Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG


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Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow! A natural bush is so much healthier!
Let it be known this shall be the only time i would admit i voted for bush xD
Haha, I like that joke!
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Wow! What a stunning result! Beautiful!
Thank you :-)
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I like the result too ;)...
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I think Dorena has already stated her criteria for deleting comments, and those are where she comes in for unwarranted personal attacks. If you feel hurt, then I suggest growing a bit more of a thick skin. While you're about it, take a look at GlennXpletive's profile here on OSW if you think you've had a hard time under attack.

I have deleted comments to my posts in the past, and I dare say I will do so again. Sometimes the comments are irrelevant, which is common here given that so many seem to glean their information from far-right/alt-right/conspiracy theory sites as well as sometimes going off on a rant completely unrelated to the post.

I've written this previously, and it needs re-iterating, no one's freedom of speech is being breached through having their comment deleted from a post here. Anyone can post their opinion elsewhere if they so choose, or even set up their own website to peddle their own take on things.
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That's an impossibility Dorena, Pagane seems to suffer from a Tourette's like affliction where responding with utter garbage is an involuntary reaction.
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Why not here also? Those who do not wish to take part do not have to. Nor do they have to read the posts and subsequent comment thread.
I guess because I have always read Dorena and enjoyed reading her, so I guess now when I see her posts I will close the window, I had hoped the posts could be related to virtual world creating and Opensim, not a picture of Trump of Putin. I would much rather read opensim related topics. The election will be over soon, what will you post then? Dorena is proud of being in Opensim since 2009 why not post and share all she has learned and be the mentor to help others.
Dorena's post are always relevant, but if you don't like the subject of her posts, the wise thing to do is close and ignore them. Hasn't it occurred to you that sometimes some subjects need to take precedence. The fate of the world is far more important than the utterly irrelevant activities in Opensim. Also, the election may well be over soon, but the fight against fascism and other forms of totalitarianism and demagogary will go on. If nothing else, Dorena's posts alert us to those who would seek to minimise or even glorify the actions of Trump. Between us, we've been successful in silencing one particularly nasty individual on this site, not because of his objectionable and unsavoury opinions, but because of the level of abuse he heaped on us for merely having the audacity to express an opinion and to challenge his pea brained comments. That I consider a huge success.

By comparison, Pagane and Arielle are mere irritants, Arielle not being able to string a logical argument together, and Pagane apparently posting increasingly deranged gobbledegook bordering on the unhinged.

Who can say what Dorena's purpose is in making the posts she does, one thing is clear, those who are cheer leaders for Trump and his ilk are gradually exposing themselves.
It's not that the issues of the world are unimportant, but rather that Opensim is often not the appropriate venue for such discussions. Exposing Trump supporters at Opensimworld? So what will that accomplish exactly? Many users come here specifically to escape the constant barrage of real-world concerns, seeking instead a space where they can relax and engage with others in a different, more positive way. There are more opensim supporters here than Trump or Putin.
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Both Dorena and myself are of the opinion that reasoned argument is perfectly acceptable, as is constructive criticism. The bulk of the political content that Dorena and myself have posted recently is to try and draw attention to the fact that the people of the USA are about to have an election that will have a massive impact on the world, and neither of us wants to see Donald Trump elected as president. No one in their right minds want's to see such a tyrannical demagogue elected, and those who make excuses for him need to perhaps take a step back and engage their critical thinking skills with a sense of urgency. Seriously, does anyone want to see elected a convicted rapist, someone who is on record making misogynistic comments, someone who expressed a desire to have sex with his own daughter? And those are just for starters. Read Miles Taylor's Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy and you'll see what the threats are of a Trump win in November.

