Time for something in pink?

alexa maurer osw: Oh, I guess I got caught on photo :D 2 years ago
I wanted to open this sim next year but cause of some not so good news I open the sim for public right now . Items for every kind of Festive Occasion and more .Perhaps have a look at the boxes, it it might be of interest?:-) . The sim is full of scripted items, all is working so that you can try the items out...
I wanted to open the sim for public next year, but I got not so good news, so I open it right away so that you have another choice of fun shopping.
Nice mix of items of every kind and for every kind of festive Occasions. Beside this some fun items ,dont take it to serious..
PS.check out the wooden boxes..it might be worth it . A lot of scripted items inside the region..everything is working, so you can try all things you would like to buy out!