Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Liked posts

Arcadia Shop will remain closed until the OSG servers upgrade is complete.

Here's the official notification for if you missed it

See you all at it's return!

Aaack: Guys, you're so busy talking about WT that you're glossing over the fact OSG came back 24 hours before they said they would and literally 10x faster than before. While WT can be amazing and all, ci... 5 months ago
Geburtstagsparty für Nasti
Unsere Gridmudda hatte Geburtstag
Die Soulis schmeissen eine Party für Sie.
Alle sind herzlich eingeladen bei cooler Oldiemusik mit ihr abzufeiern.
Wann? Montag 18.12.2023, 20.00 Uhr CET/MEZ
Warm up ab 19.00 Uhr

Birthday party for Nasti
It was our Grid mother's birthday
The Soulis are throwing a party for her.
Everyone is warmly invited to party with her to cool oldies music.
When? Monday 18.12.2023, 20.00 CET/MEZ
Warm up from 19.00 hrs

Thirza Ember: Best wishes to the beautiful Nasti 6 months ago
3rd Rock Grid slated for closure May 15 2024

I am very sad to announce what seems to be the inevitable closure of the historical 3RD Rock Grid in OpenSim. I say historical because it is notable as being the 3rd official OpenSim grid to open for business many,many years ago. I joined 3RD Rock in early 2011, shortly after it opening and have been calling it my virtual home away from home since then. Due to a recent series of cascading events our servers are inaccessible by our Adim team, below I will post a portion of my transcript copied during our last community meeting date March 23 2024.

[13:09] David7 Bravin: 5. GRID ISSUES.
[13:10] David7 Bravin: Anyone ?
[13:11] David7 Bravin: If not .....
[13:11] David7 Bravin: moving on to...
[13:11] David7 Bravin: 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS
[13:11] David7 Bravin: Eldovar ?
[13:11] Eldovar Lamilton: yes, thank you
[13:12] Eldovar Lamilton: As all of you have noticed of the past one and a half years, fate has hit us hard during the past time.
[13:13] Eldovar Lamilton: 1. It all started when we lost our system administrator from one day to the other without any further notice. We were left without access and documentation to the grid, and the person refused any further contact. To the day we have no idea why he reacted as he did, because from our perspective there was no reason at all to do so, our relationship seemed good, he received much more than the money he requested for the work he did.
[13:14] Eldovar Lamilton: It took us a long time to get access to the servers again. And the biggest problem that remained was, that he had rewritten (and improved) a few core parts of the Opensim software, but other than agreed, he never gave us the source code of those program parts.
[13:15] Eldovar Lamilton: 2. In October last year we lost one of our most important servers: the one that was running the Starfleet regions and many more important regions, we call it server 107. Kira Tiponi worked hard to get that server replaced and managed to restore all the regions that were there and finally, at the beginning of January this year, she succeeded. The plan was, that she shows nme everything she has done and gives me full access to the new server 107 at the beginning of February this year.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: 3. In January, we got the sad message, that Kira has passed away. She did not have time to pass over all the information that she had and that was necessary to access the new server.
[13:16] Eldovar Lamilton: This was the final stroke to the grid as well.
[13:17] Eldovar Lamilton: Despite all our efforts, the situation now is, that we don't have access to all the servers - I still try to get access to the server housing company where the physical bare metal servers are running. Even with that, we do not have access to all our servers, those few that we have access to, we cannot manage because the system administrator that helped us move from the Florida servers to the new servers in Europe, has rewritten some crucial part of the software, and we don't have the source code to it (as mentioned above).
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: To summarize the situation: this grid is not manageable anymore.
[13:18] Eldovar Lamilton: As a consequence, we have decided heavy heartedly, to shut down 3RG.
[13:19] Eldovar Lamilton: end
[13:20] Thoria Millgrove: Next month will make 15 years since I rezzed in 3rd Rock Grid
[13:20] Georgina Mills: 3rd oldest Opensim grid closes, I wish it wasn't so!

