Expo.

Liked posts

21st September is WORLD PEACE DAY!

Whilst it may seem slightly frivolous, ZetaWorlds is having an event/party, We can't end the wars, the assault on Ukraine by Putin's Russia, the conflict in Gaza made worse by Israel's tamper tantrum, the military junta terrorizing Myanmar, but we can raise awareness and we can make a difference!

Anyone that buys a region that day, any package really, all proceeds will be given to Angel of Life aid for Ukraine! Let's raise some money!
The charity is linked here:
(additional information: [added by Mathilda Stark])

The day starts of with a Q&A session again with Edison and Vincent answering burning issues, questions, and talking us through planned upgrades etc. Please direct your questions and anything you might want to discuss here:

So the timetable for the day:
8am: Q&A Session
10am: Quirkessential DJane HAZEL ITO plays one of her unique mixes
11am: Sees the return of live singer ROGUE GALAXY to center stage
12 noon: High noon, for our live DJ MATTIE
1pm: It's the normally naked DJ RUUD, but this time at least partly clothed, don't miss this!
2pm: Our lovely ELLEMIR takes over the decks before handing over at
3pm: to the next live DJ NORA COLA

So please come and join us, donate to great charities one way on another, and make it a night to show support for the wronged and a world living in peace and harmony!

If that somehow offends you: Attacking fellow humans is abhorrent whether it be punching your neighbor or invading a whole country for no reason.

(Original source:

Caribia: Most of the russian people are against this war and world peace should show in virtual too 4 months ago
News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Ellen: So adorable! I joined the group but cannot find the gift! 4 months ago
For all of you interested in animesh: I made a new animated free roaming dragon thats now available for testing peer review. Pick up a copy in my shoppie, read the notecard and knock yourself out!
Lemme know if the notecard was clear enough...its a bit tricky with this roaming script....
Have fun!

Caribia: oh that looks cool :D 4 months ago
At landing, we have created gifts, even though everything is free here in Dallas. But these 99% are new items we have created, so come in and grab them all, but check daily or weekly because new ones will be added along the way.
Registration for the race on 13 October ends on 14 September
The qualifying round will
starts on 15th September determine the starting positions for the race on 13 October
Registration forms are available here

13. OKTOBER 2024
Die Anmeldung für das Rennen am 13. Oktober endet am 14. September
Die Qualifikationsrunde
beginnt am 15. September und bestimmt die Startplätze für das Rennen am 13. Oktober
Anmeldeformulare sind hier erhältlich

Hello, it was brought to my attention today. I was loading information in the wrong place to see where the items were. I am sorry for that and will not set them on Dallas but on to Dallas Mall. Because here gives you the address to get the items. So anything you have seen comes from Dallas; this is where the address is. Happy Shopping Please remember the new items are on the circles for the moment.

Every Tuesday we stir up some dust in Wild Kingdom in Neverworld featuring Sasha King LIVE

Opensim - there is so much out there to see ! Here are a few recent posts about a few of the interesting and fun people and places you can experience.
The new Safari season continues tomorrow at 12.00
Recent news from the OSWF:
Find out more about Genie Fegte:
Safari season starts on a fantasy sim in Pangea
The wonderful Marpil Grafenwalder shows us around her home
A new project for bringing the French community closer together

"Drama is like dog crap. The more you stir it, the more it stinks."

New Project, Interior Decoration Ideas. Find The Beach House @

This time a Beach House, I made some modifications to it. Complete furniture & Decorated. Almost everything is copy for your own delight & creativity. Hope you like it
Hugs Bebe

Sodasullivan: Bebe, you are amazing and everything at Wonder is such a delight. 4 months ago

Littlefield Grid's Annual 9-11 memorial service will be Wednesday 09/11/2024 at 9-11 Memorial Region starting at 5:46AM Pacific Time.

We have created a new sidewalk and made the textures for it, as fall claims us. 6 different textures and leaves as well, and a board to make your signs in your path. We have added some streetlights our not our
creations. They are 3 pieces sidewalk/90 degree/bridge

OpenSimUser: You might want to actually add the grid address so people can visit. 4 months ago

If you like art, you cannot miss the talent of Lando Maremagnum...
His feelings, his way of feeling, his personal experiences are reflected in every detail.

Please, Have a look on the gallery of Beautiful Opensim People, and if you want a photo, just ask me about it in my OSW messagery :) so simple !

Marianna : Hella, your ability to make the experience inviting and relaxing made all the difference. From your warm and friendly approach to the thoughtful atmosphere you set up, everything contributed to makin... 5 months ago

U may have seen the preview of the falcon above the animesh stand in my shop; this is the one, all bones propely moving. be patient....making the animations is gonna take me some time☺

CyberGlo CyberStar: Loan Falcon! :) jejeje 5 months ago

This time created with a completely different AI model on my laptop...

