Spax Orion @SpaxOrion


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BELZE: Die beiden sind zum anbeissen 10 months ago

New complete avatar at Mexico Lindo!! Noelia !!

Jerralyn Franzic: I picked up a few avatars yesterday. A few of them are perfect for role playing, thanks for putting them up. 10 months ago

Moonrose Winter Shopping is open most of the items are copyable on 01.12 2023 there is again an Advent calendar .I wish you a nice time


----- NEW -----

"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam may luck be yours on halloween"

The shadows are getting longer again, the heat of summer is slowly fading. Slowly but surely, a melancholic mood is spreading. Autumn puts out its feelers. (at least in the northern hemisphere). Urgent time to open


I think that this year a lot of nice things have reached the region again, which have been distributed all over the sim. So it gives you something to do finding all the new stuff.

The visitors' favorites, the unbeatable Wolftones and the Sanderson Sisters, will also be there again..and brandnew "Dancing with the mon - stars" another awesome creation by Kimm Star.

Remember..Most items,( and meanwhile tons of !) but not everything is for sale. Please remember and RESPECT that please. You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Luna Lunaria ,Bibiana Bombinate and many more. Thank you!!

I wish you a lot of fun ,exploring, laughing, crying , getting scared, collecting beautiful autumn decoration and and and.. the Gates are open now !!!

(hints...the sim is fully loaded, so give it time to rez and if it is not rezzing please relog that often helps
- Please make sure to have a good balance between Music and Sounds, otherwise you would miss half of the fun)

NineZero: The highlight, for me, was The Wolftones and the crowd dancing to Monster Mash. You rock, Thomas! Great sim! 1 years ago
I'm reading a lot of whining about "banning" oh how dare they?? ::gasp:: Listen, sweetheart, people have the right to ban whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish whether we like it or not - their grid or region, their rules their choice. I think it's a bit extreme, however, I have on occasions for personal reasons banned certain individuals because they have done their best to destroy my work or reputation, and we all know that people are generally inclined to believe the bad stories about someone rather than the good. I do not, as a rule, ban anybody who doesn't truly have it coming or who has not "requested" that I ban them, which has happened because I would not run my grid they way they wanted me to. I'd like to believe that everyone in open sim is adult, however that's a little like believing ice won't melt over a fire. I have met very few people in open sim that I dislike and then it is not the person I dislike so much as what they have done or said, but they are not banned nor will they be unless they earn it. I'm not going to name names and point fingers as that is "high school kid" stuff done by immature tattle tales who will go out of their way to make other's look days, I think they call them "Karens". So why don't we all just put on our "grown up" pants and panties and act like adults? Build, roleplay, dance, sing, create, design and develop and quit bitching about stuff that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the long run because the truth is, nobody cares if you've been banned. I do my best not to give anyone a reason to ban me but if you feel it's necessary for your own sanity, then by all means...have at it, I assure you it will not diminish me to the people who matter. You see the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind.....don't matter. Have a lovely day.

CyberGlo CyberStar: "never feed the pigs in the middle of a lightning storm..." - wise cowboy sayings 1 years ago
The underlying message of too many big social media sites these days is "stop talking and start buying." The community these sites have fostered are being exploited for profit. Fortunately that isn't happening in OS. In fact, in contrast to big social media, we have a place in OS where the message is "stop buying but keep up the conversation."

That place is the Oni Kiri Tribute Region. There is nothing to buy there. But there is the opportunity to hang out with people from the community of Adachi fans and ex-residents of the CopyKat Grid. They are pretty much all like Oni. Helpful. Kind. Sharing. If you feel yourself to be part of that community, here is a HG Safari blog post written by Thirza Ember about Oni, Adachi, CopyKat and the Collective you might like:

The Oni Kiri Tribute Region is at Adachi on BlackSwan.
hop:// CopyKat in Blackswan

The community is all over OS. :)

Join the CopyKat Collective Discord Channel if you'd like:

I wish you all a happy pride month! Let´s celebrate the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month. Celebrate the difference!!!

