Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Why be a Sponsor of opensimfest? Is it expensive, exclusive, complicated? Here are three stories of ordinary folk who decided to get involved.

Marianna : I wouldn't consider these "ordinary folk" These are all talented wonderful mentors of opensim who have brought us beautiful worlds and lots of magic! 2 years ago

A Safari on Safari today!

Thirza Ember: 2 years ago

Thanks to the musicians and all the safari regulars who joined us in visiting ArtDestiny and Avacon.

HG Safari 2022 Week 14
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [25 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

Music, Music!
Destination 1 Joao Frazao at the Safari portals. Portuguese maestro of the strings Joao plays for us while we peruse the HG Safari Self Guided Tours portals, and the Inworld Review studios
Destination 2 Moses Rau plays for us on the Star Trek themed builds of Stormy Scorpio, enjoy the music and explore the mind blowing environments featuring a range of ships and space stations, and planetary pleasures on Vulcan and Klingon, not to mention the holodeck landscapes.
Be sure to come get the Lms this week, much of the action will be happening in the sky!

Thanks to Jillian2000Quintessa of Discovery, and to Stio Mactomais of Osgrid and Marstol of Kitely for their awesomeness. So many fun places in opensim to visit.. so little time!

Three famous names ... what do they have in common?
Our trip to see life on Mars, and how the Tarns fly. Special thanks to Misty for not minding if I tp'd her to the wrong place.

HG Safari2022 Week 12
Starting from Safari
~ Flight Week ~
~Destination 1~ International Spaceflight Museum Kitely. Rosa, Mike and the ISM group invite us to come take a look at the past present and future of space flight.
~Destination 2~ Tarn Flying on Counter Earth
All bets are on, as we go Tarn racing ! Board these giant birds and try your hand at the race course, and watch your friends hopelessly crash into the ground. Courtesy of Havoc Rau and the team on Counter Earth. Stadium