Those of us who live outside of the USA don't have a vote, and obviously can't take part in making the decision, but we do have the right, nay the duty to at least try and influence people as it's not just the people of the USA who are affected in all sorts of different ways.
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Who defines what Opensim is about? It's a blank canvas.
The purpose of Opensim, like any virtual world, is to foster creativity, collaboration, and positive interaction. While it may be a "blank canvas" in terms of content, the spirit of the platform is to create, share, and connect. Using it to spread hate or irrelevant political views contradicts these core values. While I admire your passion for USA politics -Opensimworld is not a political platform. You assume I am Pro Donald Trump because I am asking for the posts to be Opensim related? I am registered Indpendent voter - unaffiliated voter or non-affiliated voter. None of the views posted represent all people. I may be the only person who feels Opensimworld is not the place for politics I see it dividing our community. I understand your goal is to spread your message far and wide but do you really think in all sincerity you will gain votes posting it here?
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Wonderful! Nico, you're a treasure!!
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Having had something of a political 'discussion' with you Nora, I agree with your assessment! But as you say, there is certainly no shortage of complete idiots here who spout utter rubbish here. Hopefully we will be able to achieve with them what we've managed to achieve with perhaps the worst offender who has devoted his entire OSW profile to a somewhat vitriolic and foul-mouthed attack on Dorena and myself. He has been silenced, and is clearly not happy about it, but he is entirely free to go and rant about it somewhere else! No one is restricting his free speech.
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Any separation is illusory. We are the same people, and Opensim isn't a different world, just an extension of our very real world.
While separation between the virtual and real worlds may be seen as illusory, boundaries still play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and purpose of different spaces. Just as we might choose different environments for work, relaxation, or socializing in real life, Opensim can be a space where people choose to focus on creativity, community, and personal well-being, free from the divisiveness of real-world issues.
The posts are not just views against Donald Trump these posts are to create a rise and obtain likes. Dorena commented (then removed it) saying the likes on her post indicate her posts are well received then she gets attacked for those very views which continues the hate. Which divides us. I agree, with you it is obvious what the goal is here to me since Dorena cannot vote in USA, this is purely for a rise and likes. With no real concern for the opensim community or who it harms.
Firstly, there is no separation between the supposed virtual and real worlds: they are merely different aspects of the same. Dorena does not post the things she does for likes or to derive vicarious pleasure. Nothing she posts will cause any harm to anyone, unless they're oversensitive Trump supporters, and I won't shed any tears over them! No, Dorena's concerns go way beyond the Opensim 'community' to the wider community of the whole world, which will be a much nastier and more dangerous place if the likes of Trump are allowed anywhere near the levers of power.
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Seriously, Opensim is a blank canvas, and can be used for whatever any creator wishes, good or evil or even just bland and neutral. Politics is only ever only just below the surface, and to many of us it's an important subject. Those who are not interested, or who just don't want to be involved are free to not involve themselves. No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to read those posts. Just ignore them, just as I habitually ignore The Box most of the time.
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Trump is just a sick criminal, who has been convicted of rape. By rights this pervert should be in prison for a very long time. Hopefully he'll get his just deserts.

No one who considers themselves a decent person should be supporting Trump. If they do, they are as bad as him.
He hasn't been convicted of rape. The only raping is by the liberal media which is as dishonest as a day is long.
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And what exactly is the 'intended purpose' of OpenSimulator? It's a bit like a blank piece of paper.
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What a stupid comment! The left isn't the problem. Look at the world the way it is and it's obvious even to the blind that it is the far-right that is in the ascendant right now, in Germany, France, Bulgaria, the USA the UK, where we're at the moment seeing the far-right rioting in the streets. There is one thing that you can be assured of: the left is acutely aware of where fascism comes from, it's capitalism under stress.
Only those who watch the fake news believe that.
"Anything I Don't Like is Fake News" - a kindergarten primer guide to politics ;)
Indeed. It seems that any understanding is also at kindergarten level too. The paradox is though that it is those who decry what they call fake news are those who are more likely victims of the real thing disseminated by those who influence them.

