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Midtsommernatt i Norge
On Friday, June 23rd, from 12 p.m., we will be celebrating midsummer night in the "Lofoten" Norway.
Come and enjoy the longest day of the year and the midnight sun.
Djane Loru provides the musical entertainment and also broadcasts on her web radio
Welcome !

Midtsommernatt i Norge
Wir feiern am Freitag, 23. Juni ab 21.00 Uhr die Mitsommernacht auf den „Lofoten“ Norwegen.
Kommt vorbei und geniesst den längsten Tag des Jahres und die Mitternachtssonne.
Für die musikalische Unterhaltung sorgt Djane Loru und sendet auch auf ihrem Webradio
Herzlich willkommen ! Lofoten

SoA .BAD: Today, from 12 pm Heute ab 21.00 Uhr 11 months ago

New for Mens
Pants 10 Color

HG Address:

Thirza Ember: fabulous lighting 12 months ago



LM hop:// OF THE GYPSIES/947/259/24



Doing my part for Star Wars Day

KrisTina: I find your lack of a purple lightsaber disturbing! Samual Jackson wouldn't be pleased. 1 years ago

falene hawks: formidable bravo 1 years ago

Just some items from the decor section that is available for you here at TSD. Happy shopping ♥

Sunday Blues Brunch with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle!! Sunday Mornings at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 9:00AM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
As many of you wonderful peeps out there know Diva, who created this region, sadly passed away in December 2020. We have kept the region live by request from her family and from the many users who frequently visit this region. We continue to update the region and have done a little cleanup as our wonderful Diva passed in the middle of part of the build. Dynamic Worldz will continue to sponsor this region as so many of you find it so valuable.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you for keeping her region open. She was a dear, close friend of mine and I still miss her. I joined the Dynamic grid because of her and still have an Avatar there. She did a lot for the Open Si... 1 years ago
Dorena's World is one of the oldest grids ever. I've seen many come and go. When OSW opened its doors, we were already a few years behind us. Inworld has built up a community between the grids, which ultimately works well here even without the portal. Bots, no bots, afk avatars or not. I find it extremely embarrassing at what some people here are getting upset about and letting one crazy person drive them crazy. As far as the real number of visitors is concerned, the visitor boards inworld usually show completely different data than here. I can recommend Pagane to see a good psychiatrist in real life. I mean that honestly, without any mockery. What she says here..

Dorenas World ist eines der ältesten Grids überhaupt. Ich habe schon viele kommen und gehen sehen. Als OSW seine Pforten öffnete, hatten wir schon einige Jahre hinter uns. Inworld hat sich zwischen den Grids eine Community aufgebaut, die letztendlich auch ohne dem Portal hier bestens funktioniert. Bots, keine Bots, Afk-Avatare oder nicht. Ich finde es im höchsten Massen peinlich über, was sich einige hier aufregen und sich von einer einzigen verrückten Person kirre machen lassen. Was die echten Besucherzahlen betrifft, die Besucherboards inworld zeigen meist eh ganz andere Daten an, als hier. Pagane kann ich empfehlen, im realen Leben einen guten Psychiater aufzusuchen. Das meine ich ehrlich, ganz ohne Spott. Was sie hier von sich gibt,...

Pagane: It makes absolutely no difference who was what before. Hitler was a good artist and Genghis Khan a meek shepherd... Isn't it easier if we all stop lying and look forward??? Look around - there is alre... 1 years ago
Many of you know I have a lot of statues in my store, but I didn't set out originally to offer them. A few years ago I wanted one for a build I was doing at the time and found one on the Kitely Market. Wanting to add materials, I replaced the base texture with a marble and realized that all that was left was an amorphous blob that barely resembled the original statue. So I decided to see if there was a better way. The resulting workflow is pictured. I start out with real world scans of famous statues (such as Hebe pictured) that are readily available, and load it into Blender. Since it had 2 million faces, I needed to reduce the complexity to 80,000 faces or less to be able to upload it inworld but still have detail for those who are unable to use higher graphics. You can see the two models side-by-side in Blender. At that point I bake the normals to replace a lot of the details that were lost without increasing the complexity, then upload the less complex model and the new normalmap into opensim. The final photo is the result.

You can see all my statues on my store regions:

Main Store: Emporium - Main Store

Kitely Store: Emporium

And many of my items are available on the Kitely Market here:

Display Area for Houses and shops
In the air above Elin Design 3 levels full of houses and shops in different styles. You can TP there through the TP station at the main landing from Elin Design

Thomas Etzel: your Charleston church is still the best church I found so far . As a lot people know it is inherent part of my winter/christmas sim. Still love your creation/s. 1 years ago
Thanks so much to @Amaranthim and @Hairy and all the Bridgemere crew for letting us invade their airspace. Ditto to Dr Dave, the ever lovely Youca and all the Burners for a great train ride.
If you missed the insanity on Wednesday, here's the gen:
Interested in the nutty side of hypergridding? Consider joining our group here on OSW

Happy Valentine♥♥♥ New Gown for Valentine

No comments here... 3D sign says all lololol
Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy )

Emily Sear: O M G! Too funny ..Famous last words should be posted on all grids.. shut up and just take it! 1 years ago

One of of the small studio apartments I'm working on. Can't beat that view.

