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News at camballa
Octavia outfit
comes in 5 Colors for reborn and Maitreya
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Welcome to Elise Dior's Free Life ELISEIUM ELFINLAND

Ihr sucht nach Costume für Helloween?
Du willst mal jemand anderes sein?
Egal ob Gothic oder als Elfe hier findest du vieles was du vieleicht suchst.
Ich freue mich auf deinen besuch habt spass beim durchsuchen
des Shops
Are you looking for costumes for Helloween?
Do you want to be someone else?
Regardless of whether you're gothic or an elf, you'll find a lot of what you're looking for here.
I look forward to your visit, have fun browsing
of the shop
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker
Well the construction of the new mall is complete and now available for visitors sorry it's taken so long but had a few days of not feeling the greatest. I still have add more of the legacy, Legacy Perky and Athena petite but there are a few of those mesh styles available in the stores. Hope you enjoy the new larger mall and the new content that will soon be added for Athena, Athena Petite, Legacy Legacy Perky and of course I have some new goodies for the guys as well. And Guys the men's fashion store is now right inside the mall.

BiaFiredemo: need help ? 9 months ago
DREAMGRID 5.497 IS OUT!!! :)
THE JOYS OF DREAMGRID. DreamGrid is a software by Fred Beckheusen that makes it super easy to set up your own grid on windows. Having your own grid means that you can back up your lands at a whim, or on a schedule you set. You also have the power to back up your own inventory. Why is this important? When a grid is down for maintenance you are at the mercy of other people relying on their timeline to get the grid back up and running. Having your own grid also lets you control your own npc's, and gives you vast amounts of power that you don't have if someone else is in charge. If you have a problem with a person you can block their entire grid, or just that person if you don't like them. You can create and control tides, and automate birds flying in the air. Another super cool feature dreamgrid has, is that it lets you just start up the regions people are in, or going to. This means you can have 500 different lands, but if only 10 people are on your grid, then only up to 10 would be active. So basically as people teleport around your 500 lands, only the lands they teleport to instantly load for them to enjoy. This gives you a vast amount of options. DreamGrid even comes with hundreds of ready-made lands you can click and install and instantly enjoy. It also means that you can run hundreds of regions on a small not very powerful computer at your home, as only the active regions people teleport to will be running.
DreamGrid has so many many options and features, to many to mention... That you don't have access to or even dream about if you are a member of someone elses grid. It's easy to run. Now of course there will be some people who have difficulty starting a program or are just technically dumb who will complain about dreamgrid, but these people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer in the first place. DreamGrid is dead simple to operate and has features such as auto restart a crashed region, auto restart all regions at a certain time similiar to secondLife's rolling restarts, and of course the ability to backup all your hard work and your precious inventory at a moments notice. Put it on an external drive and you will never again lose all your data. So give DreamGrid a try! It really is a work of art that deserves praise and recognition.
MAGICAL JELLY FISH (*) on mesh for your underwater regions or even parties with blinking lights and rotation (**) Available for FREE and FULL PERM at BOX 04 (XMAS AREA). Enjoy :)
(*) Jelly fish looks different than the one exposed here -as its trully difficult to make a decent an alpha pic with almost transparent objects....
(**) Available also model without rotation and particles, if needed.

Jimmy Olsen: U can see them in action in this short video: 9 months ago

And for our little Harrys and Hermiones there is the magical magic shop. There is a lot to discover for the future wizards

Inglés / español

Although the figures vary, it is estimated that only a fraction of the waste we separate at home actually ends up being recycled. In many cases, we're talking about less than 50%. It's an alarming statistic that highlights the inefficiency of current waste management systems. And when it comes to organic waste, the situation is even more disheartening. Most of this waste ends up in landfills, where it decomposes uncontrollably, releasing methane, a greenhouse gas much more potent than CO2.

In this context, the lack of a stricter packaging law is a clear example of how short-term economic interests often prevail over long-term sustainability and well-being. Existing laws, although they do exist, are insufficient and, in many cases, ineffective in addressing the massive generation of packaging waste. A stricter law could force companies to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products, from production to final disposal. This could include measures such as the obligation to use recyclable or biodegradable materials, packaging return systems, and penalties for companies that do not comply with requirements.

It's as if we're playing a game where the cards are stacked against the environment. We're asked to do our part, but the system itself is designed to fail. And meanwhile, the climate emergency waits for no one. It's time for authorities to take drastic and effective measures, rather than sticking to rhetoric and half-measures.

It's frustrating, isn't it? 😤


Aunque las cifras varían, se estima que solo una fracción de los residuos que separamos en casa realmente termina siendo reciclada. En muchos casos, estamos hablando de menos del 50%. Es una estadística alarmante que pone de manifiesto la ineficacia de los sistemas actuales de gestión de residuos. Y en cuanto a los residuos orgánicos, la situación es aún más desalentadora. La mayoría de estos residuos terminan en vertederos, donde se descomponen sin control, liberando metano, un gas de efecto invernadero mucho más potente que el CO2.