Again, Hanah Arendt reminds us:

"The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world - and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end - is being destroyed."
Fake news happens when articles are written as opinion pieces, not a laying out of the facts for one to come to their conclusions.
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What utter bollocks! And what happened even before WWII had ended? The UK got a socialist government that brought in social changes such as the National Health Service which delivered healthcare free at the point of need, paid for from taxation. A massive building programme of social housing was commenced that ultimately meant that more than a third of the UK's population lived in decent, affordable housing, much of industry was nationalised and operated in the interests of the people and not the rich.

Fortunately there are countries that refute the utter garbage you write Pagane, look at the Nordic countries, liberal democracies with high social standards and an extremely high scores in the human development index where you'll find the happiest people in the world with some of the lowest social and economic inequalities in the world.
Dear my silly Suzi, before write total shits and massmedia fake news:
1. Look on map where is Easten Europe.... This is NOT UK province or Swiss north:)
2. Don't missunderstand Left orriented UK and Swiss governments with Socialism.
3. Go to vote against Trump and will feel in own ass what is SOCIALISM. Believe me - will hurt:)
P.S. Better read history from some other source, not from liberal-democrats promotion movies.
The socialist governments of yesteryear are not the ones that we have today. They are much more extreme present day than they used to be.
And where exactly are these extreme socialist governments?
Look at any of the leaders that support the World Economic Forum and its progressively socialistic policies.
Anyone who considers the WEF a 'socialist'organisation is a fucking idiot. It might seek to moderate the worst excesses of capitalism, but it's still an organisation of big powerful global corporations. Only the genuinely stupid would fall for the kind of conspiracy theory crap peddled by the far-right would believe that the WEF is in any way 'socialist'. The idea is fucking ludicrous!
You'll own nothing and be happy! Maybe you're being deluded by the mixed messages coming out of WEF.
I pay little attention to non-state bodies like the WEF and even less to crackpot conspiracy theorists who big up crazy ideas such as such bodies dominating everything and the idiots who believe them.

I use my brain and my critical thinking skills, and whilst I can't say that I have total clarity about many things the one thing I know I'm not is deluded.

The problem is that so many people, particularly those in the USA don't have the first fucking clue what socialism actually is.
Go to North Korea and will explore most famous socialist government in world!
Clearly you're an idiot Pagane, no one except the far-right would consider the totalitarian regime in the DPRK as socialist.
Oh yes, and your wild hate is only because of anty LGBTQ+ sign in my profile?
I put this sign because HATE from LGBTQ+ against me!
Our god fire Sodom and Gomor also against HATE! Not because of sodomy or any other!
STOP TO HATE peoples!
We other >90% not want to change gender and your hate only distant you from world.
No dear. I'm born in socialist gov. and live 30 year in socialism. Learn in school theory and make exams (with excelent result). I know what is truth about real socialism!
You is only screaming lamer. And i cannot help you...
Western society continue to be 50-100 years behind us and you must build your socialism and then pay the bill for your naivety and stupidity!
Firstly, I am not your 'dear'. Secondly, you were NOT born under a socialist government, just under a totaitarian government that pretended to be socialist - have you ever read George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' ?
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We deal in reality. How anyone, anywhere can stand by and do nothing in the face of the spread of hate is beyond me. Those who do not stand up to evil are responsible for its triumph.
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Why ever not? The virtual world is only an extension of the real world and any separation is arbitrary and false. A fascist is still a fascist even if they have a furry crocodile avatar.
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People need reminding time and time again how evil this man is. Ignoring wannabe tyrants and demogogues, pretending they don't exist, or aren't as bad as they say they are or that reasonable, rational opinion determines is a recipe for disaster.
shhh he's gonna be America's next President Not the Giggler Kamala sit back and watch.
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We may not have a vote about who becomes the head of state of the USA, who wields immense power that is often projected around the world to the detriment of everyone else in it. But we do therefor have an absolute right to express an opinion on something that is likely to affect us.
We can agree to disagree, I guess.
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I see nothing 'hate filled' by Dorena here. Nothing Dorena posts is hate filled.