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SnoopKing @SnoopKing

Buenos Aires, Argentina Offline

Dj in Real Life 10 years


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HELL !!! ...I have no avatar as a woman, but I know of your contributions to Opensim on your grid, and Hell !!! ... again !!! ... I have no words to thank you for your tremendous contribution. Simply a giant THANK YOU !!! for your great job. Above all, I have not noticed the slightest expression of selfishness in your sim. That is worth mentioning. Not the same thing happens in other grids where they want us to worship them as gods for bringing a good copy to Opensim. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to the best !!!
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Thank you so so much Ferd...you make happy a lot of people. That's what is really called "SHARE"
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Aurora, As far as I'm concerned, your store is not far behind. You have very good quality objects. Thank you very much to you, Richard and all those who selflessly share your items to enrich the visual aspect of Opensim
@SnoopKing Aww appreciated... I have been focusing on adult animations and now on skin stuff for men (coz they are always left behind). I started doing some decor but then I realised Richard had it, just hadn't 'seen' it at the store :D
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Thank you very much for providing us with this wonderful software. Too bad that update has a bug with the ARES body scripts. Scripts in that body work up to version 5.32. From that version to 5.49993 the scripts do not work and that body cannot be used.
Scripts not working is not always Software related. In Copybotted Mesh Bodies the scripts could be broken. I created mesh bodies that only work with Y engine see if your mesh body has any suggestions on what engine to enable. The clothes changing fine https://gyazo.com/9325609c99280d02f7e2b0e0419bde6f
Thanks Marianna...I will try this fix
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Mr. or Miss KrisTina...when I talk about "private and personal practices" I mean the people who practice BDSM and not the childish avatars that go to that grid. I think that you are dominated by the desire to argue with someone and that clouds your power of understanding. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't be food for your anxiety. "To foolish words...deaf ears"
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It is curious to read how people insist on defending what does not need to be defended, and how others are determined to offend the private and personal practices of each person. Personally, I think that absurd comments should be ignored... just do what you like, that's what opensim is for, to satisfy our fantasies. "BASIC CONCEPT"...don't bother me because I don't bother you.
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Opensim is just that...an open sim...so you can do what you want in your sim and no one can be offended by what you build in it. If so, well, it's very simple...don't visit it!!!. The people who criticize you are the ones with a problem, NOT you. Go ahead!!! build your dream and share it with those who appreciate it.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAH...very funny !!!
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I feel sorry for you Spax, but I think your efforts to unmask this character are in vain. The people who live in that grid feel like they are part of an elite, when in reality they are captives of a big lie. They blindly believe in someone who sells them smoke saying that they are an elite... when in reality they are imprisoned in a grid because they are not welcome in any other. There is no worse deaf than the one who does not want to hear, nor worse blind than the one who does not want to see.
It is not just me, it is a handful of others who feel like they have been SKUNKED by this conman. If we can save a few people some grief, then the above graphic was not made in vain. If there are people who are HAPPY on AviTron, good for them. Religious CULTS operate the same way as this grid. I do not buy into the brainwashing. Thanks for Sharing, SnoopKing.
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Hello CyberGlo...Alex is american (Brasil). The American continent is from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. And I am sure that the evil of people is not related to their nationality. When you discriminate against people because they weren't born in the same country as you, it's called Xenophobia.
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Nobody wants to watch Hitler's speeches
Your politicians also did not want to listen to him, and now gas and gasoline have risen in price, and this is just the beginning!!!
boo hoo , we d rather pay some more in gas than have WW3 with a nutjob
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"The first casualty when war comes is the truth" - Hiram Johnson - 1917 - US Senator
"in times of war the truth is so precious that it should be protected by a bodyguard from lies" - Winston Churchill - Prime Ministership of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945
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No Kris. I don't need your attention... those in need of attention are Ukrainian civilians used as human shields by Ukrainian government officials. Russian soldiers taken prisoner and tortured with Nazi practices. They need attention, not me... let alone your attention. But I can assure you that "your attention" is not required or needed by anyone. In any case... DO NOT READ my comments if you don't like them
"DO NOT READ my comments if you don't like them" Sorry, but I HAD to read that BULLSHIT to find out I don't like it.
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By the way... do not censor or delete comments that are not consistent with "American sentiment"
Interesting that you are targeting Americans here.
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Yes Falene...its a long list of countrys...but nobody cry for theys in that time
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Totally Agree !!!
closed grids eventually shut their doors. it's because their people there, get tired of seeing the same people, and can't associate with any people in other grids, so they're limited - and as a result boredom steps in, and they quit coming. It will take a while, but wait and see. Many grids find that closing their doors to hypergrids, actually does result in closing their doors.
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Hahahaha very funny
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Thank you very much for sharing this very useful tool. Hope it can be used on 1/4 sim terrain.
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Excuse me...a simple question...Is someone who blocks a user from accessing his website despicable? .. and what is the name of a person who blocks an entire community from his grid?
Simple answer>> you call them "SMART". When the person or grid, is racist, ignorant and acts inappropriately. You get rid of the hate.