Margie @Spiritdove58

USA Offline

hermit. Atheist pagan. animals and nature fanatic. science,, loner

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Heya Hunters,

Happy Easter Day

Easter Egg Hunting has started from now on !
Come to Samsara, take the teleport to the Easter Hunt
And collect 12 EGGS on an area of 75x75.. it has some great stuff in it you havent seen earlier on Open sim!
Get your Taxi and hop on and go for that HUNT!!


Have Fun

Hello dear friends, it has been a while since I posted anything here. You know how that goes. Flying between RL and the other world. Fortunately, we are back in full swing and that has yielded results. Samsara has a shop, there was a lot of demand for the creations on Samsara, and "Sharing is Caring". Not everything is in stock yet, but it is a start. Hop over and take a look in and around the shop.
Wander around or use the teleport system.

Namaste. Love Yana

Movies are now playing at the Drive-in first up is GI Jane

Seeking Enlightenment With a Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwich.
I'm at the Naked Yoga event and had the urge for a P&J. Coupled with a double espresso. Yummers. It's the closest I'll get to heaven today (which is not the same as enlightenment, but whatever).

If you come to the event, turn on the music stream and set your environment to sunset, and then look straight on at the Buddha statue for a stunning view. This clothing optional event is relaxing and serene. Join us. Yoga Center

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: I'm in a chatty mood, so here is another message. Just a reminder you can wear whatever you like or nothing at all at the event. Whatever makes you most comfortable. For example, I'd be comfortable w... 3 years ago
AETHER doesn't have line dancing. It has has a club with synchronized group dances on an airborne shade-shifting rotating cube. How wild is that? Aether also offers the use of adult furniture and the viewing of artistic B&W photos, all in modern, minimalist structures. The residents of Aether? They all vanished. All they left behind were shadows. Aether: a world of black, white, shadows and wild sky.
Needful Things - (Construction) News

All old houses have been replaced (now with new door scripts, easier to climb stairs and 2 additional usable floors each).
Various bugs have been fixed, most notably an update bug in the "Crack the Bank Safe" game that had made the win code unreadable.

Some stores now already contain teleporters, but their interior finishing will take some time.

NEW on Needful Things are:

- The "Solar System Quiz" in the Galaxy Store.
- The "Egyptian Empire" store, with all the accessories of my old Egyptian region, now retired. On the first floor there are clothes, avatars or NPCs, on the 1st floor texture venders and on the 2nd floor there are the boxes with all kinds of objects you can need to design a region in ancient Egyptian style (including started gadgets like special pyramid doors, trap doors, sandstorm, etc.).

In the next few days we will start the creation of an Asia store, with useful items for designing a region in Chinese or Japanese style. After that, the stores for winter, Easter and Halloween supplies will be restocked.

Have fun browsing!

* * * * *

Needful Things - (Bau)Neuigkeiten

Alle alten Häuser wurden ersetzt (jetzt mit neuen Türskripte, leichter erklimmbare Treppen und je 2 zusätzlich nutzbare Etagen).
Diverse Fehler wurden beseitigt, vor allem ein Update-Bug beim "Crack the Bank Safe"-Spiel, der den Gewinn-Code unleserlich gemacht hatte.

Einige Shops enthalten jetzt bereits Teleporter, doch deren Innenausbau wird noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.

NEU auf Needful Things sind:

- Das "Solar-System-Quiz" im Galaxy Store
- Der "Egyptian Empire"- Shop, mit sämtlichem Zubehör meiner alten agyptischen Region, die sich jetzt im Ruhestand befindet. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es Kleidung, Avatare bzw. NPCs, im 1. Stock Textur-Vendoren und im 2. Stock befinden sich die Boxen mit allen möglichen Objekten, die man zur Gestaltung einer Region im alt-ägyptischen Stil brauchen kann (inklusiver angefangener Gadgets wie besondere Pyramidentüren, Falltüren, Sandsturm, etc.)

In den nächsten Tagen startet die Einrichtung eines Asia-Ladens, mit nützlichen Items zur Gestaltung einer Region im chinesischen oder japanischen Stil. Danach werden die Shops für Winter-, Oster- und Halloweenbedarf neu bestückt.

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!
LIGHT MUSEUM is now known as LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM (store number 07), SOUND BOXES (environment sounds) for ur sim/place:
Choose different environements such as:

NATURE SOUNDS: Boreal Forest, Australian Outback, Pine Forest, Desert,Rain Forest, Swamp, Beach, River, Waterfall, Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Tornado, Underwater, Whales & Dolphins ,Volcano Eruption, Earthquake, Wet Water Cave and African Savannah.

URBAN SOUNDS: Bar, Harbor, Amusement Park (Machinery, Merry go round, Haunted Mansion and Zombies), Construction,Subway, Factory, Military Base, City Traffic, Airport, Stadium, Garden Party, French Cafe, Irish Pub, Buddhist Temple, Bazaar (Oriental Market), Mosque, Chinese Market, Cooking, Office, Volleyball, Hospital, Night Club ,City Battle WW2, Swimming Pool, Traffic Jam, Gregorian Chant, Grocery, Police Department, Coffee Shop, Mantra OM and Hockey.

FARM SOUNDS: Farm Ambiance, Ducks, Cattle Yard, Turkeys, Backyard Geese, Horse Stable, Goats, Pigs, Fire (Campire and fireplace) and even an Old West Saloon Ambiance.

BIRDS SOUNDS: Amazon Parrots, Black Capped Chickadees, Budgies, Cockatiels, Crows, Eagles, Nightingales, Northern Cardinals, Owl, Pigeons, Robins and Thrushes.

MEDIEVAL and FANTASY SOUNDS: Medieval Tavern, Space Station, STARWARS (Cantina, Duel of Fates, Imperial March), Yggdrasil Viking, Cosmic Melody, Enchanted Forest, Dinosaurs Jungle and Spiders Cave.

P.S. When boxes are rezed for the 1st time it might happen the sounds break a little bit. Normal at Opensim when more than 1 wav file is played. But after loop is completed ,sounds will go smooth :)