Tainted Angel @Taintedangel


Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Composer/Published Author/3D visualizer to change reality/Nail Art Design

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Opensimulator is FREE but not a "free-for-all" **

I have noticed there are a number of people who use the Opensimulator server software but they do not fully understand the true concept of it's OPEN nature.

In real life, I have been contributing to FREE and Open sourced software for well over a decade and I rely on it for most of my day to day computing tasks. I have a full working knowledge of what open source is and the level of freedom it gives to the people who use it. Free software gives you the ability to see the source code, change it, make it better, share your changes with friends and some open source licenses will allow you to SELL your modified code. There are many versions of Opensim such as the OSgrid builds, Arriba, Sasquatch, Isthmus or Halcyon and there is nothing stopping YOU from making your own version. You cannot do this with closed sourced software legally. This is the extent to which Opensimulator is OPEN.

Opensimulator is FREE! Free as in Freedom. You are FREE to use the software in any way that you feel is morally or socially acceptable and there is no defined method on how you should use the software. I see people all the time saying things to the effect of: "You should let everyone in your sim." or "You have no right to block bad people or grids." or "You should give everything away free because that is what Opensim was made for." If any of those statements are true then PROVE IT! Go on http://opensimulator.org and show me where it says this. I can assure you that I have completely read the BSD license and it is SHORTER than this article I am writing right now. Nowhere does the license say anything on how you should use the software because that act alone would nullify the freedoms that the Opensimulator developers have given you. You will not find (and probably never will find) any documentation enforcing edicts on how they think you should use this software. They do however have guides on getting the most out of it's features, it is an invaluable resource.

What does all of this mean? FREEDOM FOR ALL but NOT a free-for-all. You have the right to impose RULES on your sims and Opensim software gives grid operators powerful OSSL code to deal with interlopers and troublemakers. Nobody should walk all over you and tell you how to run your grid, when it is your servers, your money and your resources. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Grid operators have the ability to block any viewer they want, it is built right in. You define how your grid operates and are under no obligation to obey anyone who hates you for using these features. Some may say "Because a feature exists does not mean you should use it." and they would be WRONG because these settings would not be included if the Opensimulator developers did not intend for people to use them.

I challenge anyone who disagrees with this article to visit http://opensimulator.org and show me any documentation which refutes anything I have said. I will only accept submissions from the aforementioned url because it is the OFFICIAL website for the Opensimulator project and they are the supreme authority governing it's use.

Feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

** A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are trying to get something for themselves and there are no controls on how they do it.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The great thing about this "live & let live" attitude, is it means we can EVEN encompass the grinches. 1 years ago
Tired of people coming to ur SIM/region/parcel just for copying stuffs? After u had a loot of work on doing it and all u see is.... avatars with arm stretched copying from A to Z? So the "COPY MY ASS" 3D sign is perfect for u.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)

Sabrinastav: Excuse me, I'm not understanding, you complain because people take things from your sim ?... or do you complain because people copy your sim's stuff? 2 years ago

No comments here... 3D sign says all lololol
Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy )

Emily Sear: O M G! Too funny ..Famous last words should be posted on all grids.. shut up and just take it! 1 years ago
Many stores where you can buy NOTHING (after all, everything is free!) are waiting for you here. To make your stay as pleasant as possible, there are 4 frozen yogurt stores in the small town - number 5 will open eventually. Or not^^.
Furthermore, there are 2 clothing stores with fashion for men and women, although something has gone wrong with the textures here - but come and see for yourself!
Brand new addition is the hairdressing salon with no less than 3 hairstyles - I can already betray that they are really the latest craze ;)
* * *
Viele Geschäfte, in denen ihr NICHTS kaufen könnt (schließlich ist alles kostenlos!), warten hier auf euch. Um euren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, gibt es 4 Frozen-Yoghurt-Läden in der kleinen Stadt- Nummer 5 wird irgendwann eröffnen. Oder auch nicht^^.
Ferner gibt es noch 2 Kleidungsgeschäfte mit Mode für Damen und Herren, wobei hier irgendwas mit den Texturen durcheinander gekommen sein - aber kommt und seht selbst!
Ganz neu dazugekommen ist der Friseursalon mit sage und schreibe 3 Frisuren - ich kann schon verraten, dass die echt der letzte Schrei sind ;)

