Tainted Angel @Taintedangel


Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Composer/Published Author/3D visualizer to change reality/Nail Art Design

Liked posts

I have decided to rebrand the grid. While I loved the name con.tin.u.um many told me they had a hard time remembering the name and thought of us as Virtual-HG, and they are right it just makes sense to name the grid Virtual-HG so please update all your URLs to this:

Grid Login ----> http://virtual-hg.com:8002/

Virtual-HG Magazine ---->https://virtual-hg.outworldz.net/JOpensim/index.php?option...

Virtual-HG Forum---->https://virtual-hg.outworldz.net/JOpensim/index.php/forum

Grid Webpage---->https://virtual-hg.outworldz.net/JOpensim

Replica of the Tromsø Ice Sea Cathedral

bonjour hello
voila mon petit port
little port
merci de liker le terrain pas l'image
please like land, not picture, thank

Zoe: The region is down for now, but wil be back soon, Pirate Falene turns around... Its magick what a Pirate can do, disappear and come back. Unfathomable Pirates Voyages ☺☻☺ 2 years ago
Today is a great day for a little Odyssey. "When light bounces off of something and is reflected back into a human’s eyes, we perceive color. For millennia, color has been one of the elements of art that artists use to render the world as they see it." When you view the colors the Mind Odyssey artists display, such as Nyx Breen, you will see a dance of color and movement. Make sure you take the time to spend here and appreciate the artists of OpenSim.
Cherry Manga
Nyx Breen
Shirl Tainted Angel

continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Mind Odyssey

Image shown is artist Shirl Tainted Angel

Jerralyn Franzic: I've visited a few times. Once with an alt, and a few times more by myself. :) 2 years ago

Because of this always annoying I can't fill the stores on Needful Things permanently with new items. Even creating (reasonably) appealing images takes some time. For this reason I created the < GACHA ROOM > on Needful Things, where you can pull a random item out of the vending machine. A few machines only give you one item every 24 hours, but most of them you can click as many times as you want - until they finally give you the item you want :) .
The gachas work without (game) money or anything like that; just click on them and see what they give out....


Aufgrund dieses immer wieder lästigen kann ich die Läden auf Needful Things leider nicht permanent mit neuen Items befüllen. Schon das Erstellen (einigermaßen) ansprechender Bilder nimmt einige Zeit in Anspruch. Aus diesem Grund habe ich den < GACHA ROOM > auf Needful Things eingerichtet, wo ihr euch ein zufälliges Objekt aus dem Automaten ziehen könnt. Ein paar Maschinen geben nur ein Objekt alle 24 Stuunden aus, aber die meisten kann man beliebig oft hintereinander anklicken- bis sie endlich das ersehnte Item ausspucken :) .
Die Gachas funktionieren ohne (Spiel-)Geld oder dergleichen; einfach anklicken und abwarten, was sie ausgeben....
Viel Spaß!

Sometimes we get gifts, like this lovely image, from someone I just saw on landing point. Thank you!

Land of the Giants by Joe Builder

Free for Outworldz- DreamGrid owners, Fred Beckhusen designs and creates .oars to share with his Outworldz-Dreamgrid members. The OAR is licensed exclusively for use in DreamWorld Grids. CC-BY-NC, Outworldz, LLC.

Thank you @JoeBuilder you brought this story to virtual life~ it is a beautiful sim.
Priscilla.Kleenex again out for hunting. Cerfull for this italian monkey him come again to GBG WORLD but i ma so fast to banned this monkey from italy and ejeck so i send him to the hell but stay cerfull all grid .
2022-07-09 02:27:27,382 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Priscilla.Kleenex @bubblesz.nl:8002 @ http://bubblesz.nl:8002/ () at using viewer Firestorm-Releasex64, channel Firestorm-Releasex64, , Mac , Id0 , Teleport Flags: ViaLogin. From region FreeLand 01 - French Connection () @ http://french-connection.tk:8002/
2022-07-09 02:27:27,386 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac against list of denied macs ...