So in a nutshell that’s the story. If there is any assistance or advice you may have to offer, please feel free to contact me at
I will present any information during our next community meeting scheduled for April 6 2024 at 1:00pm grid time, 3rd Rock Grid is tentatively scheduled for official closure May 15th 2024
Thank you.

JayR Cela

CyberGlo CyberStar: If you cannot get the oars then you may have to copybot the regions. 3 months ago

Visit our LinuxCafe to find out more about the different Linux distros out there and read about open source / open content projects.

GlennXpletive: This is an outstanding idea and great thing to do Sunshine! Seriously, very impressive and helpful to more than just the OS community. You should get the "great Idea" award of the month! 4 days ago

We now have speech to text on Wolf Territories Grid. This is mainly for meetings and for our hard of hearing / deaf members. < demo video

Arielle: Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others? 2 months ago
* Black White Village *
A small, sleepy village on the brink of mayoral elections. There are posters on the streetlights everywhere. Really annoying ...
* * * *
* Black White Village *
Ein kleiner verschlafener Ort, der kurz vor den Bürgermeisterwahlen steht. Überall hängen Plakate an den Straßenlaternen. Echt nervig ...

Jerralyn Franzic: A quick way to find a black and white avatar is to visit Shapeshifter. Felix Ringtail's avatars feature black and white skins. Many of the avatars wear monochromatic outfits. Ruth and Roth bodies are ... 5 months ago
It was exceedingly annoying to me that a Linda Kellie dress I really liked had something like a MILLION triangles and shot your avatar complexity to 500K.
I reduced the tri count significantly, until I could do no more without destroying the original mesh. Then I rigged for Ruth RC3 and wore it around my lonely little dreamgrid (my internet sucks, in those days I could see myself but nobody could see, talk to or visit me)(this is why I moved to OSgrid). More recently, I also rigged for Athena with my legal copy of the maitreya dev kit. It's common and there's people that prefer it-who am I to judge?

It's in Mythos now. Has pre made variants with the texture, all my textures included (all black dresses with a different type of tartan on each). Old doesn't equal ugly and usually in opensim if you don't like the "out of style" texture on something you can change can use any LK ruffle bottom texture, any one someone else made with the AO, etc. The original AO map is in the box.
It's a shorter skirt so I put some old bloomers I made, and some stockings from Shinobar Annex in the box as a courtesy.

Jupiter Rowland: Good thing you've added all your textures. That way, they can be applied to Linda's original meshes, complex as they may be. That said, would you consider rigging for two more bodies? One would be M... 6 months ago Lab

The Mech Lab Egg Hunt is on! Gear up and scramble to find 4 hidden eggs scattered around the Lab. Each egg cracks open to reveal a different awesome Mech Model!

Get ready to search high and low, pilots!

Your Clues:
Egg 1: G-Suit Gambit

Amongst the gear that pilots don, a hidden Mech awaits, ready to spawn.

Egg 2: Fountain Fortune

By the water's flowing gleam, a Mech Model waits in a parkland dream.

Egg 3: Secret Lab Stash

Deep within the hidden Levels lair, a Mech Model's secrets wait to share.

Egg 4: Hangar Hideaway

Soar through the hangar high and wide, a Mech Model's waiting, where giants reside.

Happy Weekend!

LeonitasLionheart: very cool and ty! they look amazing. are you working towards making them fully operational some day...scripted, animated, fireable weapons with damage, etc? so cool, either way. long as they aren't u... 2 months ago
*** UPDATED RELEASE MAY 29th 2024 ***
OPENSIM FIREWORKS V9 (VERSION 9) - All in mesh fireworks (*) with lower complexity- V9 now is even better than previous version - it summons flashing lights on different colors and has more sounds, all to make the effect even more real! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at PARTY BOX.
Here is an example how it looks like now:
Enjoy :)

(*) An old particles firework available as well inside the box!