With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 1 years ago

Happy Holidays to all. May the New year bring peace and joy to all.

Whatever we say is a lie is a lie and breaking the rules is a violation. We all know which SIMs are breaking the rules and submitting fake attendance data. We also know why they do it.
I removed their names from here. Only shame remained.
I am ashamed to discuss this matter further.

Thank you for the stones with which you beat me.

Calm the hysteria!
no one wants you to close regions or stop your work.


Is it that hard?

All you know names of SIM with fake visitors list.
Again - i delete shame list.

Excuse me, but it is offensive to me to do this.
I don't know about you, with what impudence and shamelessness you shout that I am driving away the thousands of customers from your overcrowded SIM.
People leave OPENSIM because they go around the beacon popular places looking for PEOPLE and only find bots or abandoned avatars.
No one comes from SL to buy free rags (yes they are lovely!), people want to COMMUNICATE!!!

I know you won't understand me. It's just that you've already closed yourself up in your made-up happiness and don't want to go out and socialize. You can blame me for all your sins. do it! You can post from your dozens of clones created to mimic crowds of supporters.... Ban me, report me, shame me!

And don't shout that someone banned or restricted you! The only one punished in OSW is me, and again because I told the truth that the number of visitors was fake! I confessed and I was punished because the rules are like that!

Want me to delete this SIM and everything on it? OK, but will that erase the lie? Will it bring at least one new user to OpenSIM? Will it remove the six traditionally parked dolls from the new beach party region (yes, yes - the newcomers follow tradition)?


And don't worry, I won't make a new list. It's pointless, it's disgraceful.
P.S. No matter how much you don't like the truth, it doesn't change the facts. No matter how many times you repeat lies, they will not become truth.
You are only spoiling the good impression of your other actions...

Nico Kaliani: This post would be vastly improved by changing out the "OK" graphic with a picture of "Otay" Buckwheat Eddie Murphy. 1 years ago
We are now open for Christmas and you can come to experience the parade any day. Be patient logging in as it is a big build. There is a big underwater sim and much more. Merry Christmas!! The entry problem is now fixed. My apologies.
This event was built by: Michael McHugh, Kimm Starr, Koshari Mahna, Ruby Odegee & Tony Gill with special help from Kayaker Magic and Webby Merlin from Clan Band. And includes many elements and objects created and built and offered for sale on the Kitely Market by high-quality creative builders.

Dabici132: I tried again and this time I arrived directly at the Parade Place without facing a box underwater. WOW, what a fantastic and dynamic creation. It is very impressive, beautiful and immersive ! Kudo 2 years ago
Many stores where you can buy NOTHING (after all, everything is free!) are waiting for you here. To make your stay as pleasant as possible, there are 4 frozen yogurt stores in the small town - number 5 will open eventually. Or not^^.
Furthermore, there are 2 clothing stores with fashion for men and women, although something has gone wrong with the textures here - but come and see for yourself!
Brand new addition is the hairdressing salon with no less than 3 hairstyles - I can already betray that they are really the latest craze ;)
* * *
Viele Geschäfte, in denen ihr NICHTS kaufen könnt (schließlich ist alles kostenlos!), warten hier auf euch. Um euren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, gibt es 4 Frozen-Yoghurt-Läden in der kleinen Stadt- Nummer 5 wird irgendwann eröffnen. Oder auch nicht^^.
Ferner gibt es noch 2 Kleidungsgeschäfte mit Mode für Damen und Herren, wobei hier irgendwas mit den Texturen durcheinander gekommen sein - aber kommt und seht selbst!
Ganz neu dazugekommen ist der Friseursalon mit sage und schreibe 3 Frisuren - ich kann schon verraten, dass die echt der letzte Schrei sind ;)

Symphony: Super Fun! Omg ! I spent an hour there exploring and found it so interesting, easy on the eye, and an excelent example of how to make an environment with simple pieces. Excellent. ... 2 years ago

Spirits and Witches, Bats and Black Cats, Candy and Pumpkin Spells Let's go Halloween Season is back at French Creat Home

Ellen: I got all items for free! 2 years ago

Jupiter Rowland: What really happens when you click that thing? Are you being showered with prim dongs? 2 years ago
Unsere Topmodels Bad und Siwas präsentieren den neuen Dale Partner Herbstlook! lol - Our top models Bad and Siwas present the new Dale Partner autumn look! lol (erhältlich ab Morgen - available from tomorrow)

Thirza Ember: I feel warmer already 2 years ago
1950s 60s American Graffiti world
JAZZ BAR Bird's Nest
Lady is singing.
Bird is Blowing.
The Hollywood star is listening to their session.