Hostname: mob-.net.vodafone.it

ASN: 30722

ISP: Vodafone Italia S.p.A.

Services: None detected

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Country: Italy

State/Region: Piemonte

City: Ivrea

OpenSimUser: Just delete all the information on here, and ban their Mac address and be done with it, rather than possiblity of breaking laws by posting information that shouldnt be posted in public forums. 2 years ago

I decided to move the Rigged Avatar store to the new Welcome area at Catena di isole continuum.outworldz.net:8002/Catena%20di%20isole/336/323/32 Please update your landmarks!

Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 2 years ago

The Witches Hud 6.0 - fixed a major bug that would cause the hud not to reopen if you took it off when it was closed. A few other minor bug fixes included.

Roland Francis: VERY cool HUD & the way it works ;) 2 years ago
What do the magic huds look like?
NOTE: you MUST have OSSL enabled in your sim.

Well depending on which magic hud you got they can be very different.

The witches hud has purple buttons that turn blue when you click them to cast a magic spell.

The vampires hud has red glassy buttons.

The fae hud has light green buttons.

Remember, to end all spells simply close the HUD menu button. This retracts all the buttons and ends all the spells. :)

Each hud has a part you have to wear as an attachment. The vampire hud requires the vampires magic ring to be on your finger to work, the witches hud requires you to wear the witches heart, and the fairy hud requires you to wear the fairies necklace.

Of course you may GOD MODE these and take the guts out and put the magic into any ring, necklace, or object you prefer.

These huds tend to work best for people that own a dream grid, or own their own region setup with npc support. I did go back as a special favor and make the vampire hud runnable on osgrid. Changing some of the original spells so they would work there.

Please note: If you go to my region, go with no scripts, and as plain an avatar as possible. This is because there is a device there now that will kick you if you are wearing too much stuff, if your avatar is too new, or too small. This device has become a necessary evil, due to a few talentless people who insist on editing the things I've made and destroying them so no one can get a copy. Currently they have found a way to delete textures inside my unlocked objects, and they can kill scripts. So if you get something that is not working, just ask me, and I'll give you a full working version. This also helps to let me know when the talentless jealous b/c they can't make anything, people, have been back to my sim damaging my creations.

Thirza Ember: Magical! 2 years ago
The owner of Fetish World Demi Carter has opened a second store in FemDom City called Fantasy Outfits & Latex Wear.
Due to Demi and her staffs increased work load she has brought in Girlfriend Simone Meadows to manage the store for her.

Items in the store have been sourced from around the metaverse from suppliers like Biatchi, Resource Respawn and others.
If you see items you feel should not be here. Please let me know and they will be removed from the store.

If you have a supply of any Latex or Fantasy outfits that would be suitable for the store.
Please let me know or drop them off behind Fetish World's HQ across the road.

Enjoy your shopping at Fantasy Outfits & Latex Wear.
Needful Things - (Construction) News

All old houses have been replaced (now with new door scripts, easier to climb stairs and 2 additional usable floors each).
Various bugs have been fixed, most notably an update bug in the "Crack the Bank Safe" game that had made the win code unreadable.

Some stores now already contain teleporters, but their interior finishing will take some time.

NEW on Needful Things are:

- The "Solar System Quiz" in the Galaxy Store.
- The "Egyptian Empire" store, with all the accessories of my old Egyptian region, now retired. On the first floor there are clothes, avatars or NPCs, on the 1st floor texture venders and on the 2nd floor there are the boxes with all kinds of objects you can need to design a region in ancient Egyptian style (including started gadgets like special pyramid doors, trap doors, sandstorm, etc.).

In the next few days we will start the creation of an Asia store, with useful items for designing a region in Chinese or Japanese style. After that, the stores for winter, Easter and Halloween supplies will be restocked.

Have fun browsing!

