StevieZee @StevieZee


DJ Stevie, has a unique style which will bring a smile to your face. Owner of Club INFINITY.


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its a brill piece of kit , thank you Jimmy
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most is empty
Yeah it is, sorry my RL and the fact I am doing this on my own is getting in the way. I am trying my best
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like it , but think you could do with a region restart
thank you for letting me know, I restarted the region.
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How about putting them on plinths so they look like they flying
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lol havnt heard that in years,
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its been an interesting read, I am one of those who picks up stuff from the freebie areas, I am not a creator or have the time to be, but I put stuff out leaving in all the creators details and the LM , I buy stuff as well, I think it depends on what you are doing with the freebie items, I never sell anything that I have picked up free, Liam is a clothes designer and I have told him to sell his items, but it is up to him if he does, we have shops on the land, my shops are what I call start ups for new avis and of course gadgets I love gadgets, Liams are much more sophisticated and advanced, I agree with some of what has been said in the comments, But I left sl because of the costs, etc, I started there a year after is started, people come to Open Sim because its open, I dont have a problem paying for good land, or items that are good quality, we run a donation system, and will be when its up and running have a minimal donation set for the land, anything above that donation will be greatly appreciated, PS I love Wolfs land
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its great , but went to go back for another look around to find Barefoot Dreamers is grid banned ,???????
Hi Stevie, Unfortunately the reason Barefoot Dreamers was banned, was because we saw repeated instances of various alts of the owner Hugabug/Molly Rachet/Gabe Collingwood/Sweet Dreams visiting us in Copybot Viewers. Its saddening when a grid owner themselves does not respect other Grids rules.
OMGoth...that's a terrible thing to do to a dreamer.
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I wish more would stand up to them
for this you have to create even more accounts and like and comment)))
Like Avitron has done. Not all read these posts, and comments. You would have hundreds more, who agree with the results OS decided.
I have no idea what you are talking about
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? enlighten plz
Oh I think you know the reason. Word of advice....learn to use your camera, to zoom in on signs or entertainers, or items, like all of us do. Or make your signs bigger or lift them higher. Lots of options to choose. Your treatment to your guests, was uncalled for.
Shea I wasn't there , I have not been to digi world since I was a member there, I was just wondering what the problem was, as Rogues sets are usually very good
Oh sorry, not sure who the guy's name was then. I assumed, this remark was owner of grid. Rogue was excellent as usual, and had nothing to do with her. Was to bad we could not stay for the whole performance. Love that gal.
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I came I hopped I took photos, I hopped and outlawed, people come I vanished leaving my pictures behind. Seriously you are too gentle on these people do as I do, IM, you are a child avi yes, Ok then Bye your banned , and boot them from the sim. 'simples' suprised Robin not doing the same lol
Besides, the standard paedo kiddie is extremely easy to spot. The user behind them never types his IM messages but always copy-pastes the same ones. First the girl (always a girl) "waves" at you, then she asks you how you "is", then, if you react, she says her parent's aren't there and invites you to come over.


This alone helped me initiate, I guess, a dozen bans already, if not more, on various grids. This plus the user's complete ignorance about whom he had already tried to talk up.
Another common sign is the all too common "Giggles". No chick ever says "giggles" that is a dude assuming chicks say that and would be convinced that it's really a 12 yo girl when it really is a 70 year old decrepit, senile, senior citizen with snow covered prunes dangling.
I text giggles a lot. I am all woman. lol "Giggles"
Me too!! I can't say I really LIKE the word, but I'm at a loss for any suitably short alternatives. "LOL" has a sorta bawdy, uncultured sound to it. And "smiles" is just a totally different reaction altogether. "Chuckles" I suppose COULD work, but when I hear that, I always think of 'Chuckles the Clown', so that one is out. SO, a giggler I shall remain until someone can provide me with an acceptable replacement! :)
Agreed 100%. Stevie, you are a tough cookie and glad to know you don't tolerate this crap. So far, banning on landing is the current method and option. Though, in the works, as some have suggested, rings of fire, dropping shipping containers from 300m up that are physical as well as encased in a cylinder and blasted into orbit with booster rockets (Like i did in SL) is in the works. If they want to play with each others crusty old prunes (Since they are mostly 70 year old decrepid Joe Bidens) they should stay on Golden Sun where the sun always shines on their bald heads.
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You had clothes on Suzan , grins
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so glad your back, its great and better than ever, had a great time today thank you,
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is the shopping mall open only the tp does not wrk for me
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do people move to Mexico to avoid answering questions
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who is the singer?
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popped in for a visit seems nice, will be back
Thank you for stopping by look forward to seeing you when you come back !
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Thank you, glad you enjoy it here ,
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and is this the correct translation of what you posted ......Here Avatars are created with passion and imagination, To those people who come here to copy I say this:
YOU are a useless person, you copy the avaqtar and sell them as your own because you are unable to do anything !. Remember that you are a dishonest person and that you are truly worthless. Here is a fantasy world where people should be like Angels, Pure and honest since we are all in the same boat opersim ... but the rottenness in your brain you bring in here too.................................................if so this is very damming, to people, after all this is open sim where things are free, people should not be selling what is not theirs but giving it away, and lets face it , if they are giving it away as a boxed item then the creators LM will be in it, so its an advert for them and their work,