Suzi_Avonside @Suzi_Avonside

Caerdydd, Cymru Offline

Wedi bod gwmpas am sbel... Ers 2010 yn achos OSG

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Rogue LIVE at Enough is Enough Event!
Dorenas World!
♬ WHO Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT Live Music Performance
♬ WHEN 12:00 PM OST - 3:00PM EST/9:00PM German
♬ WHERE: Dorenas World
Tomorrow is the day!
Es reicht!! Event gegen rechts in Dorenas World

15.2.2025 und 16.2.2025

Samstag den 15.02.2025
18:30-19:00 Uhr Einstimmung mit Klarabella Karamell.
19:00-21:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit Live-Konzert
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rogue Galaxy Live-Konzert
22:00 Uhr bis Openend mit Xenos Yifu

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
16.30 Uhr-18 Uhr Bogus Curry mit großartigen Musikprogramm.
18:00-20:00 Uhr JohnVincent van Dyke Live-Konzert
20:00-21:00 Uhr Kueperpunk mit einer Lesung/Vortrag zum Thema.
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rubeus Helgeruth liest Wolfgang Borchert.
22:00-Openend "DJ-Battle Klarabella und Aki".

Enough is enough!! Event against the right in Dorenas World

February 15th, 2025 and February 16th, 2025

Saturday February 15th, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warm-up with Klarabella Karamell.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wolem Wobbit live concert
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rogue Galaxy live concert
10:00 p.m. until open end with Xenos Yifu

Sunday February 16th, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bogus Curry with a great music program.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. John Vincent van Dyke live concert
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Kueperpunk with a reading/lecture on the topic.
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rubeus Helgeruth reads Wolfgang Borchert.
10:00 p.m. - Openend "DJ Battle Klarabella and Aki".
Feedback geben

Pagane: Unfortunately, politics has obsessed our thoughts and feelings. OpenSIM was created by the people here with all their pros and cons. I completely understand Doren and her dream of replacing the Russia... 3 days ago
Es reicht!! Event gegen rechts in Dorenas World

15.2.2025 und 16.2.2025

Samstag den 15.02.2025
18:30-19:00 Uhr Einstimmung mit Klarabella Karamell.
19:00-21:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit Live-Konzert
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rogue Galaxy Live-Konzert
22:00 Uhr bis Openend mit Xenos Yifu

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
16.30 Uhr-18 Uhr Loru Destiny mit großartigen Musikprogramm.
18:00-20:00 Uhr JohnVincent van Dyke Live-Konzert
20:00-21:00 Uhr Kueperpunk mit einer Lesung/Vortrag zum Thema.
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rubeus Helgeruth liest Wolfgang Borchert.
22:00-Openend "DJ-Battle Klarabella und Aki".
Enough is enough!! Event against the right in Dorenas World

February 15th, 2025 and February 16th, 2025

Saturday February 15th, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warm-up with Klarabella Karamell.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wolem Wobbit live concert
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rogue Galaxy live concert
10:00 p.m. until open end with Xenos Yifu

Sunday February 16th, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Loru Destiny with a great music program.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. JohnVincent van Dyke live concert
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Kueperpunk with a reading/lecture on the topic.
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rubeus Helgeruth reads Wolfgang Borchert.
10:00 p.m. - Openend "DJ Battle Klarabella and Aki".

Dorena Verne: At this point something appropriate: 13 days ago
It seems like people crave a balance between connection and autonomy.
Belonging to a community offers support, camaraderie, and shared experiences, but having personal space and privacy is important for self-expression and maintaining individuality.

Friends grid

* limited complimentary parcels with 10,000 prims are available to people who want to make this their main home and become a part of this growing community. Contact @zuzubahro or @safinemahoe2 for details.


