TabbyJinSeonMi @TabbyJinSeonMi

Living room Offline

Korean Drama

Joined 1 month ago

About Myself


My Interests


I'm Looking For

more cats

Favorite Quote

Think of yourself as a rose, the more sh*t life throws at you, the stronger and more beautiful you become.

Music I Like

trance, k pop, j pop, soft rock

Films I Like

K drama

Books I Like

anything readable

My Heroes

my cats

OpenSimulator Version

huh? I do no techie

Viewer Version

as above


old and knackered

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


comments 4 post likes 0
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Cosplay Universe

Great explore, met the owner, lovely chap. Some really great costumes.

Kat's Korner Shop

wish I could get there, keeps saying unable to connect with viewer, is that a me or region problem please?


Great place, so well done, I loved exploring and the garden centre was great. Still have more to see there, so will be back!!


I try to tp here many times from also the board at amv welcome, but unable to get there.

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