SpoiledDivaCarissa Richez @SpoileDivaCarissa


Virtual gamer for 13 years, love people, love to party, love to create!!!

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

Spoiled Diva
6 1 hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Spoiled Diva 0 Users
Free homes to live in, beautiful landscaping, live in Beverly Hills, Each lot is a least 1700 sqm with 2 bedroom mesh homes with swimming pools to live in, Enjoy decorating with 700 prims, freebies galore to furnish your home, freebies for your male and female avis
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6 4 dreamworld.home.kg:10560:Twilight-4 0 Users
The Spoiled Diva Showcase Of Homes On Planet Earth 40 has Houses and more houses. All free to copy and modify. I have over 30 homes just for you. I needed to move them to their own region. I hope you find what you need.
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Planet Earth 28
57 38 dreamworld.home.kg:10560:Planet Earth 28 0 Users
Houses, furniture, clothing for men and women, skin, hair, and more!!! All free !!! Yes I have mesh bodies, mesh furniture, mesh clothing, mesh shoes. I am continually searching and putting out new things. Take a copy of what ever you wish. I LOVE GIVING THINGS AWAY AND MAKING THE HYPERGRID MORE BE...
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Continuous Beacon Problems and No Support for it
That beacon has become a royal pain. And with no one answering me or fixing the problem as to the scripts in it causing my region textures to turn white including everything in it, not being able to delete the beacon(it always comes back), and no support for the performance for this thing makes me want to get rid of it. It has wrecked havok on my region since I put it down. Who is tech support for opensimworld and where do I contact them.I need this fixed asap.
Where: The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store
When: 4 years ago [29 Oct 2020 03:06 SLT]

The Spoiled DivaFreebbie Store is having a Halloween Party October 30, 4pm - 6pm grid time You are all invited! Please wear a costume. grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822:The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store

Good grief I think we are all under attack again. I wish these hackers would leave open sim alone! Foundation got attack and my daughter Cal who owns Pinks lost everything. These people are malicious and crazy.
The Spoiled Diva Freebie Store
Funny how thieves try and play victim......AquaTranquility......Of Tranquility grid you and Cris Tranquility are going down for what you have done to me. You will not continue to steal, and harass people in SL or opensim. I'm not everybody. I support my friends, mind my business and enjoy my virtual life which I have done long before you came in game. But you stole my money and inventory.....and you think I'm going to say nothing? I letting the world know about you and Cris. You not getting away with it this time.

Thank you everyone for your support.....pics are coming soon.

The Spoiled Diva Freebie Store
Funny how thieves try and play victim......AquaTranquility......Of Tranquility grid you and Cris Tranquility are going down for what you have done to me. You will not continue to steal, and harass people in SL or opensim. I'm not everybody. I support my friends, mind my business and enjoy my virtual life which I have done long before you came in game. But you stole my money and inventory.....and you think I'm going to say nothing? I letting the world know about you and Cris. You not getting away with it this time.


Sad news my friends Aussie's server died so all of my land on Planet Earth are down and will be down untill the problem gets fixed.....So Planet Earth 10,28, and 40 are down indefinately.

Sad news my friends Aussie's server died so all of my land on Planet Earth are down and will be down untill the problem gets fixed.....So Planet Earth 10,28, and 40 are down indefinately.

Hello all sorry I haven't been here or the past 2 weeks ....My computers running hot and shutting down when I come into game, so I am not here much till I can get a fan put in....... I see planet earth is down ...I sent Aussie a message to restart....be patient with me.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. May the coming year keep you safe, healthy, and full of joy and peace.

Something is going on with the grid... it is down and for some reason keeps going down! I haven't even had a chance to go there today and was only there a few hours last night because it was down all day. ….sigh!!!!!!!!! Well I made a bowling alley which is across from the club. I also made an indoor pool , gym, gift shop, and grand ballroom on the ship as well as putthe teleporters out so u can get to the ship.

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

Kling Farm

Your place is fabulous with great freebies ! Thank you!

The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store

The Halloween Party was a great success. Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate. See you at the next party!


Bring your babies to my land in dynamicworldz2, i have a 9 sim region and baby store and hospital for delivering babies. My name is Diva Richez...................................................grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822:The Spoiled Diva Freebbie Store........................they will be safe there

Planet Earth 10

my computer died, but I'll be back soon


my computer died, but I'll be back soon

Planet Earth 28

my computer died, but I'll be back soon

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