Safinemahoe2: These fireworks are fantastic! They look amazing but do not cause lag. I put about 20 of these on a one sim island as a test. OMG that was pretty.....but no lag! These are the best fire... 19 days ago
I have scripted an absolutely gorgeous vendor board. I've left it in my sandbox, where you can take a copy, right in the center. It's very low cpu usage. It works perfectly. You must put at least 6 items in it. You also put the pictures in it. Name the pictures the same thing as the items, but put a period in front of the picture texture name. That's all there is to it. It's very smooth, sleek, and sharp. Definitely the way to modernize a lot of these old dated vendors you see in so many malls these days. :)

ZoeyRavenheart: Exactly what I needed! Thanks Cyberglo! xD 2 months ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter where aliens, attempting to blend in at the shopping mall, mistake mannequins for undercover agents and engage in intense conversations with them about the secrets of human fashion.
NEW SCI FI MAGABAGA MALL AVAILABLE! TONS OF SCI FI RELATED STUFFS! ALL FOR FREE AND FULL PERM. Go to any interphasic taxi bubble totem and pick up as destination MALL (its in a space station, 1,500 meters up in the sky). Have fun!

Joe Builder: Hey Jimmy Nice region you have there :) Looks like Isil Designs from SL? Is it the same.. 5 months ago

May the Easter Bunny bring you all baskets of love and eggs full of positive surprises. Happy Easter!

Wish you all your Nasti

AleksanderDesousa: Frohe Ostern euch allen 3 months ago
Wir sehen uns wieder in Walhalla
Lasst uns feiern, seid bereit
Mit den Göttern in Walhalla
Bis in alle Ewigkeit

See you again in Valhalla
Let's celebrate, be ready
With the Gods in Valhalla
Till eternity

KarinBecker: Freu mich schon auf Morgen ...........yehhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 months ago
Tide in and out - this is an automated function at Wolf Territories grid you can turn on in the control panel. It takes about two and a half hours for the tide to go out and two and a half hours to come back in again. The grid makes sure all the water levels on all the regions are the same.

Crazyposeidon: if we implant a cool game engine the Cry or the unreal all become true not a dream any more 5 months ago

First Wedding on TwoHearts Island was Adani and Essensual's Wedding
so who is next??

PinDeluca: Congratulations - hope your life together is filled with love and light ! 7 months ago

Come and meet Bobby our AI chat bot - start the sentence with Bobby so you know you are talking to him.

Lone Wolf: Please try and be kind to him, I found him hiding behind a sign. 7 months ago

Jetzt kommt gleich die schwarze Stunde, und wir drehen unsre Runde.
Heute um 19.00 Uhr Halloween-Party im Tosca.
Ich freue mich auf euch

black nightshade: wenn gestalten durch die straßen huschen gruseliges heulen an die ohren dringt, dann weiß jeder gleich bescheid, dann ist es wieder soweit Soul ist Halloween-night 8 months ago

What an HONOR to be featured on HG SAFARI! Many thanks, Thirza!

Spax Orion: Since the posting of this article, I have added 3 NEW rides to 'The Afterlife' area (Hint: Take a swim) and "Festival of Fatalities" Funhouse is completed. So, get your free SYSTEM avatar at hg.osgrid... 1 years ago
Leather has long been associated with luxury and sophistication. Its rich texture, distinct smell, and timeless appeal evoke a sense of opulence and prestige. Throughout history, leather has been used to craft items for the elite, symbolizing wealth, status, and refinement.

"leather textures" by bm.iphone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Come see the Leather collection of textures that are waiting for your next project!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Lizzy: Oh....mmmmm......Leather....whips, corsets, floggers, gags, bindings.......the list is endless, but sooooooooooooo erotic ;-) 2 months ago

The future
beacon on full graphics shared environment on.

Wolf Territories Grid: Brilliant as usual! 2 months ago

One of Putri's children is very sick and still has a few critical days to get through.....we can all just pray that the child gets well again quickly...Putri has canceled all shows for the time being

Passion Jumanji: Prayers Putri! SO MANY Prayers going up for you & your child! 2 months ago
que sensacion agradable que nos provoca siempre ver una isla recien nacida. Art&Friends, esta en la espera del
nacimiento de una nueva exposición de arte .No te la puedes perder...

