Silver Mare @SilverMare

Germany Offline

Our new Wedding shop opened rightnow.
It is also at the skymall.
Just take a walk around and see our new stuff!
BTW you need warm clothes, its snowing at our Welcome ;)
Winterclothes are also at the Welcome !

Come and visit our new shop.
You find it at the skymall!!!!

NEW Tattoos arrived!!!!
You can find new BOM Tattoos at our skymall.
The Tattoos are most Unisex!
Just come to the Welcome and look for the Teleporters to the skymall.
One is at the landingpoint and at every side of the stairs is another one.
BTW we update the skymall as often we can.
Have fun shopping!!!

The Mare- Team

New shops at the Welcome in sky.
Come and grab our new stuff!
You find Teleporter at every 2nd shop around the welcome.
Happy shopping!!!

Tinapotira: NAO CONSIGO IR PRA ESSA REGIƃO 1 years ago