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I totally agree! No ones allowed an opinion anyway. Some enjoy, putting people down for having one. I enjoy exploring and seeing what people do, with what is shared. Some people don't have the talent, or knowledge to create on blender, or other programs. Reading some of the comments, breaks my heart. The name calling, the pointing of fingers, the hate. Can't a virtual world, be free of all this?
Up until about 20 years ago, the whole internet was free of it, except the newbie hackers and spammers. Once Millenials came of age and invaded, it devolved into a cesspool of emotionally disturbed, mis-educated spoiled brats that flooded message boards, new social techs, etc. with their idiocy and demands that everyone conform to their ways in which their number one most fave thing, cancel culture and have since deemed "opinions" as "hate" speech simply because they don't agree with it. No matter how much proof, you could say "I love you" and that is currently deemed "hate" speech. It's what happens when you cater more to worrying about what others think about you or other's fwagile wittle feewings, that not just the virtual world but most of society has devolved into. And that's the fact Jack.
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You don't have my option! Darn! Opensim should be..... a world of "sharing is caring". That's what it's been since I joined many years ago.
Oh the first two options dont fit that?
No, they don't. Not everything comes from SL, I know lots of people build to share with all for free. I myself have built and shared. It's meant to be shared for everyone.
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use it 100%. Beats typing.
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So this is not from Vivox itself?
Vivox has been owned by Unity since 2019
Yes, but wouldn't it send a message to all it's customers? We have not received such message. Only time we received message, was in 2019, that Vivox was under new management, and no new free accounts given. We were grandfathered.
I can't tell you for sure, I have a Vivox account and I received that message on August 16th. I have no idea what it refers to (I asked about it here a few days ago) and as for the acquired rights of a free product, I don't think they exist or at least I don't see a way to claim those rights.
You can't anymore, get for free. It was offered for free, back in 2010, or 2011.
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August 31st, and Vivox still works, go figure!
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Hi Luna, got in after three tries. Thanks for sharing! Oh by the way, in your hair department. There are hair pictures stuck behind the middle wall.
I'm so glad! Thank you for the msg about the hair.
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Sadly was denied!
Hi Shea, could have been while it was restarting or just a fluke. Wolf Territories does not deny access to any grids. Are you sure your grid is not denying you to HG to Wolf? Please try again at your convenience. Thank you for your comment.
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Good to hear! This year, I seemed to have more. So hopefully with all these fires in the world, hopefully they make it through too.
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Not everyone can use "My Suitcase". Nor do they want or like. It might kick everyone from sim tho, lol. Your gadgets are awesome!
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SADLY says no regions found! for me.
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Darn says no regions found with that name.
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What's wrong with offering land, whether it be free or have to pay monthly? I don't see any Grids begging for users. I think an ADvertising for this, is a way for them to do it. Avitronians were warned of Alex, yet they all defended him. They came in droves, copying everything up to the water. Yet Avitron (Alex) shut off export in their Grid. Sure you could visit and shop, but could not export out to home. They are most welcome on any other grid, am sure they have learned their lesson. As is any new player looking for a place to call home.
Gee am wondering ..."Yet Avitron (Alex) shut off export in their Grid". Don't people understand. All of a sudden it is the chat box filled with same topic. You didn't believe me?????
I made a comment with a general response -- please read it, thank you.
I did ...all I got was sarcasm.
ahhhh I see... okay.
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Believe me when I say, she can sing them all perfectly.
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Thank you for this information, Marianna. :))
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So should this conversation, not stay with you and Lone Wolf? Why the need to advertise this on OS?
is a set of technical and practical considerations, commenting on a post of his that was later removed. there is nothing wrong with what is written, the malice is being inserted by you with these comments. However, I don't find it fair that other posts fall victim to absurd comments and that there are people who are making the best of things by spouting judgments about grids or jobs (there is also of deliberately calling others thieves, but whatever, I don't touch that). let's say this post is just a thought, freedom of expression, he closed the discussion, I just wanted to say my thoughts as you do on a social network that gives you such a chance. but your comments are really trivial... you all make hyperbole and then just read backwards what you write in other posts.

You have also written negative things about OSGrid, I could ask you, why don't you talk about it privately with the managers? or, why do you write in other people's chatboxes or grids instead of doing it privately, I don't see anything different in what I have done.

less hypocrisy, more honesty.
Can you show me where I wrote negative things on Osgrid? I was not ganging up on you. It was just a simple question. I see now you wanted to warn people.
not you, "you wrote" meant "some users", in fact I expressed myself wrongly, I just used incorrect English, the concept does not change, only the "some users wrote" changes. that is why, in total humility I apologize, it was not an accusation against you, I hope you understand :)
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Happy sweet 16th Birthday Osgrid. Parties were outstanding.
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Region apparently was offline, and we were unaware. If any issues in receiving items, you can notify Bob and myself Shea. We are always glad to help.
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If you have a problem, we are glad to help. Have no one else having that issue.
I visited a few times, the first time it logged me out after 5 minutes of being there. Then the region could not be found for a while after that. (I assume the region went down)
I then returned the next day and grabbed a few items. I then had to return to try and get them again as they were not in my inventory. Upon returning I tried to pick up the items again, I waited for 5 minutes and still they were not in my inventory. So I left empty handed. I have never had that happen before. I will try visiting again later. :)
It was rebooted this morning. We are not always there and aware of things happening. Only way to fix things is to be notified. Is there specific items that i could send you?
well this was 8 days ago when it happened. Not to worry, it was probably just bad timing on my part. I probably just happened to visit while your grid was busy doing stuff. I seem to remember scrolling through a vendor when the sim logged me out. Not sure if that caused the sim to crash. I will pop by again soon and try again. If I still have no luck I will grab the names of things.
Thanks :)
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You can have as many as you wish to have.
Thank you! Good to know :)
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Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
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Oh yay! Thank you, your awesome!