Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Mobius has been banning osgrid avies for the past six months or so due to a security issue, but good news, the problem seems to have gone away! Here's a post about the grid guys and some photos you may remember...

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

Thank you so so much Caro Fayray and @Xinashi (Nico) for being the hostesses with the mostesses... this was the Safari visit yesterday. Just one week left of the season...
Thank you so comuch Caro Fayray and @Xinashi (Nico) for being the hostesses with the mostesses... this was the Safari visit yesterday. Just one week left of the season...
Thanks so much to @Amaranthim and @Hairy and all the Bridgemere crew for letting us invade their airspace. Ditto to Dr Dave, the ever lovely Youca and all the Burners for a great train ride.
If you missed the insanity on Wednesday, here's the gen:
Interested in the nutty side of hypergridding? Consider joining our group here on OSW
Thanks so much Dorena and Anachron, and the great Foxx Bode, for letting us see a bit of opensim History yesterday!
Missed the Safari trip? You can read what they had to say here:

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

So much brilliant creativity on Safari this week
Cuteulala's amazing new music device, and the great role-players of Carima Grid.
Bored by the frowzy drama of The Box? read on, and go exploring instead.
Here's a roundup of some of the things that happened in Opensim in 2022.
What did I miss from the list, and what was the biggest virtual event on your grid?

Fun for Xmas day - another ephemeral Hunt by Ange Menges and Nani Ferguson.

Safari is on hiatus, in the meantime here's the backstory of a cool place to visit

Thank you Nico for that wonderful final destination of the year. Everyone should see your sim and read your words!

Thanks to @Fred Beckhusen, and @Roland Francis for letting us celebrate Lord of the Rings week on their wonderful grids
Interested in Roleplay? Already have a group, or looking for a new RP family? Learn about the Wyldwood RP , their regular meet-ups with other RP afficionados, and of course, the roundup of news in Opensim
InWorld Review: Sundays at 12 noon SLT
Like - Subscribe - Comment - be a guest on the show!

This week's InWorld Review featured a great build over on the Science Circle, with AbaBrukh Aabye, plus a 30 minute roundup of some opensim news. You can watch it here.

Opensim. it's all about options, creativity, and wide open spaces.

Hi all, Maria Korolov is joining us tomorrow for the first Safari of the Fall season.
The announced venue has changed, though. Meeting at the OSgrid clubhouse, not on the Safari annex. That's because Avacon grid had something happen with its servers, and although it is back online and lovely, there is a bug in Textures.
Do you like chatting in French? Do you want to explore the hyperverse with a gallic air? Then the Soirees Franco are right up your alley. Or should that be allee? Learn more here

Season 3 begins one month from today. Don't wait, please go and visit the Summer build on Creanovale any time before our tour - there's so much to see !

Rage Darkstone, a profile of the artist

The Inworld Review 10 July
The Museo del Metaverso party, recent Safaris to Winxtropia, Ignis Fatuus, and of course OpensimFest all reviewed

HG Safari 2022 Week 20
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [6 Jul 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 - Lorin Tone's sounds on 3rd Rock Grid
The sorcerer of Sound, Lorin Tone, welcomes us to experience two musical builds Synapse and Aurora.
Lorin's artistry in inworld sound is without compare, ask him advice for getting the noise ambient just right on your grid.
Come to Alia Soulstar's Nuna Gallery, and look for the building called Central to get the Magnetrail to the venues in the sky.
Address Nuna Gallery
Destination 2 - Alice on CopyKat Grid
A beautiful re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland, Adachi style.
Oni Kiri will join us to reveal a little bit about her creativity, community, and credo as owner of one of the most popular freebie grids on the HG.

The Little Prince, a new build on osgrid by Wizardoz Chrome & co, and the newest Ignis build.
Goodbye to Metropolis
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [30 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Metropolis Grid is scheduled to go offline on June 30.
HG Address :
Join us for an Unofficial Party to send her on her way into that good night.
Neovo Geesink invites you to dance and DJane LadyJo Martin will be spinning appropriate tunes. You bring the memories.
If the grid goes down or you can't make it to Metro, you can join in the party at Memoriam

Beginning soon (12.00 Grid time) a party to celebrate fifteen years of the MdM and the extraordinary dedication and work of Rosanna Galvani to nurture, divulge and protect virtual art in both SL and Opensim.
The party is here Garage
Jessica Pixel filmed our Safari yesterday (to Winxtropia to see Cuteulala and to Opensimfest grid to see Shelenn) if you're curious to see what goes on when a bunch of crazy people go hypergridding together...
HG Safari 2022 Week 18
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [22 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 Cuteulala on Winxtropia
Opensim Goddess Cuteulala Artis invites us to visit Gardenia Town on Winxtropia Grid - learn about mesh economy, and enjoy the fun fair!
bloompeters.ddns. net:7002:Gardenia Town
Destination 2 Shelenn Ayres on OpensimFest Grid
Shelenn gives us a sneak peek at the preparations for the Fest. What differences are there from previous years? How hard has it been to organize? What fun is planned?

Terra Merhyem is a multimedia artist with a huge amount of talent and energy.
Here's an article about her work, with emphasis on her contributions on the lovely Pangea Grid
HG Safari 2022 Week 16
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [8 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Destination 1 An audience with Ubit
Opensim Dev Ubit Umarov invites us to his home region for an upbeat conversation about the challenges and joys of the opensimulator.
Destination 2 Introduction to AMV with Grid Gurus, Chris McCracken and Jaxson Texas. A chance to learn about one of OpenSim's most vibrant and active grids, Alternate Metaverse. It's mythical! Realms NE

HG Safari 2022 Week 15 Liverpool/Beatles Week
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [1 Jun 2022 12:00 SLT]

Liverpool/Beatles Week!
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band came out this week 55 years ago.
Destination 1: Liverpool Old Dock, Kitely. Graham Mills' ongoing project to reconstruct the historical docks of the city of Liverpool, home town of the Beatles. Please note, this region is only open for our visit, otherwise it is closed to the public
grid.kitely:8002:Liverpool Old Dock
Destination2: Pepperland on LFgrid by Mudpuddle Cleanslate. An imaginative reconstruction of the cartoon scenes of the movie Yellow Submarine.

Thanks to the musicians and all the safari regulars who joined us in visiting ArtDestiny and Avacon.

HG Safari 2022 Week 14
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [25 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

Music, Music!
Destination 1 Joao Frazao at the Safari portals. Portuguese maestro of the strings Joao plays for us while we peruse the HG Safari Self Guided Tours portals, and the Inworld Review studios
Destination 2 Moses Rau plays for us on the Star Trek themed builds of Stormy Scorpio, enjoy the music and explore the mind blowing environments featuring a range of ships and space stations, and planetary pleasures on Vulcan and Klingon, not to mention the holodeck landscapes.
Be sure to come get the Lms this week, much of the action will be happening in the sky!

Thanks to Jillian2000Quintessa of Discovery, and to Stio Mactomais of Osgrid and Marstol of Kitely for their awesomeness. So many fun places in opensim to visit.. so little time!

Three famous names ... what do they have in common?
Our trip to see life on Mars, and how the Tarns fly. Special thanks to Misty for not minding if I tp'd her to the wrong place.