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Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG


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Active Worlds is still going strong after 30 years, so I think something with the excellent, (by comparison) graphics and general useability as Opensim will persist.
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And thus spake Pagane the Ayn Rand of Opensim.
Not known Ain, but you just win permanent ban for him.
Fuck off you shrivelled up mare!
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I think the generally cavalier way that OSGrid has towards people's assets is atrocious.They are certainly not backwards in coming forwards when holding out the begging bowl, so where exactly is the quid pro quo? Until 2014 I donated every month to OSGrid, then we had the asset server crash fiasco that took the grid offline for six months. I cancelled my donations, and since then haven't really used OSGrid that much for anything., certainly not for anything crucial as the general attitude towards asset security sucks.
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What utter rubbish, the UK Parliament hasn't banned OpenSimulator or Second Life, and has no plans to do so. I doubt that many of our politicians are even aware of the existence of OpenSimulator and only barely aware of Second Life. Active Worlds is now 30 years old and is still going, so the prospects for OpenSimulator at just over half that age are good.
I have written, they have wanted it several times, you can write as far as I can see, now learn to read.
Present your supporting evidence or fuck off!
XD i notice your bla bla Baby Girl ..... GOD save the XXXXXXXXXX
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yeah, right but i bet you suppport the deportation of uncdocumented people or their being placed in concentration camps.
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Deleting one's FB account is a wise thing to do now that Zuckerberg is arse-licking Trump. In Germany, Tesla sales have decreased by 60% because of nazi lover Muskrat.
She mentioned leaving the group, not closing her FB account.
Trump as the current President could likely cause Zuckerberg some problems if FB continues to censor political comments in a country led by a leader who promotes free speech.
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All three groups would be complicit should the AfD ever get into government, but because it's Germany and because of the period 1933-45 there is a particular focus. I think that it is only in two of the German states that the AfD have any real influence, and they happnen to be the least populous states. The danger in Germany is if any of the right of centre parties start to panic and start to include AfD policies in their own, or start relying on the support of the far-right to get motions passed. From where I'm sitting in the UK it appears to me that Germany's robust democracy is working well, and the fact that many, many thousands of ordinary German people have taken to the streets to oppose the far-right tells it's own story.

About most things it doesn't matter one hell of a lot when people choose to differ, but when it comes to something that we know can result in the mass murder of millions, we cannot afford to tolerate those who will not side with the forces of enlightenment. Sometimes we have to choose a side and oppose evil.
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This is in response to Remmy who still continues to flog a dead horse. She wrote:
"And you are not getting my point. If you decide someone is a Fascist based on some posts you will justify hatred and violence against them. I do feel threatened by you now because of the assumptions you have made about me. You are not just noisy and a little obnoxious you are Loud and very obnoxious and making assumptions about people you know very little about and what their real opinions are. We are just going around in circles here."

I don’t need to know that much about you Remmy to know that you’re fond of white supremacists and neo-fascists. Your argument are those preparedby their propagandists for the consumption of the gullible, such as yourself.


I’ll happily stop calling you a fascist then.

I also think you should also get off your arse and actually, you know stand up and do some anti-fascist stuff instead of whining about the insignificant far-left. I understand your argument perfectly, but I also know its completely ludicrous, bearing no relationship to reality.

