TailorNova @TailorNova

SOUL GRID " Super Nova Beach Resort" Offline



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....noch schnell Duschen und dann ab ins Lederlie ....hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Hat zwar etwas gedauert aber die Riemen sitzen .......hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Schöne Eröffnung und schöne Musik
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"Wir werden uns wieder sehen ....aber jetzt noch nicht....jetzt noch nicht" R.I.P. Rudi
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Doesn't change the fact that fetching all the work takes a lot of time. Then the unauthorized offering of things is the bottom drawer.
We should not offer things that we have not been authorized to offer by the person who is offering things they have not been authorized to offer? I suppose we can make that argument.
Every person who gets free clothes are sharing them, with others. Just like trees, flowers, houses, etc... I built some wall art, was making on my region (is not a shop nor is it registered with OS.) Was shopping at another store and seen it with a group of furniture. Was surprised to see it. But at the same time was honored to see it used among the decor. It had taken me hours to build from prim.
Isn't this why we set to copy, so we can all share. These people, who have shops, are they not wanting others to do different looks, with mixing and matching. I don't know maybe am wrong. But "Sharing is Caring".
I fully agree with you. I offer enough myself. BUT if it is blocked or not transfer things, there should be respect to use them only as private.
The actual goal of "Sharing is Caring" was to conceal who got all those copybotted things into OpenSim. It would have been hard to tell who was actually behind all that if those things could be found in 500 freebie shops on 200 grids with 300 different creator tags. Each creator who had become a victim of copybotting, together with Linden Lab, would have had to DMCA each one of them, one by one, in many cases successlessly because the particular grid would have been hosted in a country where DMCA complaints don't work. Not to mention that, back in those days, the copybotters weren't the same persons as those who imported and spread the stolen content.

But here we're talking about 1 freebie shop on 1 grid. And the grid is hosted in a country with close connections to North American IP rights. Almost too easy to DMCA into total submission.
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Who says the two grids are enemies ???
Anyone who hides behind a NoName should better keep the ball flat.
Those who can read have a big advantage. These are not 2 grids....... but 2 grid communities.
This enmity is not a secret in Opensim.
And you are one of those who fuel this problem as well.
By the way, you are neither in the position nor able to forbid me to speak.
I'm not heating up anything here, but I'm taking a stand on comments that are meaningless, unfounded and made by fakes that mean something to be.
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Sind schon beim WARM UP
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Best Party Serie in Open Sim goes 2th Round
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Yeahhhhhhhh noch EINMAL schlafen :-)
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Gemeinschaft verbindet. Grids Hooper Nights on Tour mit vielen Partner Grids und netten Gästen.....Heute auf Heart Island.....
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Jesus.................GO BACK TO SL ........ OS is Not SL also accept what you have here.i f you don't like open sim then go back to second life. Your white annoying traeds are starting to get on your nerves.
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Wir Eskalieren nicht....wir reißen die Hütte ab ....sünggggggggggg
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Kauf dir nen anständigen PC und Eier net mit nem MAC rum dann haste die Probleme net mehr ;-)
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Sehr schöne Location im passenden Style. Genauso muss das ..... TOP
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Leude Leude ihr habt Probleme !!! Ist ja schlimmer wie im Kindergarten !!!
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Danke an ALLE Gäste für den Mega Abend der mal wieder gezeigt hat was eine starke Gemeinschaft ausmacht :-)
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You are alltime Welcome
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Danke für den Hinweis. Habe mich bei der Einstellung vertan und beide Reiter vertauscht. Ist geändert...Danke nochmals
Da nich für!