* * * * *

Needful Things - (Bau)Neuigkeiten

Alle alten Häuser wurden ersetzt (jetzt mit neuen Türskripte, leichter erklimmbare Treppen und je 2 zusätzlich nutzbare Etagen).
Diverse Fehler wurden beseitigt, vor allem ein Update-Bug beim "Crack the Bank Safe"-Spiel, der den Gewinn-Code unleserlich gemacht hatte.

Einige Shops enthalten jetzt bereits Teleporter, doch deren Innenausbau wird noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.

NEU auf Needful Things sind:

- Das "Solar-System-Quiz" im Galaxy Store
- Der "Egyptian Empire"- Shop, mit sämtlichem Zubehör meiner alten agyptischen Region, die sich jetzt im Ruhestand befindet. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es Kleidung, Avatare bzw. NPCs, im 1. Stock Textur-Vendoren und im 2. Stock befinden sich die Boxen mit allen möglichen Objekten, die man zur Gestaltung einer Region im alt-ägyptischen Stil brauchen kann (inklusiver angefangener Gadgets wie besondere Pyramidentüren, Falltüren, Sandsturm, etc.)

In den nächsten Tagen startet die Einrichtung eines Asia-Ladens, mit nützlichen Items zur Gestaltung einer Region im chinesischen oder japanischen Stil. Danach werden die Shops für Winter-, Oster- und Halloweenbedarf neu bestückt.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!

Jazz Bar. Have fun with animesh NPC players and NPC dance partners.

Just to let you know that we have a special guest in residence
at the Bistro Mitaines at the Christmas Market Place.
Can you guess who?

merry christmas
happy new year

The greenhouse near landing is one of the 4 teleport hubs in Novale
It is an easy way to see many worthy destinations in Novale

Novale's Grand Tour
A 7 km cross-country ski tour system

Where: Free Life Junky Junction
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]

Junky Junction Rust Belt Neighborhood

Some of the builds of Port Vesper are now available. This includes houses, furniture, and lighting. When first arriving at Port Vesper you will see a teleport button on the wall that will take you to the selection. Visitors are advised that Port Vesper is very much an adult region and child and minor avatars are not allowed.

Merci à tout le monde
Many thank alles
1 decembre 2021

While visiting Rayvn's Roost Concourse you can also access Christmas Dreams

EEP SKIES FULL COLLECTION (*) Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LAMP AREA (TP main area) for who enjoy playing with different skies!

1- Imported all old Windlight Sky set from Firestorm and changed to EEP;
2- Added also timezoned EEP for all seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter), between seasons (Spring/Summer, Summer/Autumn etc) and for each season or between seasons, all kind of days (clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy) , all ready to use!
3- Some nice textures for moon, Sun and Water included for those who like to customize the skies and give an extra touch on SIM.

(*) Make sure your grid is EEP enabled and using the latest Firestorm - unsure how and if it works on others viewers though).

Enjoy :)

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

Welcome to the FemDom City Police Departments Vice Squad.
The sexiest Police Officers anywhere in the Metaverse.
These experienced Officers have a very high arrest rate. (I wonder why ?)

Don't let their sexy appearance fool you though.
These Cops are the toughest in the City.
If you are caught committing a serious crime they will come down on you hard.
If you go to Court for any sexual offence and you are found Guilty.
The punishment you receive could be life-changing.

As well as being hard-working tough Cops. These Girls love to Party.
It's likely you may come across them at the Hartley Manor Party
or the Fetish Hotel's VIP Party. But beware they always carry a set of handcuffs.

Live AniMesh Band and Singer come join the fun. Free Animesh Department

Galleria of animesh parts & pieces of everything imaginable all copy all free all the time

Check out the New Animesh added to the Character Shop recently

New Shop added today. The Character Shop featuring both Animesh and Static non animated NPC Bots for your region builds.

New shops at Destination Fecamp special halloween and special animesh good visit to you

spooky today.. Etzel,Xanten and Lionbeach went offline but everything is up and running again!

come on over as the grand opening starts now.

You Know They Got A Hell Of A Band here on Autumnville

enjoying the warm autumn sun..happy sunday all!