~Click waitress to give drinks. They will come to serve your drink.
You can dance with a Hollywood star(NPC).~
Boa noite a todos,

Logo mais, a partir das 21hs (horário de Brasília), Festa Jantar Dançante, com a nossa querida DJ Miragem tocando o melhor da música romântica!!!

Não percam mais uma grande noite aqui em Terra Nova Grid!!!

Equipe de Festas de Terra Nova Grid

📝 SecondLife introduces and opensources Puppetry , a webcam-to-avatar animation feature

Puppetry accepts target transforms for avatar skeleton bones and uses inverse kinematics (IK) to place the connecting bones in order for the specified bones to reach their targets

The region Freebies is totally redone, my own original art freebies are displayed in different rooms : VOID, PLANT, BRUSH, RED, CUBE.
Some accessories I made, EEP, at SOUP.
All Fest'Avi avatars at FESTAVI.

Just select a room from the teleporter. Please remind that for a best experience, enable EEP and advanced lighting model.
There's no stream but scripted sounds (not everywhere yet) all from Morlitam.

photo displaying VOID room

FinjaFlux: An inspiration! Your art is like fireworks and animates new ideas! Another wonderful work from you!!! Thank you!!!! 2 years ago
As I sit here listening to Bluez Preacher, the last act of OSG15B, I can't help but feel a sense of love of community and pride for a wonderful weekend long birthday celebration event. The dj's and live musicians were all Amazing. Thank you Aussie for keeping things running smoothly with backgrounds and streams! Amazing JOB! Dan Banner.. thank YOU for asking me to to co-ordinate this wonderful Birthday weekend of live musicians, Thank you for trusting in me and giving me the opportunity to help give OSGRID a wonderful weekend Birthday event! The musicians we booked for this weekend were all amazing! THANK YOU for sharing your time and talent with us here in open sim! To all of the Musicians from SL, THANK YOU for taking the time to come to open sim and make avatars, and learn how we do things here! THANK YOU for your patience and understanding as you put those avatars together! lol.. YOU ARE ALL DIAMONDS in my eyes! Thank you just doesnt seem to fit what Im trying to say. Music is the universal language.. you dont even needs words.. just the melody will make you feel.. we all share that and have that in common.. it truly doesnt matter where you are from, what you do for work,what color your skin is, what religion you are, what sexuality you are, what political views you have etc etc.. MUSIC embraces us all the same way.. mentally.. emotionally and soulfully.. Thank you for making us all feel good this weekend.. Smyles Avery, Bart Hoorenbeek, Jack Dryden, Zoree Jupiter, Marqs DeSade, Djembe Dragonfire, Billy Talon, Clairede Dirval, Agatha Nowles, Katia Portugal, CTM Underwood, Dan Sings, Greybeard Thinker and Bluez Preacher.. THANK YOU for making this event a HUGE SUCCESS!! I hope to get to help out with this again! :) hugs.. xo Rogue

SheaButter: Rogue, you did an amazing job, of lining up, some of the most amazing, funny, entertaining bunch, of fun loving people like we have ever seen. Talented bunch, including you. Aussie always runs a smo... 2 years ago
✴☆✴:. .:✴★✴:. DEBUT AT NHG WELCOME CENTER .:✴★✴:. .:✴☆✴
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Who: Rogue Galaxy♪ ¸.•☆
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ Style: ♫ Jazz - Rock - Blues - Ballads - Pop & More! •☆
┊ ┊ ┊ ♪ When: 1:00 PM ?
┊ ♪ ☆ Where: Welcome Center
☆♪ ¸.•☆ ::Come join us for some great music and dancing! ::☆♩¸.•☆
✴★✴:. .:✴☆✴:. .:✴★✴:. ✴★✴:. .:✴☆✴:. .:✴★✴:.

*EASTER GREEDY GAME TABLE NG* for up to 08 bunny-players.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)

Large Mall with a lot shops. Fashion for woman and male, furniture, houses, and lots more. Also adding new uploaded fashion and other products from time to time. new textured fashion. come over and have a look you will find something you like for sure. see you there.


Trizzy Hunter: Have enjoyed all my visits so far lots to see and explore and lots to be added to your inventory. 2 years ago

Rigged 3D models for use as avatars or animesh. Open to commissions, send me a notecard inworld with your request.

Antonia Ling: Wonderful stuff! Love it... 2 years ago

bonjour hello guten tag
derniére semaine last week
LM dans l'image, Lm on the picture
yep bonne chance, good luck

Soul, living with friends wünscht euch allen einen wunderschönen 4. Advent.
Bleibt gesund und genießt die besinnliche Zeit !

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

Ponto “Ilha da Utopia” para você curtir, um ambiente bom e agradável com músicas selecionadas para você, sertanejo, romântico, MPB, rock, REGATTON, amigos, namoro, dança, bailes, festas, romântico. Sua diversão começa aqui.

HO! HO! HO! Santa Claus and Mere Noel announces the opening of their special Christmas epehemere boutique at the little fecamp, happy day to you
