Paul Jones @TheGreatGambino


I don't care about who you think I am..

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself


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Track 1 "NASA Neanderthal" on EDM music video album.

EDM Music Video Album. Track 2 "Whoa, Woolly Mammoth"

EDM Music Video Album. Track 2 "Whoa, Woolly Mammoth"

My YouTube channel has come a long way over the past year. With almost 100 videos and 100 subscribers, I am gearing up to push forward to get 1000 subs and become monetized on YouTubes platform.. If you haven't seen my YouTube videos lately, I encourage you to take a look. My content has improved, and my videos are starting to come together, almost forming a story of my interactions in virtual worlds. I will be in opensim making new content for my YouTube channel over the next several months. I am looking for interesting individuals to interview and feature in videos I create. Message me if you feel this is you. I could care less how much you have done for opensim... ( not to be rude, boomer.. we do appreciate all you have done) but I am looking for what people are doing now. What communities are you apart of??? and what do you do now to make opensim more appealing???... I am not going to respond to negativity, as I am moving forward now and trying to show entertaining examples of what happens now in opensim grids, and its hyperverse.... I think good media production on these topics, will ultimately be what brings more people to opensim...If you want to partake in this project I will be doing, please send me a private message.... as I hardly look at or respond to post comments.

Link to my YouTube Channel. (subscribing would be great)

comments 6 post likes 6
No upcoming events

My Reviews


very nice sim... i don't really know what it is about, but it looks futuristic.


great cars, guns, and outfits... and people... the owner is very knowledgeable and contributes to the overall content in opensim. She is also very generous for sharing it.

Isle of Nara

They fucking mac address banned me because I told them i didn't like to be called "Master"... If you are gonna call me anything.... call me , "Daddy"... Well, now you all can call me , "Grandpa"... So sorry i don't like being called , "Master". given the fact I am a white male... living in times where society blames you for all the racism and suppression in the world... So ya.. don't call me "M...

Masala Forest Retreat

dont go there... they rape you, beat you up, and take your lunch money!!!

My Groups

Profile Comments

He is a spanner and stalker, has neither country nor friends, Always interprets only garbage into something he thinks he would do, the best thing is to banish him as soon as you see him on his land
awe... that's rude ... and a pretty bold of a statement to make considering you are always cheating on your registered virtual world partner.. Don't get mad I blackmailed you...