Tainted Angel @Taintedangel


Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Composer/Published Author/3D visualizer to change reality/Nail Art Design


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Great regions, great opensim spirit!!! A must see for all your region needs. Always something new to see. Love this place, love Falene!!!
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Awesome! I wish you guys had a stream of nature sounds and birds. But love your region.
Well then, love it more and go back to the OSWRS region and snag the Abacus Radio up on that huge box in the center. If you don't want streaming nature sounds , there's always the old looping nature sound balls in the corner of the region, I forget what corner. Thanks.
I will, Thank you!
I do want the stream but I'm not seeing the Abacus radio. What does it look like? :)
I'm going to pretend that you are all set up now after successfully finding the radio that you were standing in front of while I was there typing at you while you were in the region. (I didn't see you type back). There are 3 separate nature sounds in the Abacus Radio, wind,water and bird along with some other interesting streams like comedy , crime stories, and much more.
I'm sorry, I didn't know you texted me when I was in there. But I just now found it, thank you.
I just found it, thank you
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Really? You're giving us those?? For real? Thank you so much!!!!!!
Yes and i hope many install this sim's. So I piss the hacker, envious and sapoteurs on the leg :-)
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Your worlds always rock!
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Beautiful worlds. Hoped to see the Village of Bree where Prancing pony is but it's not there.
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Looks beautiful!! How did you make everything look so real?
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I've always love your worlds, but if they no longer exist, then they should be removed from here. Otherwise people try to access it.
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Yea, it's the same and I reset it. nothing seems to work
ok send me the name of the object and a link to your grid and I'll stop over with a new one
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same here, bad password.
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I reset scripts but still says bad password
If anything delete the object and take another one out. Otherwise let me know what object it is and I'll give you a good copy of it.
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Do you have any of the buildings in bree available to copy or purchase?
you should be able you
copy any buildings there
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I know this is kinda out there, but do you have a trade script for an NPC? Example: give an npc a rose she gives coins.
NPCs do not have inventory other than the attachments they are wearing as defined in their appearance cards. There is no OSSL code which will detect inventory changes on NPCs which would allow the triggering of a 'give' event.

A prim can be scripted to accept content from a user much like the inworld mailboxes of old in SL. On inventory change of the mailbox, it can be scripted to say 'thank you' or give the user inventory you have stored in the contents of the prim.

ActiveNPC does allow your NPCs to give items from the controller contents using actions you define in the ..extension script. This can be handy if you have bartenders or cocktail waitresses. Normally, the NPC would walk up to the guest and ask them to make a CHOICE from the available items they have to give. The active NPC page has more details on setting that up.
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How can someone obtain a treasure hunt for their region? That is awesome!
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Didn't quite load but I'll try later... the pic looks great!!!!!!!!!!
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Beautiful World!!! Your work is amazing!
Thank you!! I think your work is amazing too!!
Thank you so much!!!! xoxo
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Hi! How can I recall a vehicle with a script? I made a ski lift but when the ski car is at the top... I need a button to recall it when someone is at the bottom or how to get it to pause for like 60 seconds in between stops..
This script has no recall function. It d interesting though. About pause its the last value after the slash (/).. by default, on notecard, its all set to 0 (zero). values are in seconds.
It worked!!! Thank you!
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So amazing! You guys got to check it out... so beautiful and Norman Rockwell like. I love it!
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Love your worlds. Are the rides still available anywhere?
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Awesome! How do we get there? Kingman is a big city
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I was trying to buy the sweeping brook, flying witch npc, the riding pumpkin on the bike and the little dude rotating with the pumpkin. Are those items available? I click on them and no option to copy or buy.