Whether you use or like the ranking is not the point. There are some people that DO use it and base decisions on that ranking. Yes, clubs go up and down depending on how many sets they have but also due to how popular they are among OpenSim world users. It shows what regions are active regions. If you were looking for a place to stay free you might think "oh that region is #4, there must be a lot of traffic there and people must like to live there" Instead what you get is a bunch of avatars stuck in a wall for two weeks and not moving BUT it sure did bring traffic to the grid. A lot of people don't go further than the front page. If you are "faking" your numbers by planting avatars in a region to get on the front page you are preventing regions that have REAL traffic from advancing. It has nothing to do with being famous or trying to get attention. Opensim World has this feature and it's up to us to use it correctly, not manipulate it for your own gains.