Xenon Darrow: LOL you guys missed the point 17 days ago

Life. :-)

Hyacinth: Rockin the gray! 1 month ago
'...And ye shall be free from slavery. And as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy upon Earth, for my law is love unto all beings...'
I'm tired of the Opensim or OSW atmosphere.
I'm tired of always trying to be normal and nice and seeing people, strangers, or worse, so-called "friends" spend their time wanting to hurt or denigrate everything and anyone for no reason!
In addition, I had stupidly thought that this end of year and New Year period could be conducive to more kindness and perhaps even a return of some to more kind behavior.
Of course this was not the case at all on the contrary. So I did some cleaning in my contacts and will continue to do so, it tires me not knowing when someone will go from a normal friendly dialogue to attacks!

The latest one: in the morning I was very happy that a certain Marianna was passing by my Scorpion Island, she had promised me but we had not spoken about it again since long. Well she only spent 50 seconds but I was also happy that she talked about it in The Box...
A little later I had a troll in my french post about the easy configuration of a grid, troll saying that there was nothing new (what I never claimed. But go on to find something like that in french just to laugh....) and giving a link that I had given myself in the post, I sent him away and he blocked me and threatened me in The Box. I went to answer him in The Box with my other account (not blocked which seeing all his craps ) and the very dear Marianna came to complain and break me because I was "talking to myself" (which is totally false!)... These two morons who clearly do not understand anything, and especially not French (the troll even took me for an American!), allowing themselves to put their two cents in everything, are pissing me off!!!

Trolls, sick women or men, let me go! I will no longer take gloves, I will no longer be the second to block idiots, I will no longer participate in anything common here or in OS. I will only do what I want to do! Now if I hurt someone, too bad! Almost no one has been too careful with me!

And for the wishes: have the year you all deserve!! And if it turns out to be bad for the idiots I met, I admit that it won't make me cry!


J'en ai marre de l'ambiance d'Opensim ou OSW.
J'en ai marre de toujours essayer d'être normale et gentille et de voir des gens, des inconnus, ou pire, des soi-disant "amis" passer leur temps à vouloir blesser ou dénigrer tout et n'importe quoi sans raison !
De plus, j'avais bêtement pensé que cette période de fin d'année et de nouvel an pouvait être propice à plus de bienveillance et peut-être même à un retour de certains à des comportements plus bienveillants.
Bien sur, ce ne fut pas du tout le cas, au contraire. J'ai donc fais du ménage dans mes contacts et continuerai à en faire, ça me fatigue de ne pas savoir quand quelqu'un passera d'un dialogue "amical" normal à des attaques !

La dernière en date : le matin j'étais très contente qu'une certaine Marianna passe par mon île Scorpion, elle me l'avait promis mais on n'en avait plus reparlé. Bon elle n'a passé que 50 secondes mais j'étais aussi contente qu'elle en parle dans The Box...
Un peu plus tard j'ai eu un troll dans mon post en français (!) sur la configuration facile d'une grille, troll disant qu'il n'y avait rien de nouveau (ce que je n'ai jamais prétendu, mais cherchez ça en français pour rire....) et donnant un lien que j'avais donné moi-même dans le post. Je l'ai renvoyé paître, il m'a bloquée puis menacée dans The Box. Je suis allée lui répondre avec mon autre compte (non bloqué ce qui me permettait de voir ses attaques) et la très chère Marianna est venue se plaindre et me casser parce que je me "parlais à moi-même" (ce qui est totalement faux !)... Ces deux abrutis qui ne comprennent clairement rien, et surtout pas le français (le troll m'a même prise pour une américaine !), se permettant de mettre leur grain de sel dans tout, me saoulent !!!

Trolls, femmes ou hommes malades, lâchez moi ! Je ne prendrai plus de gants, je ne serai plus la deuxième a bloquer les cons, je ne participerai plus à quoi que ce soit de commun ici ou dans OS. Je ne ferai que ce dont j'ai envie MOI ! Maintenant si j'en blesse, tant pis ! Personne ou presque n'a prit trop de gant avec moi !

