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Shall We Date? @Simworldz

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I am virtual enthusiast for many years and love it! 12 years and counting!

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Khaos reworked

no gettin upset please read first children avatars
i have a large region in Aviworlds Called serenity and serenityll we are building a city there and it is family orientated. We have a few couples that are married in real and now in virtual world they have children around the ages of 13 to 15 and would like to have them in the world with them they will only be on under the strict supervision of their real parents the married couples but what i am trying to find is child avatar bodies and clothes etc it is all legitimate and above board we do not allow sex, nudity etc in open areas and no adult/child play. hope i have made this clear enough if anyone can help it would be great thank you

Justyn Tyme: You need to protect yourself as well since you're allowing the parents to have their children play. I know aviworlds has the child avatars Good luck.... 3 years ago
I like the blue & yellow banner.

I am appreciating your support of Ukraine.

Flying the Ukrainian flag on the Brand New 100 Sim Fun Region.
Also standing with you at this terrible time.

I will be posting more about the new Completely modified Adventure Bay region
which includes FemDom City. Stay tuned. More to come.

Michelle Hartley: I have just updated the original picture to show the colors of the Ukraine covering the front of the Adventure Bay Welcome Building. 3 years ago
Today I've released my last addition to the Fairies and Sprites of the Glen.

The Sprites of the Glen with Magic are now out in the enchanted section of the shop.
These like the other 2 versions come in 5 colours and this time they have a little extra trail of light that flashes around them (it's magic ;)).
I don't believe these are any more mischievous than the others however they insisted they were, it's probably just because their feelings were hurt because they were last to go out, I'm sure they'll get over it.

They are animesh and directions on set up are on the enclosed notecard.

Have a fantastical day!

Aaack: Yay more fairies!!! I'll get the bug zapper! "Honey! guess what we'll have for dinner!!" 3 years ago
Pure Exhaustion

I fell out underneath the SF leather-work station from overwhelming exhaustion and starvation, lol.

I'm in the process of getting my region back up and running . . . their are some technical difficulties but I will be back on as soon as I can . . . if not then sooner! I am truly sorry for any inconvenience!

Wish you and your family a joyful, bright, healthy, prosperous, and happiest new year ahead! Happy New Year! #arkhamgrid #2022

Happy New Year

Was wir euch fürs neue Jahr wünschen:

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Träumen,
das ist der Weg zu den Sternen.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Nachdenken,
das ist die Quelle der Klarheit.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Lachen,
das ist die Musik der Seele.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Leben,
das ist der Reichtum des Lebens.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum freundlich sein,
das ist das Tor zum Glück.

Eure Nasti und Rudi Bakerly

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What we wish you for the New Year:

Take time to dream,
this is the way to the stars.

Take time to think,
that is the source of clarity.

Take time to laugh,
this is the music of the soul.

Take time to live,
this is the richness of life.

Take time to be kind,
this is the gateway to happiness.

Yours Nasti and Rudi Bakerly
Frohe Weihnachten :-)

Dorenas World wünscht allen schöne Festtage:-)

wish u all
key card and swipe maching
what i am after is either a car and lock that opens doors, or a keycard and swipe machine. We have two hotels at present that we are outfitting, here at City of Serenity. We are trying to make things look authentic as in each room has a lock of some sort that needs a guest to open. Imaging a hotel you going to stay at and the door to your room thats what i want and opening system. I have been looking for a key i can hang on a hotel key board but to no avail and if i use a keycard system i need to be able to put room number and logo on it. Thank you
Another piece of seasonal decor. I've put out some wreaths in the christmas section of the shop. There are 2 versions, one with and one without ornaments. All the textures are included so you can change bow or ornament colour as you like.
Jingle Jingle Jingle
Best places for safe hubs/home point
I've designated an adult hub I use as a home point in Second Life. I'd like to use an adult hub in OSgrid as my home point, so at least I don't get caught someplace weird to me while accidentally stuck in my birthday suit (been here a week, yeah, that's happened in SL as I don't have a home/rental there).

Thanks for any pointers!

I know a lot of people have been running OpenSim 0.9.2 developer builds but now it's been released as the official build!


