Shimada @Shimada

NYC Offline

Shimada Yoshikawa is a builder, merchant, artist and landscaper. he has been active in Second Life and other grids since 2007.

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

In the real world, I am artist, cinematographer and virtual world builder, Alex Aurichio.

My Regions

Avalon Reborn
19 13 Reborn 0 Users
Avalon Reborn is a massive 4x4 region on the Destiny Grid. It is the creation of Virtual builder and landscaper, Shimada Yoshikawa. Places to visit in the region include; New Risa, a Star Trek / Sci Fi crossover theme, clothing optional beach club, where you can enjoy our lovely alien NPC hostes...
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Just added a NFT art gallery to the shopping district.

Top view of full scale USS Discovery over Avalon Reborn.

New undersea features added. Swim rezzers and more wrecks and reefs!

The Floating Islands taking shape.

A floating island over New Risa.

Whale Shark!

I love applying my RL textures to my mesh clothes in world. I'm going to start leaving some in the shops as freebies.

I'm adding my real world Etsy, Shopify and Board Pusher shops to my shopping district. Right now it's just the Etsy store with some sample images and a QR code on the wall. Scan the code off your screen with your smartphone and it takes you right to my Etsy store, where you can browse all of my products.

Doing some texture upgrades, spiffing the place up a bit. I have to renew my shoutcast stream, but thinking about having a party after that. Anyone up for a party?

New exterior on the gallery too.

I've been importing a lot of my Midjourney created seamless patterns and applying them to skyscrapers in Metafoundry City. Getting some cool results.

Server has been down for a couple of days. Power failures are to blame. Hopefully we'll be back up soon.

Lots of wrecks and ruins and fish. Enjoy!

The Coral Reef Tour is open for business!

The balloon tour is working! It departs from the Welcome Island, does a complete circuit of the region and returns to the start point. It's a nice long pleasant ride, and a great way to see the whole layout. Coming soon, Submarine tour of the reefs!

Taking a balloon ride at dawn. I have a scripter working on a balloon tour script for me, so I'll be adding that as soon as I have it. Then the ride will do the full tour.

Starting to add some neon

Adding some storefront textures and details. Signage next!

Lorena: Unable to verify identity 2 years ago

Night over MetaFoundry City

I just opened a Kitely store. There's only a couple of items in there now but I'll be filling it up in the coming weeks.
I still have the free shopping center in my sim too

SheaButter: If something is missing from product, do you reply to messages? I have bought from Kitely, and was missing some items. Messaged Kim last week, and still no word. 2 years ago

Sunrise over the Floating Islands of New Risa

Someone has been griefing my sim, rezzing prims until the region is full and you can't walk. I located hundreds of prims people have left and returned them. Building is now turned off along with object entry and autoreturn is set to 10 minutes everywhere. I'm going to add temp rezzers for cars and boats.

Copper: Let me avatar with last name Kleenex? If you read OSW..the one now does that since months in any grids 3 years ago

Night in New Risa

New look for New Risa! More to come.

Doing a little work on New Risa, to conform to the look of Risa more. Proper Horga'hn shrine in place.

The Floating Islands of New Risa

View from the top Island

Just added a Sperm Whale

There be whale sharks here too!

Getting coral reefs, sea anemone, emitters and the first of the scripted, animated swimming sharks, boxed up today. More to come!

Humpback whale

USS Discovery looms full scale in the sky above Avalon Reborn.

Sadly, my sim is gone, until I can find a new host.

I just added 2 side graphic surfboards to my Shopify store. Check out the shopping district to browse or shop my online stores, and enjoy the in world freebies!


Very Spooky! Stay Tuned!

Things are getting spooky!

New art in the gallery and looking sharp in a shirt with my own AI art on it.

All new pics in the Titan Gallery! Adults only.

Still waiting for this mysterious server owner to return from walkabout. In the meantime, visit my Etsy store for some cool stuff.

Lone Wolf: STILL!? - Wanted to ask about Etsy as a plat form I want to do merch for Wolf Territories Grid do you think it's okay? 2 years ago

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