What a pleasant feeling that seeing a newly born island always gives us. Art&Friends, is waiting for the
birth of a new art exhibition. You can't miss it...

Milly Money: LOVE seeing that new 'button' sprout, so many new possibilities or sometimes the beginning of a master plan :D 2 months ago
I have written a script for resizing prim objects. Have you ever went to shrink an object only to find that somewhere in one of the prims of the linkset the prim is to small to shrink further? This prevents you from shrinking the object. So what this script does is, it goes through the entire prim linkset and finds all the prims at .001 on x, y, or z axis and changes it to .005. Now you can shrink the object with no problem and without having to work your way through every prim in the linkset. Just drop in my script, touch the object one time, then shrink it down like you usually do in the viewer. Et Voila! Now don't you think I have a certain... "Je ne sais quoi?" I almost forgot. The script is called "The Smallest Part" and it's in the scripts section of this website where all the other free scripts are... :D A special thanks to Arielle for pointing out a bug in the code! It's fixed now! :)

alexa maurer osw: The smallest non-physical prim size allowed in opensim depends on what is set in opensim.ini. 4 months ago

Taking the "kitten" for a walk. I was told it was kitten when I bought it off a guy in a pub but it seems to be growing...

KrisTina: What's a few fleas between friends. 8 months ago

Halloween display coming soon. and Kinky Havens 4th birthday.

Lizzy: Be afraid. Be very afraid...... 8 months ago
The inauguration show of the GavezDois Art Gallery, with the portuguese João Frazão and Zoree Jupiter, in an unforgettable night at the reproduction of the Pena National Palace.

Arrive early to admire the more than 400 images generated by Artificial Intelligence, which make up the gallery's current collection.

Patinha: The party was a success! Full of really cool people and the music was great. Thank you all! 3 months ago

Here at Let's Snow you will find essential warm winter apparels
Most of them are Full Perm items we collected over years
The Store is located at Novale's X mas Market

harthelie: merci 6 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
Lillysparks who gave very specific information about where to find Stuff boxes.
Jupiter Rowland offered tips on where to ind sweeping animations and Stuff boxes.

I am also going to acknowledge Copper & Prince Amor who responded to a request in the box (that is so old school) for a giggle animation

Here is an overly cute picture of someone who is not Rowland with a ponytail helping some random kid -- OK, her brother -- up a hill.

Lillysparks: Cute acknowledgement. This is a darling way to reply to the world's helpers I must say. hehe 7 months ago

OMG Ladies you aren't going to believe it.. 50 new Legacy Outfits at Grimm.. Come and get your Legacy On

Milly Money: Easily my favourite place for ladies clothing. If you haven't shopped here you are missing out :) 8 months ago

Great time at the Lotus Club Gala event!

HG Address:

Limo: hop://

Thirza Ember: Fun times dancing with a wolf 8 months ago
🌟✨ Don't miss the opening of “Amnesia” in the Grid “Zone Nations”! ✨🌟
🕙 At 10:30 PM Italian time (1:30 PM SLT) DJ Adamking will rock the dance floor!
🎤 At 11:30 PM Italian time (2:30 PM SLT) the amazing voice of Katiaportugal will thrill you!
Come and experience an unforgettable night on “Amnesia”!

Druskus: Now in Live Katia Portugal! 6 days ago
Whales for Sale!!!!

That's right, I am selling whales!

Why am I selling whales? Because I want to help you make an amazing Underwater area. You see, we have whales, many species of stingrays, sharks, jelly fish, hundreds of fish, hermit crabs, dolphins, mermaids, corals, ruins shipwrecks and more!

I spent 6 months finding things in opensim to build my underwater worlds...and now I want to help you build your underwater area.

Textures Trees & Scripts (and Whales)

the little store that is loved by builders and landscapers!