Symphony: Super Fun! Omg ! I spent an hour there exploring and found it so interesting, easy on the eye, and an excelent example of how to make an environment with simple pieces. Excellent. ... 2 years ago

bonjour hello
voila mon petit port
little port
merci de liker le terrain pas l'image
please like land, not picture, thank

Zoe: The region is down for now, but wil be back soon, Pirate Falene turns around... Its magick what a Pirate can do, disappear and come back. Unfathomable Pirates Voyages ☺☻☺ 2 years ago
Wow... this project started in late 2020 and it still is not quite finished. Most of the rides are fully working now and many of the attractions need some polish. Hopefully I will be opening in a month or two... I am so excited to finally see the "light at the end of the tunnel", lets hope it is not a train coming to run me over, LOL!

You have seen theme parks on sunny beaches, boardwalks and even in post-nuclear fallout zones. This park is located in a swamp infested with reptiles, monsters and other sorts of vermin. There are over 50 rides and attractions guaranteed to bemuse or completely annoy you. Keep an eye on your health meter or you could be the main course at Chopsy's Diner! Message me if you want in on the BETA TEST.

Special thanks to: Satyr Aeon, Greybox Darkward, Builder Jim, Chopsy Bode, Jimmy Olsen, Prince Amor & Frank Funfair who's contributions made this project possible.

Destiny257Seranade: Oh I can hardly wait til you have this open! This is the type of amusement that Dan and I absolutely love having fun at! Bring that Beta Testing on!! Lol! 1 years ago
EEP SKIES FULL COLLECTION (*) Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LAMP AREA (TP main area) for who enjoy playing with different skies!

1- Imported all old Windlight Sky set from Firestorm and changed to EEP;
2- Added also timezoned EEP for all seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter), between seasons (Spring/Summer, Summer/Autumn etc) and for each season or between seasons, all kind of days (clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy) , all ready to use!
3- Some nice textures for moon, Sun and Water included for those who like to customize the skies and give an extra touch on SIM.

(*) Make sure your grid is EEP enabled and using the latest Firestorm - unsure how and if it works on others viewers though).

Enjoy :)

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

chez Falene tout le monde travaille

iekocatnap: Les petites lapines sont affairées en ce moment, n'hésitez pas à liker et voter chez falene, c'est gratuit et ça aide à garder ce beau terrain en vie 5 months ago
Hi Folks
Nice that you are all still here. Friends, envious, haters and hackers I love you all. You think Rakis is dead? Noooooo! 8 unix grid now run fine. ♥ You want my OAR's e.g. Free House Sim 1 + 2 and more? Then go to my website and get it. Hacker, trying to hack the website. The surprise will be great. :-D
have fun.
DMCA blah blah: Everything has to be passed on to CMT. Just as we got it from the creator. Later access changes go by our ass. For lawyers: info@rakisworld.ch IGE IPI CH
Charge for your own work, but take everything from others for free !? Steal all CMT right and left and pass on NO mod, NO copy, NO trance. Those are the ones that should be banned from OS!

Best Regards
Rakis Heron
Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 2 years ago
At EUROPA, we welcome all humanoids,bots, NPCs, arthopods, xenomorphs, and arachnids with open arms, antennae, and pincers! Are you feeling unwanted? Lonely? Isolated? Do you keep getting banned for copying other people's copybotted stuff and sharing it with your friends?
Fret no longer! Come to EUROPA! We are filled with bots to keep you company! And in the amazing EUROPA MALL (*), all things are free and full perm! Share with your friends, your family, your dog, your cat, your chicken, and your facehugger! Share with one of the MAGABAGA spiders!

We look forward to your visit! Come to EUROPA!
(*) At welcome area, call an interphasic bubble taxi to the mall!

*MCL*: Like I said from the start, if it does not have full permission, then it should! So if you find things around our stores and it says they are not, just let us know. Believe me, I will make it! Even ou... 16 days ago
Needful Things - (Construction) News

All old houses have been replaced (now with new door scripts, easier to climb stairs and 2 additional usable floors each).
Various bugs have been fixed, most notably an update bug in the "Crack the Bank Safe" game that had made the win code unreadable.

Some stores now already contain teleporters, but their interior finishing will take some time.

NEW on Needful Things are:

- The "Solar System Quiz" in the Galaxy Store.
- The "Egyptian Empire" store, with all the accessories of my old Egyptian region, now retired. On the first floor there are clothes, avatars or NPCs, on the 1st floor texture venders and on the 2nd floor there are the boxes with all kinds of objects you can need to design a region in ancient Egyptian style (including started gadgets like special pyramid doors, trap doors, sandstorm, etc.).

