Shimada @Shimada

NYC Offline

Shimada Yoshikawa is a builder, merchant, artist and landscaper. he has been active in Second Life and other grids since 2007.

At long last, Avalon Reborn is back up!

Still waiting for this mysterious server owner to return from walkabout. In the meantime, visit my Etsy store for some cool stuff.

Lone Wolf: STILL!? - Wanted to ask about Etsy as a plat form I want to do merch for Wolf Territories Grid do you think it's okay? 2 years ago

Who deleted my post and how? WTF?

Lone Wolf: The one about your host is still there? Hope you got things sorted. 2 years ago

Who deleted my post? I'm posting on my own page. I'm not violating any rules. WTF?