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Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 3 years ago
Well, since I made the "Enchanted" section at the shop, I feel like I need to put new things in it. This always happens, I end up on a theme for a while (cough, cough polar bears).

So, I give you Magical Mushrooms (no, not those kind of mushrooms, that's another theme).

These Fungi have the power to be tree size and come in several variations including versions with 2 spore color choices.
All the textures are in the box for those who like to customize :).

Have a magical day!
Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

In the spirit of new beginnings, today I did a small renovation at Encantada.
Things were getting crowded in the spring/summer area and well, I've started work on some "Fantasy" items. I didn't have a good spot for them so I've made a new area for "Enchanted" items.
I've moved just a few things over there already and will have a new release in the next couple of days.
I'll be keeping Halloween in the fall area and Easter in the spring area for now.

Hope you have a great start to 2022 :)

Wedding Anniversary celebration-Gt Emergence Pre-show
Where: Golden Skye
When: 3 years ago [4 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Mike & Calli celebrate their 5th anniversary of partnering in virtual worlds (and 2nd for being married in RL!), along with a pre-show of the upcoming Emergence as put on by the Golden Touch theater. Come celebrate with us on our journey of love & emergence.

The Golden Touch presents: Emergence
Where: Golden Skye
When: 3 years ago [18 Sep 2021 12:00 SLT]

Our show called Emergence is a celebration of coming out of the dark. it is artistic dance, poetic theater, and visual entertainment. Come & share in this journey of emergence!

Black swan comes to visit white swan family. The lady of the house just loved his red snout.

Lawnmower man is gathering souls at Neiferleaf Castle. Grab your copy of the animated lawnmower reaper ;)

20190920 - Titan Village, embedded into the landscape at Neiferleaf

Neiferleaf Castle, the citadel today, Sept 2019