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OMG! You all are talking about school and being bullied. How old are we now? We have all been bullied, at one time or rather. I don't let them make me feel bad, sad, mad or upset. You can't get that time back, and was wasted on them. I refuse to let them do that to me. I build a bridge and get over it. Why do you have to forgive anyone?
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This to me is childish. Your just trying to start something, and most of those other posts are just depressing. Your just putting fuel on the fire. These posts should be about new builds or ideas, or events. Not trying to cause wars. We have enough of this shit in RL.
Childish?? I don't want to repeat what Glenn said to me at this point, it's just too terrible. In my country, such insults would rightly be prosecuted.
You make a fair point. And perhaps there is too much taunting and poking the bear, so to speak. But there are other factors in play here. 1) such posts are done playfully and ironically, because some people stick their nose in and go off topic so often, hurling cuss words and political rants and views that many of us do not wish to see. 2) If we block this person, we are still forced to see that persons posts. We can avert our eyes or skim or look away, but it's still shoved in our face. Paying supporters of this website are not heard. Block is a joke, and maybe 5% as effective as in os and sl. Many of us bite our tongues and take the high road, and the pacifist approach has proven to be entirely ineffective here on osw. Until satyr hears us and makes block more effective, some will continue to walk away and stop supporting the site, some will continue praying for a website to come around with moderation and or more effective blocking, and some of us will continue to lace up our boxing gloves and throw hands with the bullies. Freedom of speech is important; but freedom of peace and positivity is also quite important to some of us.
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I think for the most part, people already feel this way. It is a very few that continue to spew hateful words. I don't know why people, don't block these persons. The step is simple, effective, and disappears. If the ones who spew hate on this post, it can also be deleted, and will disappear. If they want to be a bully, their in a lonely game. I only want to have fun, meet people from all over the world, socialize, build and most important have fun. For the most part, I think we all do.
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Can't see it on your sandbox. I surely need one of these. :)
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Madcap, you sound like a very unhappy person. The link you give is similar, but is not the same one. On opensim we all like to share what we create, with each other for free. This is not a bad thing. Many an item come from this SL. Are you going to pick on each and everyone of them?
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There are many different animesh people, that all don't look a-like. You can add different animations, to do different things.
They cannot communicate and talk to each other.
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Oh my! I will surely say a prayer for Putri's child. Can understand, why she must cancel. Hope and pray all gets better. hugs!
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Height sensors>eeeeek! says all the "DINKIES".
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Then you have some adult avatars, that act like children, in a school yard. Who like to name call, and bully anyone. Your grid, your rules, all must abide by.
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Those network cables are like a freeway, with cars travelling that road. Some are going north, south, east and west. If your in Canada and item is in Europe, it has to travel over that water. lol. I always open my recent in inventory and watch it appear magically. Then i can continue, and click more if needing it. Thank you all for sharing!
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Love love love your outfits. But they are too high in complexity for me. Any way to bring this down?
Sorry, my knowledge doesn't go that far.
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Got in, and it is sooo cute! Happy Easter Chubelz! Thanks for sharing.
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Just the message I get when trying to teleport. :)
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Says I don't have access to that region. :(
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Ya tell that to the millions, of family members who's loved one died, from covid in the first year. The vaccine helped, and it was an advise well taken, from my health advisors.
This is about choice. The vaccines did not stop the spread of covid. Tell those that have now died from or been damaged by the vaccines that their lives don't matter now because at least you are protected right?
This is not about choice. Covid vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval (13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 in just the first year. Thats whats important, not that you got sniffles.
This is about choice always should be. Be careful not to let the govt get that sort power to determine what goes into your body.
No the vaccine did not stop the spread. How can it when not all get vaccinated. All vaccines are ofc experimental. Nothing is 100% How can they be? These are new viruses. This is not the last of any SARS viruses. There is also those that have severe complications from having covid. Your statement says the government propaganda, it wasn't propaganda. Yes they were trying to CONTROL the spread of covid. I know nothing on this pfizer documentation. That sounds like fox news to me. Let's agree to disagree.
Then you best look into the Pfizer thing and read widely as it's not a FOX news thing.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

Vaccinated still get Covid so can still spread it which means the govt did not control the spread. Again, i will state for the I think 4th time in this thread, NO person or government should ever have the power to say what goes into the body of another person ie vaccines etc especially experimental ones. What i saw during this was corrupt bodies of power using their position in an unlawful way. Consent to treatment should be informed and if you only get the information the govt wants you to have ie propaganda you are not getting all the information you need.

This is the last thing i will say on this.

1) Everyone should read more widely and that means information from different points of view even if you don't agree with that point of view.

2) Learn and understand what propaganda is and how its implemented.

3) The authorities do not always have our best interests in mind, they are more likely to want to prop themselves up in some way.

4) There were many many many people warning against the covid policies that were being implemented.
We are a nation of laws that are there to save us people like you. If you have active tuberculosis, I will be the first person to report you so you get arrested and locked in a special hospital cell. You will deserve it for being irresponsible.
Well at least with my information, I did not give a smart remark. i do know what propaganda is. I don't go searching the web for information. I rely on my doctor's advice. I would really like to see all these SARs eliminated. But will never happen. I am sure the government isn't out to kill anyone. After all we all pay taxes, and paying their wages. Again i will just say let's agree to disagree.
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Agreed. Google and media are not scientists or doctors. I keep my faith, in those whose jobs daily, experiment to the fullest.
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Being a non vaccinated person or one who chooses to not have their children vaccinated. Has brought back, for example, measles that were eradicated in 2000. All vaccines have their risks, as do any medications. People react differently to them all. To take legal action, is to ignore a cure for any and all we acquire.
As I said on the post above where there is a risk involved with any medical procedure people have the right to choose not to have it! Those who wish to take the risk are protected if the ie vaccine works.
Seems one of my posts was deleted from this thread!
Amen to this! ♥
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Yes I found the lag too, but not the items. lol
Yup that's pretty easy. lol ok someone finally helped me. I couldn't find the shop, is what it was.
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Cute Valentine items. thanks for sharing!
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"Through "tolerance" we develop patience". "Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence."
Patience is a virtue. Tolerance is a performed action. Enough actions will develop into a natural virtue. So don't allow your emotions to overtake your virtue that will affect your intelligence.
Patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner. Which is also a performed action. Virtue is thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. lol
I can see that being some truth. So essentially what you say is both Patience and Tolerance are learned abilities. When you learn to ride a bike, you learn to balance which becomes a natural ability that you do not have to think about. When you pedal and steer the bike down a long road, you consciously turn left and right, but unconsciously balance. Which do you define patience and tolerance? As steering or balance?