If I don’t get your point maybe it’s because you have no point to make. All you’re saying is rubhish. If I’m rude, so what. I make no pretension to being polite when faced with idiot, dangerous notions such as yours. If you care as much as you say you do, and are opposed to the fascists then you should be stood in line next to us facing off the bastards, Instead you choose to give them succour.
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Pagane that ,as is usual with you, is utter rubbish. In actual fact, 80% of the USA's GDP is from the Blue states, which means those states where the Democrats and progressives' live. The Red states are the poorer states that support the Republicans and increasingly the MAGA fascists, which means that the Blue states, that generate most of the tax revenues subsidise the Red states.The Red states also have the worst education standards in the USA.. I think we already know that from the generally uninformed and ignorant comments in this thread. They may not like me for it, but I'll continue to call them out as fascists or or fascist enablers until they wake the fuck up and stop it.
Are you read second half of this economy analitic? Your words confirm - NOT! Go to read and not speak before!!! Peoples explain extreme easy for liberal-democrat short mind why California will produce NOTHING without other USA!!!
Oh shut up Pagane.I may not be an expert, but then neither are you. At least I don't use the evidence before me selectively to argue my case. Reminds self to ensure comments from detractors get removed when I advertise the aniti-fascist event I'm planning.
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He can't Dorena, because he's a fucking moron. These idiots are far more concerned about miniscule groups that spend more time hacking chunks out one one another to the extent that they are nowhere near a threat, than they are the real and present threat that is already in government in the USA, Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey, Argentina and Italy and a resurgent far fight in many other countries. What utter fucking morons!
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OMG another one who was at the back of the queue when the brains were being handed out!
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Well Andromeda is actually, in political terms, an oxymoron as she claims to be an anarcho-capitalist, which is not only absurd, but a contradiction in terms. Anarchism is resolutely opposed to capitalism and most of those claiming to be 'anarcho-capitalsits' in my experience are quite deluded as while they might believe in the capitalist system, they are not themselves capitalists, but rather sad examples of the lumpen proletariat. So Andromeda is yet another of the oddbods we seem to have in abundance here in OS, she'd not apparently quite as deranged as Pagane, but well on the way. Clearly this lot have either been smoking some weird shit, or they need to check their water supply,... There's no knowing what their friend Trump and his buddies will have put in it, or maybe merely left it as polluted as it was at source.
Suzi Avonside, as always a useful idiot, do not confuse the old anarchism of the thinker Pierre Joseph Proudhon with the current anarcho-capitalism of Murray Newton Rothbard, there was a great evolution of thought.
Anarcho-captalism does not exist, at least be honest you're a fucking right-libertarian. Next stop, fascism.
Anarcho-capitalism, libertarian or Ancap, call it what you want, there are already many of us with these thoughts, living proof? Javier Milei who took over Argentina completely bankrupt, corrupted by socialists, After 6 months of Javier Milei, Argentina registers an improvement in the economy, Zuzi comes out of the bubble, socialist communist Marxist thoughts are DEATH MISERY SUFFERING, history is rubbing it in your face, wake up creature.
Oh shut up and talk sense. Milei is nothing by a fascist, and any apparent improvement in the economy will be illusory - because that's the way the discredited neo-liberal economic system works. Of course if you take all the money out of society and give it to the already parasitic boss class it will register as an economic boost, but long term it is unsustainable. God, the one good thing this thread has done is that it's brought out all the right-wing fascist apologists. My region and world ban list has grown exponentially just recently! Now I ban kids, fascists, extreme right-wing nutjobs like you Androemeda and men not wearing shirts.
The term anarcho-capitalism was first used by Murray Rothbard (1926–1995). Central to his theory are the sovereignty of the individual and the principle of non-aggression. Rothbard emphasized that libertarians are not anarchists.[2] Critics such as the Canadian historian Quinn Slobodian see anarcho-capitalism as a form of right-wing extremism and point to racist and social Darwinist as well as anti-democratic tendencies of thinkers such as Rothbard and Hans Hermann Hoppe.
Thanks Dorena for taking the time to research Anarcho-Capitalist, that was cool.
But you didn't comprehend what Dorena wrote, did you? See below for simpeltons's explanation!
So basically they're fascists masquerasing as 'anarchists' except they want to keep things like the police just in case the workers try to get back that which these thieves have stolen from them.
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Be careful with that irony Jupiter, the simpler minds reading this thread might take it as confirmation of their world view. (it's scary to see the results of sole consumption of Fox News).
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And the biggest clown of them all, is Remmy. She not only tried to convince me that unspecified 'left-wingers' had doxed scab labour employed by Musk for DOGE using a screenshot of a subreddit called WhitePeopleTwitter (clearly a white supremacist group) as irrefutable evidence, that subreddit was later suspended due to violent content and incitement to violence and doxing. One wonders about people sometimes.
Does it matter where I grabbed a screenshot from. The left are going after DOGE boys you said yourself they are traitors and should be Doxxed etc. The left are doing all they can to stop them. My poem still stands YOU have been radicalised, the way you reply to others in a rude condescending tone with your superior attitude. Your statement that the left does not advocate for violence is false. If as the left often says "Words are violence!" your words are incredibly violent and offensive and therefore you are a threat to others. If you keep going down this path you will become physically violent against those who you decide are right wingers because their opinions dont align with yours.
Remmy, if you can'r see what is wrong with using a screenshot of a white supremacist post to support your argument no one here can help you. For one thing, a site that was suspended for violent content and also incitement to violence and doxing is hardly a reliable source of evidence This latest comment of yours just makes you look even more stupid that you've already made yourself look.

