Serina Gee @SerinaG

Friends-Grid Offline

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The Event Between Events Event.
What do you do if one event ends at 2pm and the next one isn't until 3pm? Why, come to our Event Between Events Event, conveniently held between 2 - 3pm OS time!

This is a soft opening of the Tribute Club on the Central Collective Region. By soft opening I mean, don't expect a DJ, strippers, a stripper DJ, or DJ strippers. It also means we aren't quite ready for a Grand Opening. That's happening soon. (You wouldn't be a stripper would you?)

The Event Between Events Event! See you at 2pm!
hop:// Central/128/128/28

There will be some maintenance done today and later the grid will be restarted.

If building, save copies….be smart

Please help me Welcome :
Dominic Soler from Argentina to friends-grid. Dominic will be living in the Hispanic Village and he loves building and wants to help friends- grid anyway possible.

Antony Veeper from Chiapas Mexico. Anthony has been in open sim for 3 years and wants to be involved with our community. Anthony will be living in the Hispanic Village.

PinDeluca: Welcome Dominic and Antony 11 months ago

Where are all these Moving Trucks going?


“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Zuzu Bahro: I love my new home! Everyone has been friendly and welcoming. 11 months ago
Please help me Welcome Zuzu Bahro to friends-grid. Zuzu is from the US and has been in opensim for a nuber of years. Zuzu's fav online hobby is landscaping. Zuzu will be living on friends region.....please say hi when you see her.

PinDeluca: Hi Zuzu, Welcome Aboard ! 11 months ago

Thank You Everyone. I love sailing and used to be on Older sim.
Angela Deangelo

PinDeluca: Hello Chloe, Wonderful to have you on board. I also love to sail - Lets raise anchor together ! 11 months ago

Thank You Everyone. I love sailing and used to be on Older sim.
Angela Deangelo

Mi nombre es Safine y soy el dueño de la red de amigos. Aunque no hablo bien el idioma español, el pueblo hispano siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón. Tengo que usar un traductor, y probablemente cometer muchos errores, pero tengo un gran corazón.

He decidido hacer algo muy diferente. En la red de amigos, voy a desarrollar una villa hispana sim de 36 muy especial.

Si alguien está haciendo esto, no quiero ofender ni copiar de ninguna manera. Esto es algo que he querido hacer desde hace mucho tiempo.

Al principio, este pueblo albergará a unos 14 residentes hispanos, cada uno con un gran paquete de 1 sim isla en nuestras aguas marinas. Además, quiero trabajar con alguien que elija vivir aquí para ayudarme a desarrollar un centro de aldea de 9 sim. Este centro podría incluir compras, recursos, entretenimiento y cultura. Estoy dispuesto a expandirme, pero primero quiero llenar esto.

Estoy buscando gente que quiera vivir en la red de amigos y estar involucrada. No quiero coleccionistas que raramente aparecen.

El centro del pueblo tomará tiempo para construir, pero tengo algunas islas que están disponibles inmediatamente para los residentes.

Si usted está interesado en ser parte de esta especial Villa Hispana, por favor contacte con safinemahoe2 en el mundo abierto sim. Trabajo y a menudo me cuesta llegar debido a las zonas horarias, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Osw.

Por favor, comprenda que acogemos con beneplácito todas las nacionalidades en la red de amigos…. y tengo espacios disponibles para otros.

Este proyecto es algo de mi corazón para mis amigos hispanos.

Una vez más……. por favor, envíeme un mensaje directo sobre la OSW si está interesado en ser parte de esta aldea hispana en la red de amigos.

victorialogan: desde que te conozco ,y ya hace varios años, jajajaj, siempre demostraste ser una persona solidaria y desinteresada. Esas actitudes son realmente admirables. Un abrazo muy fuerte. since I've known y... 11 months ago
Just wanted to give a shout out to the team that has made friends-grid totally rock!

Sometimes the techies get overlooked, and they are the people who make this virtual world possible.

friends-grid is not a simple job to run….it is probably a pain in the butt because I have a minor addiction to scripts.

These guys are how I hosted a huge party yesterday with 31 people and 8,000 scripts in that region alone…. with no lag!

Thank you hosting4opensim
thank you all for taking time out of busy schedules. Huge thank you to Reggie for playing some amazing music! It was an evening I will not forget, and I thank each of you! and ty Lily for the Pic! 31 people!!!!!

PinDeluca: Well Done Everyone - Was a great night 11 months ago

The Party is going Wild!!!! Come join us at friends-grid

Safinemahoe2: A special thanks to all who came out.....all you people made it a very special evening! 11 months ago
OSFest is user friendly, for all levels of ability.
Event Organizer Shelenn says: " Some thoughts for those planning on participating as exhibitors or merchants...
Builders and Creators in SL/OS, did you know how you build matters when it comes to accessibility? Did you know some users with visual, cognitive, and motor challenges use a viewer named Radegast? The Radegast viewer has an option to "read" the object name field of every object and its parts to the user. The number of disabled users in Virtual Worlds is a much higher percentage than in the offline global population. When a build is not accessible, it is painfully obvious and unusable for many.
When creating content for SL/OS, please make your builds accessible by:
1) Properly naming all parts (so Radegast does not blabber on meaningless information like primitive, primitive, primitive... or object, object, object...). Not properly naming parts disables others who need them described for them. Review your existing builds. TIP: If you have a linkset with many parts that take a long time to rename, you can right click the linkset to edit, select edit linked parts, then give them all (parts not used by scripts) the same name.
2) Scripting cues as in when building and scripting your scenes, people who cannot hear well need visual cues and people who cannot see well need aural cues. Providing aural cues for visual events and visual cues for aural events in your builds via scripting is practicing accessibility by design and makes them more immersive for everyone!"
Join us at OSFest this September. Want to participare in OSFest this year? Check us out on Discord.

