Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

down to earth guy

My Interests

motorcycling, sailing, walking, SL and Open Sim, Cinema, Theatre...

Favorite Quote

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world...(Marilyn Monroe)
I´d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not (Kurt Cobain)

Music I Like

Everything except Hard Rock

Films I Like

to much to count...but a lot of movies from the 40,50,60s

Viewer Version

Always the newest Version of Firestorm

My Regions

Paraiso das Calopsitas
33 0 das Calopsitas 0 Users
Twin sim to Cockatiels paradise. Here you find this and that items, funny costumes for system avatars by Froggie Pond and a lot more!
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Birds Paradise
6 0 Paradise 0 Users
relaxing, exploring
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Heavy Water
0 0 Water 0 Users
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11 0 0 Users
Lionbeach was never away but not listed for a longer time. Are you shy, dont want to be surrounded by a crowd of people and dont feel comfy? Social phobia ? Perhaps this is the right place for you. Dance among a lot of funny artificial generated characters (Sky Tower) or the more sophisticated C...
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23 0 0 Users
Exploring, adventure, winter, christmas, relax, fun, entertainment!
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Cockatiels Paradise
72 0 Paradise 0 Users
Everything but Christmas. Party items, birthday, easter,valentine, St. Patricks Day..,a store with this and that items and a lot more!, freebie sim
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33 2 0 Users
Christmas and winter sim. Exploring and freebie region.
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70 7 0 Users
where good meets evil and in between. Autumn and Halloween decoration, exploring! This is a seasonal sim, means only open a short time in the year
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Happy weekend all...

Enjoy this time of the year...

Happy weekend folks. Please stay safe , healthy and enjoy your weekend...If you see Santa flying around ,you can be sure that you had at least one hot wine punch to much..

just relaxing

Hello Folks and happy weekend. Due to RL movement , I can not be online, so I close the sim for public for some days. If all is going well it will be back on Tuesday next week. Greets Thomas

relaxing inside the snow cabin

Night over Xanten. Everything is peaceful and quiet.

Ohh, I think even these excellent herbs can't stop your bad breath

Happy weekend all

New to the sim and inside the church "Lurker"

relaxing and listening to the stream...

Hands up, Baby Hands up...reminds me somehow of the Disco Song from Ottawan lol. New to the scene.."Deathgrip" I added it to the graveyard inside the graveyard:-)

New to the sim " Soul Eater" . You find it at the Zombie Scene

new to the sim.. "Aspxyxia"..grab it, before it grabs you!!!

I dont know what it is, but they are hanging around here , called Loot spirit, spirit and speaker spirit.

You Know They Got A Hell Of A Band here on Autumnville

enjoying the warm autumn sun..happy sunday all!

2nd year!
Hello folks, happy weekend. I decided to open my Christmas Sim for public sooner than scheduled . So it gives you time to explore the sim and for decorating your winter sim to make it cozy and to snuggle around with your beloved ones. All things i found so far on the open sim..The sim is really, really fully loaded so give it time to rez or make a relog, that mostly helps! Have fun exploring! If you need any help, give me a call!
seems Osgrid had some trouble and practiced for the next Big Bang. But we are back online. New to the sim.. a statue so gruesome and cruel that i can only show it from the backside here. You find it next to the med.village,close to the castle

new to the sim "Sepulcher" You find version 1 inside the circus tent, version 2 inside the castle...

that will ruin my diet...

New to the sim, inside the Freak Show.."Axehead"..

New to the sim, inside the Asylum..The Gas Mask Man!

new to the sim "something on the roof.."

Oh no, I hope she will not ban clowns this person is really horrible.. happy weekend folks!!

A new item added to the scene.. "Hydra"..You find it inside the scenery "cabin in the woods"

I added the zombie part with 2 horrible items..facedog and creature from hell

I added the zombie part with 2 horrible items..facedog and creature from hell

new items added to the scene..

New Items added to the scene.. e.g. a creepy dollhouse with creepy dolls.. you find it inside the house next to the graveyard

All things I found so far all over the hypergrid, belonging to Autumn and Halloween at one place . nice arranged, some modified . The sim has 3 parts.. on the Plateau you will find Autumn things for decorating your home. The horrible blood and gore part is inside the circus tent, surrounded by a more or less rotten ,abandoned funfair. Next to the Circus tent you find..well to much to tell and I want you to look yourself and explore. And for all Freebie Hunters..there are 4 places on the sim where you can overindulge your massive shopping, lol.:
-Next to the landing point
-Inside the Magic Shop
- tons of boxed stuff inside the church
- the house next to the graveyard
Not everything is copy but most! (and it is really a lot!!!)
And to give it a name I call the sim "Autumnville -where good meets evil and in between"
The sim is fully decorated ,so please give it time to rez or ,if necessary relog for better results! Have fun

Happy sunday.. The sim needed a restart, but now it is up and running again...

"Darn...I wanted to push the red button first"...

Happy Tuesday...I am good to birds.. Ich bin gut zu Vögeln..^^

This "magick Shop" on the sim is fully stocked with unusual things for your decoration needs..:-)

"Pumpkins..Pumpkins..I see Pumpkins everywhere..."

The place for your Autumn decoration

The place for your Autumn decoration..

Sim is up again, we had some problems here, sorry for that.
Even Freddy has fun

inside the Freak Show Tent

Ladies and invited to see the famous Freak Show in Autumnville

comments 72 post likes 2229
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Old Western

impressive authentic Wild West scenery .Highly recommended to visit!

HQ Herederos

shopping fun for hours


noodle never answers mails he an alt?

Freebie Store 2024

an regulary update of items would be great too, or a seperate place at this place to find them!

Lbsa Plaza

mostly if you enter this place and people are around no friendly hello, no "how are you" back after greeting .and only special people are greeted back...horrible place

Profile Comments

Tried to come to your grid today that I have never been to and it kicked me home and banned idea why, but not nice.
I had a lot of trouble with "outworldz" people in the past sorry but no outworldz on my sims