Let me put it in simple terms, because I'm beginning to think you are having trouble understanding what the reality of the situation we find ourselves in - largely because of gullible fools like you, who vote in droves for peopel likr Trump, Orban, Milei or Farage. As it is, you're far more het up, concerned, afraid, if you like, that the 'left-wing' (who you can't even name) might come out and pull faces at you, all the while you haven''t noticed the fascist thugs breaking into your home to rape you, because you're too busy looking the other way. In apprehension of an attack that is highly unlikely to come. Maybe the threat of the left-wing hordes is a ploy to distract you long enough for the fasicst rapists to get in to your safe space .

Okay,so those left-wingers are noisy, maybe a little offensive, and yes, maybe they will pull a few faces at you, but I can tell you this, they would, if they saw those fascist boot boys breaking into your home to rape you, stop them, probably using some violence, and save you from attack, which i think you would deem, justified, in this context.

Which is worse Remmy? A bunch of obnoxious left-wingers who are a little unpleasant but essentially harmless or dangerous fascist thugs who will hurt you rape you and steal all your stuff? You make lots of claims about misdeed supposedly committed by 'the left' but you offer no hard, incontrovertible evidence to support your claims - all you offer is a screenshot of a white supremacist forum, which at best makes you look even more stupid than you've made yourself look already .You're in a hole Remmy, stop digging!

Relevant external information: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/doge-poop?utm_source=su...
And you are not getting my point. If you decide someone is a Fascist based on some posts you will justify hatred and violence against them. I do feel threatened by you now because of the assumptions you have made about me. You are not just noisy and a little obnoxious you are Loud and very obnoxious and making assumptions about people you know very little about and what their real opinions are. We are just going around in circles here.
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I'm not even sure why you're commenting in the way you are, apparently in opposition to this event, and yet you 'liked' the original post Arielle? From this I can only assume you are using it as an opportunity to peddle your vacuous false equivalency arguments that don't stand up to scrutiny. You, and some of the others seem obsessed with the 'left-wing extremism' you scream about, which is nowhere here apparent apart from the deluded minds of detractors to the event. Though most of those commenters may not actively support the far-right, or neo-fascists, they lack of action translates as passive support becuase they are doing niothing to counter that darkness and instead choose to pour scorn on those who are at least trying to do something to oppose the rise of the right and build resilience.

No mention of opposition to the real and present threat of the far-right, which is already in government in several countries in the developed world, such as Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, Argentina, Austria and now of course the USA. In several other countries the far-right is in the ascendant, countries like Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and Sweden, to name just a few. The fr-right is on the rise, not because it's really that popular, but because the that precious middle ground you claim to value so much throws it's hands in the air and looks the other way when minorities start to be scapegoated and targeted for 'special treatment'. Pagane appears quite deranged and often presents some weird and contradictory arguments (often also irrelevant to the thread) but at least she knows what it's like to live under a repressive, authoritarian and totalitarian regime.