En este contexto, la falta de una ley de envases más estricta es un claro ejemplo de cómo los intereses económicos a corto plazo suelen prevalecer sobre la sostenibilidad y el bienestar a largo plazo. Las leyes actuales, aunque existen, son insuficientes y, en muchos casos, ineficaces para abordar el problema de la generación masiva de residuos de envases. Una ley más estricta podría obligar a las empresas a asumir la responsabilidad de todo el ciclo de vida de sus productos, desde la producción hasta la disposición final. Esto podría incluir medidas como la obligación de utilizar materiales reciclables o biodegradables, sistemas de devolución de envases y sanciones para las empresas que no cumplan con los requisitos.

Es como si estuviéramos jugando una partida en la que las cartas están marcadas en contra del medio ambiente. Se nos pide que hagamos nuestra parte, pero el sistema en sí está diseñado para fallar. Y mientras tanto, la urgencia climática no espera. Es hora de que las autoridades tomen medidas drásticas y efectivas, en lugar de quedarse en la retórica y las medias tintas.

Es frustrante, ¿verdad? 😤
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ANNIVERSARY – Jubiläumsparty C&C ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

We clebrate our 2 Year Partnership CRAZY & CARMEN
Wir feiern unsere 2 jährige Partnerschaft

You are all warmly invited to celebrate with us
Ihr seid alle recht herzlich eingeladen mit uns zu feiern

Monday / Montag 11.September 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.


good mood / gute Laune


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: we thx all the wonderfull guests at our anniversary - PEACE and LOVE to all wishes C&C 9 months ago

Nothing beats a good BBQ with friends

Thomas Etzel: find the newest items in and around the gore circus tent and the pumpkin bridge on the hill area 9 months ago
As some of you noticed..everything is a different this year. The sim is open for all,friends foes and in between. So no reason to rez alts from different grids!
For all newbies: - flying is ,for sure, allowed but you would miss half of the fun!
- look into every building (church,castle (even on the roof, houses..)
hidden items in every corner
- please be nice to each other. A smile or a nice "hi" always
Happy weekend!... ps and yes I offer flying vacuum cleaners ahem flying broomsticks too:-)

Jamie Wright: I look forward to your Halloween set up every year Thomas:) 9 months ago
New clothes for "REBORN" AZUL take a look at the BELLA DONNA store in "MI AMORE"

Use the big teleport to TOWN when you come to The entrance!!
Skyrealm Observatory...Deep in the heart of a majestic mountain wilderness lies a floating mountain that defies all known laws of gravity and physics. It hovers above the rugged terrain, seemingly suspended in mid-air, and captivates the imagination of all who lay eyes upon it.

"Amidst the vast canvas of the night sky, gazing at the stars is a humbling reminder of our place in the universe and the boundless possibilities that twinkle in the darkness"

The Sisters are animated animesh and come with all the sights & sounds you will see in the video link below.
Here is a link to the item in the shop!
Add a little action to your bar. Meet Joe, your neighborhood dive Bartender. He's been around the block more than a few times. He's seen it all and heard it all. He's drunk enough beer to fill an ocean during his years behind the stick and he looks it. Joe chills behind the bar taking in all the sights and sounds of the illustrious Dive Bar. Speaking of sights, meet Betty the Bar Fly. Betty has certainly had her day in the sun, but that day was yesterday. Betty enjoys day drinking, smoking and dancing. These two are a must have for your bar scene.
Every Sideshow needs a Ticket Booth and Schlitzie, the most famous Pin Head in the world is happy to take your money! Schlitzie is animated.
Behold, The Mermaid! Every Sideshow of yesteryear had the Fiji Mermaid as part of their show. Yours will too! I always loved Mermaids, but really never thought of them as being beautiful maids with long flowing hair. In my mind, well, they're a little fishy. They have the famous tail of course, but they also have gills, fisheyes, sharp teeth, dark hair with glistening skin of blue or green. A smaller, toned upper body. She's really quite lovely though and will be given a second look for sure. The set comes with The Mermaid Animesh, her vintage water tank and makeshift banner. It also comes with a bubbling water sound either looped or on collision, your choice.
The Traveling Gypsy of yesteryear. This old Gal travels light. She doesn't need a tent or a storefront. All of her wares are packed into the very same trunk she sets up to do her readings in. A Pop-Up Tarot Card Reader! Way before her time if you ask me. Does she travel with a circus of performers? Perhaps. Or maybe she's just a Nomad looking to make enough money for her next dinner and glass of wine, you decide!
The Traveling Gypsy is animated and has sound. When you sit down for a reading, she will talk to you and instruct you to touch the deck. She's a must have!
Ah, the Snake Oil Salesman. The traveling salesman of yesteryear. He's the seedy profiteer trying to exploit an unsuspecting public by selling them fake cures. This guy is a quick talking slickster for sure. By the time his customers figure out they bought a bottle of hooch instead of the medicine miracle promised, he is long gone onto the next town. This vignette will fit in any vintage setting, Western Town or carnival.








This is a little tribute piece to late great Josephine Baker and her infamous Banana Dance. Oh what it must have been like during the roaring 20's in Paris. I'm a big fan of Burlesque and Josephine was a Queen. I'm also a big fan of anything vintage and nostalgic. This vignette has it all, the sights and the sounds, all with a vintage flair.