Mistressdalgato: I love it, so pretty. 5 months ago
Safari starts up again next Wednesday! Usual time, 12 noon SLT. but departing from the new HG Safari grid, not from OSGrid, so please tell your friends about the change.
Recent posts on the HG Safari blog
A conversation with Victor DeAngelo
The new expanded Europa by Jimmy
Some insights into Star's upcoming gala event
A bit of background to tech guru Ai Austin
and some MorlitaM news
Happy reading!

Thirza Ember: Forgot to say, the picture shows the house/art of the very talented Xenon Darrow, on Europa 5 months ago


Micawood: Hmm. there is no head and what you see as a penis are two astes 5 months ago

7 franco sur une sime .. c est rare hein falene :p

A new champ available now in ZZ-shop!

SilviaFrey: Que maravilloso loro, parece real y los otros objetos que encontré estupendos. He dado un grato paseó por su linda sim. Muchas gracias por los regalos y por ser tan amable. Saludos. 5 months ago
Je suis de retour sur osw.
Lors de mes dernières rencontres, j'ai été ravi de constater qu'il y avait un grand nombre de nouveaux résidents francophones.
Certains ont besoin d'aide pour apprendre les bases du build avec les primitives.
Je suggère de fixer un moment pour échanger des astuces et des conseils afin de tirer le meilleur parti des fonctionnalités d'Opensim.
Discutons et planifions le moment idéal pour arranger tout le monde.
a plus ...
Recent posts n the HG safari blog, bringing you news from around opensim...
Marcel Mosswood's amazing educational grid over in Indonesia
Two posts about Japan Open Grid
A new race track, part of Pangea's upcoming celebrations
Getting to know the AviWorlds team
how is the 3rd Rock (now 3rd Wind) community doing three months after their big move?
and finally - presenting Victor DeAngelo's latest build
Stop by The Artist's Brush Art Shop and get your art supplies, there are easels, tripods, canvases, brushes, oil paints in sets or individual, Artist's Pallets, colored pencils and there are plenty of art pieces for you to enjoy and purchase for $0, full perm too, all original creations of yours truly. And if you have artwork you'd like to showcase, we can fix you up at the Showcase Plateau with your own little gallery and up to 1500 prims. Stop in and visit and we'll talk. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

IndigoQueen King: Such a beautiful art space Lavia. Picked up a few pieces :)) And the art supplies are indeed awesome!! Excellent !!! Love it 5 months ago
Check out hundreds of new and amazing avatars available from my friend PrinceOfAmor. He has created a site listing the avatars with auto delivery capability. Like him, the site is pretty much amazing!

Sodasullivan: Prince is a genius and such a kind person. So cool to have these organized in one location. 5 months ago

Einladung zum Mitmachen
Liebe Opensim Community,

wir freuen uns, euch im Rahmen der 4. Pangea-Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten am 12. Oktober zu einem ganz besonderen Ereignis einzuladen: Die erste Pangea Regenbogenparade!

Unter dem inspirierenden Motto "Vielfalt ist unsere Freude: Respekt verbindet uns" möchten wir euch herzlich einladen, eure Kreativität zu entfalten und mit uns gemeinsam zu feiern. Unsere Parade bietet euch die Möglichkeit, eure bunten und fantasievollen Wagen zu gestalten und diese in einem fröhlichen Umzug durch die Straßen von Köln zu präsentieren.

Mitmachen und Gewinnen
Die schönsten Wagen werden von einer Jury, bestehend aus Mitgliedern verschiedener Grids, mit tollen Preisen prämiert. Pangea-Wagen fahren außer Konkurrenz und werden daher nicht prämiert. Wer an der Parade teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis Ende September bei Marlon Wayne oder Lampithaler Artist. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, eure kreativen Ideen zu verwirklichen und mit uns ein starkes Zeichen für Vielfalt und Respekt zu setzen.

Was euch am 12. Oktober alles erwartet
Bunter Umzug der Regenbogenparade: Erlebt die Vielfalt in ihrer schönsten Form! Die Parade zieht mit euren kreativ gestalteten Wagen durch die Straßen von Köln und setzt ein buntes Zeichen für Respekt und Zusammenhalt.

Beeindruckende Shows: Freut euch auf atemberaubende Darbietungen! Bink Draconia wird mit einem Männerballett verzaubern, und Lampithaler präsentiert ihre mitreißende Regenbogenshow zur Musik von Reyno Parx.

Grandiose Aftershow-Party: Der Abend endet mit einer fantastischen Party, bei der erstklassige DJs für die perfekte Stimmung sorgen und den Tag gebührend ausklingen lassen.

Jetzt mitmachen!
Meldet euch jetzt an und zeigt, was Vielfalt für euch bedeutet! Eure kreativ gestalteten Wagen sind das Highlight der Parade. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein unvergessliches Fest der Vielfalt erleben!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Invitation to Participate
Dear Opensim Community,

We are excited to invite you to a very special event as part of the 4th Pangea Birthday Celebrations on October 12th: The First Pangea Rainbow Parade!

