SnoopKing @SnoopKing

Buenos Aires, Argentina Offline

Dj in Real Life 10 years


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I think it is important to clarify the reason for the ban on the opensim page. It is not because Sacrarium closes access to its grid ... IT IS BECAUSE OF THE RUDE AND INSULTING COMMENTS FROM SOME OF ITS USERS WHO FEEL THAT THEY ARE PART OF AN ELITE GROUP AND DESPISE THE RESIDENTS OF OTHER GRIDS. Everyone can do whatever they want with their grid. This website does not interfere with that.
Also, they've doxxed the site admin's family and harassed them in real life as an act of revenge.

In case some of you haven't read that.
It is true, but it seems that it is more important to defend copied content than the physical integrity of real people. it is very unfortunate. Stupid discussion. They look like alpha males measuring themselves to see who has the biggest dick... : ((
Their regions are unlisted as well, because they are not hypergrid-accessible for a very long time. We are a hypergrid directory, after all.
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The return of the prodigal son !!! ... Welcome back our son. You are very welcome back to the opensim community.