Et pour les voeux : ayez donc tous l'année que vous méritez !! Et si elle se trouve être mauvaise pour les cons que j'ai croisés, j'avoue que ça ne me fera pas pleurer !
All this talk about my work as being poor quality crap gave me inspiration! It is true many creations are just that Poor Quality Crap! Who needs it? YOU Do! so we formed a new group where you can find all sorts of Free Crap Our first giveaway @JamieAnna Wright kindly offers to you! Be prepared and don't forget the poop scoop! Dump

JoeBuilder: What is CRAP? I have 16 regions full to the brim of stuff I myself call crap :) It is things I have picked up from all around left in Sandboxs mostly full perm for copy I think was interesting at the ... 2 months ago

Wish you a nice weekend. :-)

Suzi_Avonside: Very delicious *slurp* 2 months ago

Who brings me my breakfast coffee?

Suzi_Avonside: OMG, I'm in love!!!!! 3 months ago

❤️Everything for you.❤️

Wishing you all a happy pre-Christmas season. :-)

Tainted Angel: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas season! 3 months ago

I wish you a good night and sweet dreams.

OpenSimUser: I am not biased, Green dragons are fine with me, and have a good night. 3 months ago

Wish you a nice weekend. :-)

Thomas Etzel: Looks like Bree van de Kamp from Desperate Housewives 3 months ago

There are still rooms available in my motel..

Yinni Benelli: Is it haunted? .... looks haunted. 3 months ago
The store that is loved by so many people just got a whole lot bigger!

Texture Too - a new store for you by Zuzu Bahro and Safine Mahoe

the new building at Textures Trees and Scripts and it is full of textures to help your projects.

Ancient writings
sci fi
stained glass
and much more!

Come on out and find out why people are loving the new , second texture building. Just take the tp stone to Textures Too

Textures Trees & Scripts - the little store that everyone is talking about!

Thirza Ember: It's not the store we deserve, but it's the store we need! LOL thanks Safine! 3 months ago
Hello everyone, our Mall has now been opened!

We have completely renovated the stores for a better overview and more space for new creations. We also rebuilded the Mall with Prims for better loading times and performance improvement. If we think back in time, we started 1 and a half years ago with a 32x32m store where we had some clothes, now we count 15 Shops, 170x70m on 2 floors with textures, clothes, skins, tattoos, botanicals and more. This is our birthday present to you, for your help, your feedback and your visit to us.

New Shops :

- Fox Jewelry (Jewelry for Males, Females & Unisex)
- Creative Box (more than 1283 new seamless Textures with Adv. Lightning Maps)
- ShoeFactory (Shoes for LaraX, Lara, Gianni, Legacy)
- BlueGents (Fashion for Gianni & Legacy)
- Venus Lingerie (Underwear)
- FoxSound Design (Enviroment Sounds)
- Botanic (Landscape Stuff for your Region)

Updated :
- Pureface (38 new Body Skintones, 6 Male EvoX Skins, 4 Female EvoX Skins)
- LovelyAmy (Lot of new clothes for LaraX, connected both Floors via Stairs)
- SilverFox Weddings (New Dresses & Shoes)
- DecoQueen (8 new things for Decoration)

We hope you like the things and that you find something nice for you!
You can also join our inworld Group for future updates.

Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha :)

AnKaBi: wouw die mall ist ist super schön geworden ♥♥♥ 3 months ago

Sleep well. :-)

Hicks: bonne nuit 3 months ago

Thanks for deleting my last post, someone must be scared...

Nico Kalani: Freedom of speech is important. For example, one is free to say to their boss "You are an idiot." And the boss is free to say "You're fired." The fact is, there is no absolute freedom to say anythin... 3 months ago

I wish everyone a nice start to the week.

Pagane: Can't close window with X button ... 4 months ago

autumn rose

Hicks: lovely pic as usual 4 months ago

Beautiful World

And more autumn impressions.

Shopping in autumn. :-)

Suzi_Avonside: Gorgeous, as always Dorena :) 4 months ago

Come Join us
Halloween Dance with DJ Pin
Friday, Oct 25 at 12 noon

You have 4 days to put an outfit together.....let's have fun!