In the next few days we will start the creation of an Asia store, with useful items for designing a region in Chinese or Japanese style. After that, the stores for winter, Easter and Halloween supplies will be restocked.

Have fun browsing!

* * * * *

Needful Things - (Bau)Neuigkeiten

Alle alten Häuser wurden ersetzt (jetzt mit neuen Türskripte, leichter erklimmbare Treppen und je 2 zusätzlich nutzbare Etagen).
Diverse Fehler wurden beseitigt, vor allem ein Update-Bug beim "Crack the Bank Safe"-Spiel, der den Gewinn-Code unleserlich gemacht hatte.

Einige Shops enthalten jetzt bereits Teleporter, doch deren Innenausbau wird noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.

NEU auf Needful Things sind:

- Das "Solar-System-Quiz" im Galaxy Store
- Der "Egyptian Empire"- Shop, mit sämtlichem Zubehör meiner alten agyptischen Region, die sich jetzt im Ruhestand befindet. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es Kleidung, Avatare bzw. NPCs, im 1. Stock Textur-Vendoren und im 2. Stock befinden sich die Boxen mit allen möglichen Objekten, die man zur Gestaltung einer Region im alt-ägyptischen Stil brauchen kann (inklusiver angefangener Gadgets wie besondere Pyramidentüren, Falltüren, Sandsturm, etc.)

In den nächsten Tagen startet die Einrichtung eines Asia-Ladens, mit nützlichen Items zur Gestaltung einer Region im chinesischen oder japanischen Stil. Danach werden die Shops für Winter-, Oster- und Halloweenbedarf neu bestückt.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
***POPLAR TREE PACK (Populus Nigra Italica): Up to 4 of them using only 1 single prim! Smooth animation on leaves // Seasonal textures included! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 08. Enjoy :)
And for all those who don't know what to do (dont come along) with Halloween, the Winter and Christmas sim is now open to the public again. for the 3rd time you can explore, shop and just have fun.
And for the ones who talk bad about the Sim and bitch about everything.....It was my first attempt to make something creative. I put my heart and soul into it and I love my baby. Not much new this year , but older things can also be fun and there is a lot!

AlexisCarrington: Do not let it get you. Your Sims reflect a lot of attention to detail. 2 years ago

Nothing beats a good BBQ with friends

Thomas Etzel: ps..you find the newest items in and around the gore circus tent and the pumpkin bridge on the hill area 9 months ago
More characters had been added to the scene plus..for all butler lovers..the collectors edition! Mehr charakter wurden hinzugefügt und für alle Butler Liebhaber.. die Komplettedition!

Antonia Ling: Really cool stuff! 1 years ago

hello bonjour gutten tag ciap
mon nouveau projet , my last project

🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.”
three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:iknimaya Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.


Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 20 days ago
From this day forward if you post negative drama about ANY grid owner, I don't care who it is or what they've done, I will block you. YOUR drama is NOT what this OSW page is for. I don't care what other grid owners are doing, it's their grid they can do what they want so, back up, grow up and shut up.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The problem is this... What a grid owner does is his/her business. Ok, you don't like Alex, then warn people in your IM's, or start a group. This board does not need to become a negative downer plac... 1 years ago

merry christmas
happy new year

HG Houses with Snow Control - NEW @ Needful Things

I added to all my HG Winter Prefabs a Snow Control Panel, so you can switch between summer / winter with just one click.
Most of these houses got a Light Control Panel, too.

p.s.: More modificated HG prefabs will coming soon in "Need a new Home?" store - opposite to the Bank of Needful Things.

* * *

HG Häuser mit Schnee-Menü - NEU @ Needful Things

Ich habe meinen Winterhäusern mit Schneedach, die ich über die Jahre im HG aingesammelt habe, einen Schnee-Kontroll-Schalter hinzugefügt, so dass man mit nur einem Klick zwischen Sommer- / Winterstyle wechseln kann.
Ebenso haben die meisten der Häuser einen Lichtschalter zum Kontrollieren der Lampen bekommen.

p.s.: Mehr modifizierte HG Häuser (ohne Schnee^^) folgen nach und nach in den neuen Shop "Need a new Home?" - gegenüber der Bank von Needful Things.

réouverture du petit bar
on y sert un trés bon café
Re-open the little bar whit super coffee


Because of this always annoying I can't fill the stores on Needful Things permanently with new items. Even creating (reasonably) appealing images takes some time. For this reason I created the < GACHA ROOM > on Needful Things, where you can pull a random item out of the vending machine. A few machines only give you one item every 24 hours, but most of them you can click as many times as you want - until they finally give you the item you want :) .
The gachas work without (game) money or anything like that; just click on them and see what they give out....