Under the inspiring motto "Diversity is Our Joy: Respect Connects Us," we warmly invite you to unleash your creativity and celebrate with us. Our parade offers you the opportunity to design your colorful and imaginative floats and present them in a joyful procession through the streets of Cologne.

Participate and Win
The most beautiful floats will be awarded fantastic prizes by a jury consisting of members from various grids. Pangea floats will be non-competitive and will not be eligible for prizes. If you want to participate in the parade, please register by the end of September with Marlon Wayne or Lampithaler Artist. Take this opportunity to bring your creative ideas to life and make a strong statement for diversity and respect with us.

What Awaits You on October 12th
Colorful Rainbow Parade Procession: Experience diversity at its finest! The parade will move through the streets of Cologne with your creatively designed floats, making a colorful statement for respect and unity.

Impressive Shows: Look forward to breathtaking performances! Bink Draconia will enchant with a men's ballet, and Lampithaler will present an exciting Rainbow Show set to the music of Reyno Parx.

Grand Aftershow Party: The evening will conclude with a fantastic party, where top-notch DJs will create the perfect atmosphere to end the day in style.

Join Now!
Sign up now and show what diversity means to you! Your creatively designed floats are the highlight of the parade. Let’s experience an unforgettable celebration of diversity together!

We look forward to seeing you!

Cosa: Tolle Idee :-) 5 months ago

News!!!! There is a dispenser! just wear it and whoever clicks on it can take a smothy (delivery is random) hop://

KrisTina: That tongue on the right tho... kind of spooky, wonder if she sheds her skin once a year. 6 months ago
Dear friends:
The area of ​​clothing and decoration stores are waiting for all of you...
we like to share......

queridos amigos:
la zona de tiendas de ropa y de decoración, los están esperando a todos ustedes...
nos gusta compartir...

*PINK FIREWEED FLOWERS PACK NEW RELEASE* 01 prim mesh models with animation! Seasonal textures on different pixels available. All for FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA, BOX 03! Enjoy :)

LaviaLavine: awesome work as always Jimmy!! 6 months ago
Who is the band in the new show truck?

Needful Things has been enriched by a small attraction: every visitor can start the small show themselves by clicking on the writing on the floor (sounds must be activated in the viewer!).
For all those who get carried away by the little concert, there is a free HUD with audience animations to take away in the boxes in front of the truck....

YouTube Video:

Wer ist die Band im neuen Show Truck?

Needful Things ist um eine kleine Attraktion reicher: jeder Besucher kann die kleine Show durch Anklicken der Schrift am Boden selbst starten (Klänge müssen im Viewer aktiviert sein!).
Für alle, die sich von dem kleinen Konzert mitreißen lassen, gibt es einen HUD mit Publikumsanimationen kostenlos zum Mitnehmen in den Kartons vor dem Truck....

Chelsea Louloudi: Another work of art!! I love and am in awe of these shows :D 6 months ago

News!!! Takeoff jaket, Arm cover, Short Tshirt hop://

This young lady will play a role in my next video. :-)

Thirza Ember: That is fun to watch Dorena! 6 months ago

📝 Dorena on a personal note

This video is in English for you. I'll tell you something about our grid

A once a year all French Wolrd Music. Berets, wine,
garlic and baguettes available. Join us for 2 hours of great fun 🙂 Tourists welcome! Sat 13th July 2024 at 4 pm.


Hi Beautiful Finding things People :),
Does anyone know if this is around Opensim, a group choreography dance machine like this one or similar Spot One Thank you :)

📝 There's no such thing as an official Clubmaster v2.2

Comparing various "v2.2" Clubmasters with the official Clubmaster v2.1 led to the conclusion that none of the v2.2 Clubmasters are official

From this optimized position, just under the Eagle (Eagle ride)
You will fly above and get a great bird view of Novale in Summer
Have a great flight

Our Linux Cafe now has its own song :)

Click to hear :

... or click this cone to hear it again when you visit the cafe

New release of v3.2 the animesh horse script (can be worn or rezzed as vehicle) and optimized it for PBR viewer compatibility. I did some efforts to make the script more ubOde friendly (yes, with room for improvement) and the horse now has many new features for you to play with.

Xenon Darrow: YAY!!!! tytytyty Roland! I AM SO EXCITED! 7 months ago
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 7 months ago

Visit our LinuxCafe to find out more about the different Linux distros out there and read about open source / open content projects.

GlennXpletive: This is an outstanding idea and great thing to do Sunshine! Seriously, very impressive and helpful to more than just the OS community. You should get the "great Idea" award of the month! 7 months ago
*EUROPA COLONY SIM* SIMs where all dwellings will be from now on. To tap into this place, go to EUROPA and at welcome are you will see a big glassy teleport board. Enjoy.
PS. there are other destinations as EUROPA FARM and EUROPA MINES, feel free to explore but at these places, still a lot to be done.

Xenon Darrow: I love my and Ginger's little house and our HUGE garden! :) 7 months ago