By the way, it's Suzi, not Susie, please try to get it right. And, despite my airhead comment, I do think there is an intellect there, so fucking use it eh?
wer ein einheitrasen möcht ,darf sich nicht wundern wenn auch ein gänseblümchen darin als feind betrachte wird ..und genaus das ist was die linke im auftrag jen welceh sie nicht ien mal kenne erfolgreich um setzten .. ich empfel hirnwäschen udn alet schrift stücket zuleseen ..wei teilen und hersche aus dem Jahre 1532 ,das römische recht und essen weiert entwicklung hien zur verblendung welceh sich heut als demokartien getrant immer noch das gleiche prinzib gestallte uns als meschheit dumm zuhalten ,somit alls willige sklaven ihre wohl aifrecht zuer halten udn wennes ihen in den gram passt über mediale manipultion dazu zubewegen uns selbst aus zurotten ..sie corona impumg , co2 schädlinge und und .. udn jene meschn diedas verstadnen haen um was es geht wolle eben liebr ein Gänseblümchen sien als sich in einer masse wieder zu finde welch am ende strikt ..da jeglich art von monotismus zum tot verurteilt ist .. und genau deshalb wird diese spiel von herschen und teilen slange auf recht erhalte , da diese letzet option ihr untergnag ist .. hir wasch und lösen der verhunden verstopfungen hat was udn diese ist nicht böse gemeint war selbt mal verstopft .
Oh fuck, I wondered how long it would be before some crazed conspiracy theorist showed up and commented. No Covid was not a conspiracy and climate change is real. We may live in 'defective' democracies, but at least there is something of a functioning democracy: it need strengthening, not dismantling.
Könntest du eventuell ein Rechtschreibehilfe nutzen? Meine ich nicht böse, aber du bist echt schwer zu verstehen.
Oh, what Arielle said was probably an attempt to set us against each other, but a very weak attempt.^^
She failed miserably! I'd still fuck her though I'm not sure she has a reciprocal feeling though, but yah never know!
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No one is forcing you to be here, so why not just fuck off?
udn primtin geht immer ..merh ist da nicht ausser gewalt sowohl verball als auch körperlich .. freiden udn iebe unbekannt ..
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Yes, well, you're a fucking moron.
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When i think of Arielle, perhaps unfairly, I think 'airhead'
Lol,b that's good, it is the image I have been attempting to project. I get laid more often that way! Speaking of getting laid, how is your love life?
I'm very active sexually, and have a fine time - only those women who can engage me intellectually and emotionally get a look in though.
Oh sapiosexual. Good, that counts me out!
Arielle, I'm also demisexual, and you are nothing like as stupid as you make out! And maybe you should count yourself in. How about it, eh?
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Oh shut up Arielle with your nonsense and go and get laid - it'll do you good! I
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So you are a supporter of fascists and the far-right eh Sylvia? Get real, where there are people there is politics. But I guess you'd rather live in a lalaland and bury your head.
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Oh dear Pagane, if you believe that twaddle you are seriously sad... Neo-liberalism 'left-wing' How on earth is the economic nonsense first peddled by the likes of Reagan and Thatcher from the mid 70s onwards 'left-wing'? Sure, the current Labour Party in the UK is pledged to the failed economic ideology of neo-liberalism, as is Europe and the USA, and it is this fact more than any other that explains the predicament most of us who live in semi-democracies are now facing and the failures of neo-liberalism that have led to the rise of the far right pretty much everywhere.

If you want to be taken seriously Pagane, at least present some credible arguments, and don't insult us. Some of us at least do read, and have very open minds and are more than ready to listen when presented with cogent arguments. We also think. Those of us old enough also remember the times of Keynsian economics, an ideology that drove the post WW2 economic recovery and brought prosperity to ordinary people for the first time in history. Sure, the very rich were a little bit poorer, but they remained very rich, but everyone else had access to decent housing, decent healthcare and education, all provided free off cost at point of use. The system wasn't perfect, as no human system is, or can be, but it was in so many ways superior to what we have now in terms of the ideology behind it. You, unlike some of the others commenting here, are not a fool, so please stop acting like one.
You really NOT READ! I live 35 years in this. We all in eastern europe live in this socialism - now neoliberal.
For me this is PAST! I read memories and history.
For you is dark future and if continue .... will pay with many years of life. Your and your kids!
Sad, but fact!
I don't have kids, and I don't think I'm quite as deranged as you appear to be. I'm well aware of what happened in eastern Europe, but for fuck's sake at least be honest Pagane, you know full well that wasn't socialism, or anything like it. What you lived under was a totalitarianism little different to that of Nazi Germany or fascist Spain. Get over yourself and stop the bullshit.
Thank you to explain me what is kids and socialism:)
Please send me all books what you use to protect kids from reading this shits!!!
danke Pagane ich sehe das wie du ..