CyberGlo CyberStar: Come June 28th to my house and have a slice of RaInBoW CaKe.... :) 1 years ago

new...coccole al tuo bimbo prima di trova nel nuovo negozio

these children everyone knows I did it I'm at a construction site in Astralia I wrote it only for personal use no resale everyone knows it and everyone respects the rules instead this grid newlife italy doesn't care about the rules and respect for the work of others .. too much comfortable so they take everything and put it on sale to attract people .. but the others know it anyway you make a bad impression ... you came here .... learn to do it yourself and remove my things

The Etheria Network: Its a wonderful family offering, I have several friends with virtual families and all this means a great deal to them :) Moving, fun babies and kids, amazing!! One note, some of the items - many act... 1 years ago
UPDATE: The oh HELLO region, and Xinashi is part of the CopyKat Collective, and are open. However, the Adachi shopping regions will not be reopening. Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends. Central

*oh HELLO reopening*
Adachi will be open soon to shoppers, visitors and, as always, odd characters [like me?]. So, can you stand even more good news? Can you? Well, here is is. A CopyKat Collective affiliated oh HELLO region will be opening soon.

Now, that's a plethora of good news! I say that because I love the word "plethora". Keep on the watch for more lovable words announcing the place and date of the multitudinous reopenings.

[multitudinous -- another great word!].

Verna Avril: nice to know someone else can express themselves in words longer that 5 letters 1 years ago


NEW!! Kelly Outfit
Hud driven Top/Thong
Happy Shopping:))

I like to drop a post every now and then on another virtual universe I'm involved in developing, with a working name of Starlite Galaxies. It's a user-content generated world like SL and Opensim, but not based on their code. A complete new game engine has been written from the ground up in proprietary codebase using C++, utilizing the Vulkan API instead of OpenGL. The universe will not be compatible with opensim code, but we are discussing a bridge option down the road to allow opensim users to visit. The game is currently approaching alpha testing for which all slots are filled.

The top shot is a helmet readily available on 3D model sites that we use to test our handling of PBR materials and shaders. This one is reflecting the environment we dropped it in and running at 4910 fps on full blast graphics using a GeForce 3060 card (I believe this is the same helmet visible in the recent SL tutorial on their version of PBR)

The bottom image is an asteroid field with 50,000 physical objects all orbiting a central mass independently of one another. We wanted to find a breaking point, but only got the fps down to 720 fps.

We also are testing on a variety of lower end machines to find baselines for the graphics and physics. But if you want to go full-bore gaming using VR, controllers, joysticks, flight-sim equipment, etc., then all of that capability is already there and working. Probably would only want to use VR with your feet on the ground. We found flying ships in VR was...unsettling.

See my Facebook page for larger images:

Jupiter Rowland: @Arielle: When I say "OpenSim devs", I DO mean those who created OpenSim, the source code and everything. I also said that there are people who believe that these slogans have always been an official... 1 years ago

News at Camballa
Spring-Time Spring Feeling
Dahila Dress
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Sylvia-Koeln: Erfrischend anders als die sonst üblichen Angebote......... Dane 2 years ago

A new boss in town

Oster Markt ist ab sofort geöffnet
Easter market is now open

- Different choices on colors! Very handy for power towers, airplanes or even for your venue!
- Really low lag! Not using a laggy blinking script that one can`t see in far away distances, instead - it`s using an animated texture!
PS. Textures and script (if needed) are also available!
PS1 - Teleport to DISCO sector to grab a FREE and FULLPERM copy!

Enjoy :)

Suzi_Avonside: For the confused, like I was, it's the Disco section! 2 years ago
***News at Camballa***
Nikkie Playsuit in any Colors
Luna Latex Outfit with Hoodejacket-Pants-Top
Circle Hells gold und silber in any colors
Souls hells silver / goldin any Colors
have all a good time
Karin Becker

Full Avatar Curvy Evo BoM #arkhamcity

New clothes on Camballa - many ball gowns - but also the short dresses are new
Everything is available for Valentine's Day, so nothing stands in the way of a wonderful evening.
Have fun and have a good time everyone
the new stuff as always in the new shop
use the teleporter at the news box
Experimenting with hearding of animals with different heights on EAS region

They all stay nicely on the ground (or prim) auto-adjusting their height to the leader's.

Kelso.Uxlay: Really cool - keep working on this! 2 years ago

I wrote this post with invisible ink.

(Well most of it).


Are you a peace maker? Are you a peace maker or a troubler stirrer? Do you do things to escalate situations or do you calm down people and settings? Who are you? What do your actions say about you to others? Do you always find conflict? Do you have friends that turn into enemies all the time? Do you know how to have friends? Try operating from a base of love. Not siding with one person or another person, but loving them both. Try to understand what it would be like to be either of the people involved in the argument, and why they feel so strongly about the situation - even if they are polar opposite one another in their beleifs. How do people arrive at entirely different sides of an argument 180 degrees apart? How can a view point change the meaning of words from black to white? Is it perspective? What can you do to help? Are emotions heated? Is anyone getting hurt? Is what YOU are doing making the situation better? What kind of person are you? The bible says that if you think everyone else is evil, that it is actually YOU who are evil. Learn to love everyone, and always always operate from a base of love. Are you a peace maker? or a trouble maker? Does your joy come from stirring up strife among people? Ask yourself if that is the case why your joy must come from darkness, instead of light? What is wrong with you? How can you change to become a better person?