If the instructions for the OSW beacons tell you to make the beacon uncopyable, then PLEASE DO SO!
Yes, it's an inconvenient extra step.

Yes, it's more convenient to leave it as-is.

Yes, you may pride yourself in enabling your visitors to copy every last thing from your sim.

Yes, it does work as desired even if it can be copied...

...until someone actually copies the beacon and then puts it on their own sim, not even knowing what it is. And as they don't know what it is, and as the beacon did not come with instructions (they copied the bare beacon and not the box with the beacon and the instructions), they leave it as-is. They do NOT change or remove the beacon key. Why should they? Nothing tells them to do that.

All of a sudden, the entry for your own precious sim here on OSW will switch between your actual sim and that other sim run by the person who took your beacon with your beacon key and dropped it on their own sim. And half the time, the people who want to visit your sim will instead land on that other sim.

Now you may wonder if there are OpenSim users who don't know that the website OpenSimWorld exists. Yes, there are such people. It's mostly newbies, but there seem to be enough people who start building sims of their own while still counting as newbies. And I dare say there are enough seasoned OpenSim users who still don't know that OpenSimWorld exists.

And those who don't know that OpenSimWorld exists don't know either what this beacon is and what it's good for. Actually, just a few weeks ago, I had to explain to someone who has been in OpenSim for much much longer than myself what the beacon is and what it does.

I myself didn't know right away what the OSW beacon is and does when I started last year. For me, the OSW beacon was nothing more than a nifty Hypergrid teleporter that some sim owners were kind enough to install on their sims. In fact, apart from catching the occasional landmark, the OSW beacon was the only way for me to travel the Hypergrid.

I did NOT know about the website behind the beacon. Nor did I know that the primary task for the beacon is to connect in-world locations to the website.

Had I started to build my own sim about a month into my OpenSim usership, and had I found an OSW beacon that I could (and still shouldn't be able to) copy, I would have taken it and put it on my own sim as it was, someone else's beacon key in it and all. I wouldn't even have known that beacon keys exist.

To cut a long story short: If you let people copy your beacon, people WILL copy your beacon. With no instructions. They WILL NOT know what it really is. They WILL NOT know there's also a box with it inside plus instructions, much less where to get it. And they WILL misuse the beacon. And the entry for your sim here on OpenSimWorld WILL malfunction.

And if you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO make the beacon available to everyone, then at least put the original box next to it. Not somewhere else on the sim, but right next to the actual beacon so that every last dummy will find it. And if you think the box looks terrible where the beacon is, then put the beacon itself somewhere where the box would look better.
Some of the builds of Port Vesper are now available. This includes houses, furniture, and lighting. When first arriving at Port Vesper you will see a teleport button on the wall that will take you to the selection. Visitors are advised that Port Vesper is very much an adult region and child and minor avatars are not allowed.


* CUSTOMIZED SCRIPTS for GREEDY GAME TABLES - special edition for color blind people. Instructions on how to use it, see NC (Notecard) inside. Enjoy. :)

To give you a better performance we moved the mall to a single sim you can find it here


The old mall doesnt exist anymore.

The "Land of Aussie and Ladylove" presents Country Line Dancing (or use our wonderful new danceball) every Monday from 3:00p until the last cowboy and cowgirl says good night!!! DJ LadyB, DJ Purr and DJ Aussie will be spinning those wonderful vintage country and traditional tunes for your pleasure!!!! Fun and laughter like you haven't had in a long time!!!! Share this notice and TP your friends!!! COME JOIN US!!!!! Message for TP or hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/The%20Shed%203/103/211/28rid.org:80...

First post!

If you haven't stopped by the Character Shop in the last week hop on over 19 more animesh and 2 stationary NPC bot collection have been added with more to come as the bot and animesh sorting continues.

Galleria of animesh parts & pieces of everything imaginable all copy all free all the time

Happy Halloween from the OSGFC! Might put some additional stuff up, not sure. These came from Jimmy, thanks dude ^_^ Along with this, Dragon Valley is now known as Fox Hollow. I've struggled with keeping the valleys going and this marks their departure.
A toast to the future!