Aufgrund dieses immer wieder lästigen kann ich die Läden auf Needful Things leider nicht permanent mit neuen Items befüllen. Schon das Erstellen (einigermaßen) ansprechender Bilder nimmt einige Zeit in Anspruch. Aus diesem Grund habe ich den < GACHA ROOM > auf Needful Things eingerichtet, wo ihr euch ein zufälliges Objekt aus dem Automaten ziehen könnt. Ein paar Maschinen geben nur ein Objekt alle 24 Stuunden aus, aber die meisten kann man beliebig oft hintereinander anklicken- bis sie endlich das ersehnte Item ausspucken :) .
Die Gachas funktionieren ohne (Spiel-)Geld oder dergleichen; einfach anklicken und abwarten, was sie ausgeben....
Viel Spaß!

Xmas @ Wonder: Another of my spaces, created thinking of all of you and what we all need. LOVE! It is all we need. Come and take a look!

Replica of the Tromsø Ice Sea Cathedral

First Wedding on TwoHearts Island was Adani and Essensual's Wedding
so who is next??

PinDeluca: Congratulations - hope your life together is filled with love and light ! 6 months ago

the turkey stays alive!!!

RosemaryWoodhouse: Gives me cool ideas for my thanksgiving decorations in rl. 7 months ago

Merci à tout le monde
Many thank alles
1 decembre 2021

Galleria of animesh parts & pieces of everything imaginable all copy all free all the time

Free for download House Sim 1+2
Free OAR's for all 60'000 prim 3GB
Have a lot of fun...
Rakis Heron :'-D

Sometimes we get gifts, like this lovely image, from someone I just saw on landing point. Thank you!

Priscilla.Kleenex again out for hunting. Cerfull for this italian monkey him come again to GBG WORLD but i ma so fast to banned this monkey from italy and ejeck so i send him to the hell but stay cerfull all grid .
2022-07-09 02:27:27,382 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Priscilla.Kleenex @bubblesz.nl:8002 @ http://bubblesz.nl:8002/ () at using viewer Firestorm-Releasex64, channel Firestorm-Releasex64, , Mac , Id0 , Teleport Flags: ViaLogin. From region FreeLand 01 - French Connection () @ http://french-connection.tk:8002/
2022-07-09 02:27:27,386 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac against list of denied macs ...


Hostname: mob-.net.vodafone.it

ASN: 30722

ISP: Vodafone Italia S.p.A.

Services: None detected

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Country: Italy

State/Region: Piemonte

City: Ivrea

OpenSimUser: Just delete all the information on here, and ban their Mac address and be done with it, rather than possiblity of breaking laws by posting information that shouldnt be posted in public forums. 2 years ago

New Shop added today. The Character Shop featuring both Animesh and Static non animated NPC Bots for your region builds.

My RL client received her earrings today. This is the first exclusive RL order. It is such a rewarding experience to first create jewelry but to see it realized in RL has brought tears, it is an overwhelming awesome experience! Thank you to my kind and generous client! It is very much appreciated!
Working on a photo studio called MashUp! There are props to interact with for the photos and also the pose balls to become part of the scene. We have three created and will be creating more soon. This is the LM if you want to stop by and see what we are working on. Special thanks to Jamie Anna Wright for the Abbey Road texture, and Clarice Alelaria for the great warehouse! virtual-hg.com:8002/MashUp/139/103/29

Marianna : Thank you everyone for stopping by and taking images this is fun! I wanted to ask you if you would share those images with me so that I can add them to my website. If it is okay you can pass them to... 1 years ago

You Know They Got A Hell Of A Band here on Autumnville

Avatar Fantasy, Pleiadiano su richiesta

GeoPerez: Grazie mille Valeria e Gruppo di Lavoro di Creazione Avatar Personalizzati, sono grato e favorito da Dio per questo lavoro spettacolare, Valeria ci ha creato, Pleiadiano, un essere angelico che è venu... 14 days ago