HanHeld: It's important to remember that what you read here doesn't necessarily reflect what people think or feel in-game. There's a whole lot of grids and not all of them are represented here. The smalles... 2 years ago
No llevo mucho tiempo en Open sim, y ya lo e visto practicamente todo. pero lo que mas e notado, el nivel de competencia entre grids, e incluso entre los mismos residentes de un mismo grid. No voy a explayarme demasiado, voy a ser directa y puntal: No voy a apoyar a quien de manera desleal tome lo que alguien a creado para ser COMPARTIDO DE MANERA GRATUITA, y lo venda x la moneda que sea, no importa si es 1... 5 o 1000 $ , las cosas deben FREE PARA TODOS, e creado contenido PROPIO para ser vendido, pero me di cuenta que los negocios deben ser dejados lado en un ambiente que a sido creado para hacer amistades. Chicos de Matrix , tienen el apoyo de nuestra comunidad!

edito y agrego pruebas de que se venden cosas que son GRATUITAS en otros grids

BearHug: You have no defense. You blame others for your crimes. You take no responsibility. Worst is you also steal and are selling stolen content inworld and on your web site. You are responsible and no other... 2 years ago
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year! May this be a year of joy, success, and good health for you and your loved ones. Remember a New Year is a new 365 page Novel, the first day is the first page. So this year, write a good one! 2023!!

KikiBaily: Happy New Year from Kiwo Grid 2 years ago

Allen ein frohes und gutes neues.-.))) Passt auf Euch auf....

JeanDagostino: dir auch a happy new year :))) 2 years ago

New !!@ Moonrose Shopping

Allen ein schönes Weinachten...-)

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch thorben 2 years ago
Join us for the
Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
11th December 11:00am - 1:00pm SLT

Discover new places of interest, meet new friends and learn more about the fine art of group hypergridding.

Symphony: Look at that setting! \0/ :) so cool! ty for the invitation. 2 years ago

*Ein Hauch von Nichts*
*A touch of nothing*

Neue Ware eingetroffen
New goods arrived

SabiBreen: nice 2 years ago

Thanks, everyone, we're still here ? let's hold on and play. Happy Birthday Arkham City

Yes, this strange place is also on "The Good Place". But you'll have to find out for yourself what it's all about - I can't reveal everything here!

As uninviting as this part of the region is - inside this building are the "guest books" in the form of geodes, which you can break open and leave your name as a visitor. Some of you may already know this from my region "Stella Polaris". But of course you are welcome to like "The Good Place" here on OSW, if you like the region - or the game ...
* * *
Ja, auch dieser merkwürdige Ort befindet sich auf "The Good Place". Was es damit auf sich hat, müsst ihr aber dann doch selbst herausfinden - ich kann hier doch nicht alles verraten!

So wenig einladend dieser Teil der Region auch ist- im Inneren dieses Gebäudes befinden sich die "Gästebücher" in Form von Geoden, die ihr aufbrechen und damit euren Namen als Besucher hinterlassen könnt. Mancher von euch kennt das vielleicht schon von meiner Region "Stella Polaris". Aber natürlich dürft ihr "The Good Place" auch gerne hier auf OSW liken, wenn euch die Region - oder das Spiel - gefällt ...
Ellen and Ernest would like to thank all the HG Safari members for coming over to the grid last night, it was an absolute pleasure to see you all! and thank you Thiriza for a wonderful write-up of the evening which you can view here

We were only able to show you a small fraction of what the Art Factory has to offer so do visit again soon or even better join our group of talented artists!

Thirza Ember: Thank you for having us! I hope we didn't make too much litter 2 years ago

- Biker Dresses and Bikes to take away
- Bikerdress und Bikes zum mitnehmen Bikerworld

Hello everyone..excited we received 8 visitors today and got some great feedback. I am posting a few more pictures to tempt you to come and explore this unique experience in AI Art.

Kashi Takeshi: Great place with a lot of different art displayed. Worth visiting ! 2 years ago

The first Norwegian knitwear store opens its doors - Welcome to Dale!

CCI Grid: Ladies, this sim will never be accessible 24/7. But of course we are happy about every visit. 2 years ago


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