New the Witches Dance - Hud
Neu der Hexen Tanz - HUD

Use Teleporter to Halloween from welcome
Benutzt den Teleporter vom Willkommen zur Halloween Area

Pagane: AMAZING! Love it!!! 4 months ago

I have to prick up my ears.^^

Xenon Darrow: Hmmm...what you hearing with them ears, gal? 4 months ago

We have a small number of these pretty terraced cottages available to let freely for players who wish to base in this popular sim. Contact Xi Shi for details

Good morning. :-)

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Midjourney AI? 4 months ago

Wishing you a good morning and a nice start into the week. :-)

Carmen Jewel: Really pretty pics, I find them very interesting and Dorena has breathed life into the Character, I enjoy Ai myself too :)) 4 months ago

Good Morning. :-)

Xenon Darrow: Hello, gorgeous :) 5 months ago
Join us today for the highly anticipated opening of the Fall exhibition, "Dreamscapes!"
At 11:15 AM SLT, immerse yourself in the enchanting special exhibit by renowned artist Cherry Manga with a soundscape created by Nico Kalani.

At 12 PM SLT, enjoy the captivating voice of Rogue Galaxy, who will kick off the celebration with a live performance as we open the gallery showcasing a stunning collection of imaginative art created exclusively for this show. While you're here, explore the grounds to discover breathtaking new sculptures by Cherry Manga, Tina Bey, and Remmy Ravenhurst.

At 1 PM SLT, the sultry sounds of Forest Azure will continue the party as we celebrate the incredible talent of these artists and the vibrant community that makes it all possible.
Formal Attire
We can't wait to see you there!

Luna Lunaria: So sorry I wasn't able to attend :-( Was busy with family in RL 5 months ago

Xenon Darrow: This is so spectacular! amazing!!! 5 months ago

Inspired by lucid dreams, synesthetic feelings, and weird childhood visions.

Nico Kalani: Join us today at 11:15 AM SLT, for the opening of Paradoxical Dreams, an installation by artist Cherry Manga, with a soundscape created by Nico Kalani. Dimension 5 months ago

When is breakfast served?

Pagane: Newer forget to say to AT how many feets have humans. And instruct AI about "small" diferences between iner and outer side of feets. 5 months ago

OpenSim Dorena and AI Dorena

Flux1 is awesome.:-)
I love skirts like this at the moment.

As you step into the Witchy Woods, an otherworldly hush envelops you, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and ancient pine. Gnarled branches twist overhead, their silhouettes dancing against the pale light filtering through the canopy. Shafts of sunlight pierce the gloom, illuminating patches of vibrant moss and clusters of mushrooms that seem to glow with an ethereal light.

The path winds deeper into the heart of the woods, where shadows play tricks on your senses. You catch fleeting glimpses of movement—a flicker of a tail, a flash of feathers—as woodland creatures slip between the trees, their presence both comforting and eerie. The sound of a distant brook murmurs like a secret, drawing you further into the labyrinth of nature.

Every step reveals more of the woods’ haunting beauty. Delicate webs glisten with dew, suspended like jewels between the branches, while the soft rustle of leaves carries whispers of forgotten tales. Twisted roots snake across the forest floor, inviting you to pause and consider the stories they hold, as if the very ground is alive with memories.

A sense of magic hangs in the air, tangible and electric, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. The woods feel like a realm where time bends, a place where the mundane slips away and the mysterious reigns. You can almost hear the soft strains of an unseen melody, a lullaby sung by the woods themselves, beckoning you to lose yourself in their enchanting embrace. As twilight deepens, the shadows stretch and flicker, transforming the landscape into a dreamscape, where every rustle and sigh feels like a promise—of secrets waiting to be uncovered, of wonders yet to be revealed.

For the friends of Oktoberfest, cheers. :-)

Without words..

OpenSimUser: How are you today? 5 months ago