Ankhsenaton: So much things to get :) Thank you Safinemahoe2 ! 23 days ago

I dance only for you, Glenn, the friendliest, likeable man in Opensimworld.^^

Xenon Darrow: 🪇💃🪇👯🪇🧚🪇 24 days ago
I can't believe we are opening in SIX Days!!
When you come to the party, be sure to have Shared Environment enabled with graphics as high as your rig will allow so you can see the beautiful sky and the shadows.
DJ Kith from Wyldwood Bayou will be spinning the music from female musicians over several decades, 70s-90s in honor of women in Open Sim.
My exhibit consists of portraits I have taken of women who have contributed to Open Sim in significant ways, entitled, "Sculpting Prims: Female Visionaries In Open Sim." This exhibit is to honor and acknowledge the work of women that often goes unnoticed and shine a light on their many accomplishments.
My exhibit is only a part of the opening as we also have several talented artists exhibiting their work you don't want to miss.
Come one, Come all!! We can't wait to see you there! Beau Retrouve

Thirza Ember: congrats star!! 2 months ago

The nicest way to reach the Valley of Ancient Easters is taking
the dandelion riding seed at the dock, near landing camp

CyberGlo CyberStar: i went here and rode the dandelion seed. I tried to get some chocolate but it was neither buy or copy. A beautiful sim and the dandelion seed ride was amazing! You simply must go here and try it! S... 3 months ago
Just to be clear, I have always pursued my own ideas in my work and have never been interested in replicating what others have done. Because of that my work is easily identifiable wherever it is on the hypergrid. So when I heard that I had stolen someone else's idea for a dance floor I laughed. Pictured above is an event at my Aeroclub on July 13th, 2018 on Bill Blight's old grid (OpensimLife), now gone since he retired. I was using arcane textures on dance floors even back then. When I built the Lotus Club early last year on Luxor I created a similar dance floor because that's what I liked. And no, it would never bother me that someone else got a similar idea on their own. I remember when Essensual bought my Grand Ballroom then invited me over to see it. She had completely remodeled it into a gorgeous Art Deco style. I could still see my objects and textures but I loved how she creatively rearranged everything and added in some of her own textures. That's the way it should be in Opensim.

Nico Kalani: I'm going to sue the Munchkins for putting an occult symbol on their floor. :) 4 months ago
I needed to create a car spawner/rezzer for my city (since I can't allow a single space for rez items), so I needed to code this, which allows you to configure cars to be rezzed on designed points, it's split into 3:

- Car spawner (parking): must contains the cars available to be spawned, note the name of the item you put there since you'll need to configure it on the rezzer machine
- Rezzer machine: Here it contains 2 notecards: CFG (configuration) and CARLIST (cars to be rezzed)
- Temporary object: It will have the script to rotate and listen the finall call to destroy itself (when moving to other car or reset)

The panels for images can be modified and added several, just look at the config value from there.

It's full perm, copy transfer including the scripts, you can modify it, do whatever, if you do a modification remember to keep the credits.

It's the first version, maybe it will have some bugs, but I tried to have the best code quality for it.
If you have a question, or found something remember to contact me.
Once I can, I'll do a better guide (there is one included on the object), you must copy or right click buy it (since the object contains all the scripts, the notecard, rezzer, spawner and instructions)

You can get it on: on my freebies mall (same landing point)
I used some cars of Prince Armor from his Region as demo and are the ones currently which can be spawned on my city for drive (these are not included, if you like them go to their region ^^)

FreshVirtualWorld: thankyou 4 months ago

Happy Holidays Opensim! Your gifts are under the tree at Shapeshifter, right in front of Ringtail's shop!

Lone Wolf: I love the use of colour on your region . 6 months ago
You can now Register for free to attend the OpenSimulator Community Conference #OSCC23

Check out our Schedule at:

Or become a crowdfunder like OSgrid, in Expo Zone 3.
#metaverse #oscc #opensource #virtualworlds

Lillysparks: Wow this looks interesting. I also want to point out something that opened my eyes. I was reading the notes about submissions and guides for expo participants and I learned more from those guideline... 7 months ago

A new exhibit at my region gallery.

Forestofazure: Hope you'll like it :) 7 months ago

Hugabug: Happy Thanks giving to you as well ( cute picture) 7 months ago