Shimada @Shimada

NYC Offline

Shimada Yoshikawa is a builder, merchant, artist and landscaper. he has been active in Second Life and other grids since 2007.


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You're welcome! It was great meeting you! Come by again anytime!
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Yes, if Kitely is ever unresponsive, let me know and I'll redeliver
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Thanks so much for the kind words. Please come back anytime and bring friends!
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Yes, Priscilla Kleenex I'm told but she didn't show up on my visitor board.
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Thank you! They're fun to walk across too.
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There is a hyperlink to my Mintable NFT gallery, where you can buy the NFT.
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Thanks! Great meeting you as well! Come back anytime!
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Go to my page: and roll your cursor over the V3HG, HG and Local links.
V3HG: secondlife://http|!!|8002+Avalon+Reborn
HG: secondlife://
Local Grid: secondlife://Avalon%20Reborn/901/28/103

These are all incorrect. All have Second Life at the head and I didn't put that there. So something wrong on the OpenSimWorld end, because they're also incorrectly listing my region address. Any remedy for this?
These are all correct. They are supported by viewers that don't use the hop:// prefix

That's why we have those buttons, It is not a mistake
You still haven't answered my question. Why is secondlife: at the head, when my region is in no way associated with second life?
Thanks for clearing that up. Hopefully, when our Aussie IT guy wakes up, they can move me to a more HG friendly server, so people can get there. I'm in the process of building a Pi4 Cluster Computer to host my region myself. At this point, I'm considering setting up my own Grid, so I don't have to go through so many people to get something simple done.
Because all viewers are derived from secondlife viewers and have many secondlifey things in them. It's how things work
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What I can't understand, is why the hypergrid link that was put on my profile page has secondlife: as the prefix, when I'm not on second life? This link doesn;t even work for me and I never put it on my profile: secondlife://
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No, I'm on Destiny-Grid. I was told by the owners, a week after I was given the okay to advertise, that my region needed to be white listed for hyper grid visitors. I asked them to do this and I was told by them it had been done. Then I find out that people still can't get there. Now DG IT is telling me they forgot to do one of the steps to clear my region for HG traffic. in the meantime, the folks here banned my region for not being accessible. So, a tragedy of errors all around. My region is being moved to a new server with 100% HG access, after which, I hope I can get unbanned here.
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I would really appreciate if someone with technical knowledge would reply to my messages and posts, instead of banning me and refusing to answer my questions? What kind of Mickey Mouse operation is this? Hellllooooooo???? Anyone work here?