Back in the Day .. before he got popular... it's where he began ....... Reggies Record's :)

Safinemahoe2: omg just saw this.....soooo awesome 11 months ago

Serina Gee: Decisions, decisions......which bikini to wear, the teenie weenie one, or the eenie, teenie, weenie one..??? 11 months ago

Hello lovely people...Linda in tha house :))

Safinemahoe2: My rum better not be missing. ; ) 12 months ago
Good morning everyone.....have decided to use the Party Mountain location for this Sunday's party because I don't want Pin or me or others building like frantic maniacs. Sometimes that is fun, but this week a little rest might be good.

Grand Opening Dance
with our amazing DJ Reggie
Sunday June 25
12 noon grid time

PinDeluca: Great Stuff - will try to be there :D 12 months ago

At friends-grid

We speak many different languages

But we all speak a common language,

The language of friendship!

DINI25: HOLA HOLA BESOSS 12 months ago
Boss Sly loved to have Betty the Secretary kick his pickle.

Meanwhile, in OS... Xinashi is back. Find us at

Sol Et Luna Dance Zone.
Treehouse Park. (where lumberjack AVs are still prohibited)
Rocket Club.
Isle De Fleur.
Lighthouse Bar.

Yoga Center.

Alphabet Club.
BDSM Warehouse.
Sparta Gyms.
Dead-End Drive-In.


All formerly on CopyKat Grid. Now on Friends Grid.

Serina Gee: So great to see Xinashi back and so much fun to explore the rest of Xinashi after a shopping trip. Worth bringing a friend if you visit some of the other parts of Xinashi * winks and grins * ....if y... 12 months ago
Taking an early morning shower in the rainforest waterfall is a rejuvenating experience. The sound of the water cascading down the rocks is mesmerizing, and the misty droplets create a peaceful ambiance. The cool water feels invigorating against the skin, energizing the body and awakening the senses. The natural surroundings add to the experience, with the lush greenery and wildlife adding to the beauty of the moment. This is not just a shower but a spiritual experience that cleanses the body, refreshes the mind, and renews the soul.

Serina Gee: The most refreshing shower I ever had.....although the water can feel a bit chilly at the start!! 12 months ago
Feeling the gentle sway of the horse beneath you as it navigates the winding path between towering trees and lush foliage. The sound of the rain tapping against the leaves overhead is soothing, and you feel invigorated by the fresh, tropical air.

As you ride deeper into the forest, you spot vibrant flowers in every color of the rainbow. Some are cascading down from tree trunks, while others are perched high above your head on vines. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the buzz of hummingbirds flitting from one flower to the next.

Monkey calls echo through the trees, and you catch glimpses of chimpanzees swinging from branch to branch. You marvel at the natural beauty all around you, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such wonder.

As the rain begins to taper off, you come upon a clearing where a group of macaws are preening in a tree. Their magnificent colors are a feast for your eyes, and you sit quietly on your horse, just taking it all in.

As the sun begins to peak through the trees, you dismount your horse and take a moment to thank it for the amazing experience. You leave the rainforest feeling refreshed, and in awe of the stunningly beautiful place we call home.

Carmen Jewel: You describe Paradise so beautifully. :) 12 months ago
it is a beautiful morning to tour friends-grid

1. Stop by my friend Nico's Oh Hello store on the Xinashi region. you gotta be styling while you tour!
2. head to the Friend's Marina and do some sailing
3.Take an upclose look at the 17 waterfalls pictured here
4.head over to Aquamica to see an amazing underwater could spend hours in this huge build!
5. go to Friends Stables and ride a horse to the satyr farm , and on to the rain forest jungle
6. Take out frustrations at roleplay sim Annihilation.....smashing buildings and shooting zombies
7. Surf and wind surf at Aquamica
8. Explore the Darwin Eco Project
9. try the Yoga at Xinashi

and most importantly.......make a few new friends!

if we are out, come back again, we would love to meet you!

pic & landscape by Pin DeLuca
friends-grid is OPEN!

What is friends-grid and the Friends region?

friends—grid is a sailing community (connected regions) that was built by a group of friends in 2023 and is owned by Safine Mahoe. You don’t have to sail, but if you do, you will love it!

Friends are the only thing that is important in Open Sim, nothing else really matters. As Woodrow Wilson said , “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

The Friends region is the heart of friends-grid. On this region, you will find Friends Stables, multiple satyr farms, trails through the rainforest, a large Marina to assist with your boating needs and the most beautiful waterfalls you will find anywhere!

In addition to the Friends Region, you will also find teleports to : Xinashi región with Oh Hello store, Annihilation role play region, Aquamica region with some of the largest and most detailed underwater worlds, Clearwater II with the Darwin Eco Project and many other regions being developed.

A limited number of free rentals are available, however, we are looking for people who want to be involved in our community, not simply collect free houses on every grid.

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, please contact Safine Mahoe if online.

If I am offline, please message safinemahoe2 on

I can’t find my notes…..anybody seen my notes?

Lily Loire: My new puppy ate your notes. 12 months ago

Our Ubers look a little different...

but it is a ride you will never forget!


opening June 15

Witness the beauty of the vibrant coral reefs and their residents, from the colorful clownfish to the majestic lionfish. Be fascinated by the graceful movements of the manta rays as they glide through the crystal-clear waters. Marvel at the intricate patterns of the sea horses and the slow and steady pace of the sea turtles.

Dive deeper into the depths and discover hidden treasures within the shipwrecks and hidden caves. Observe the diverse marine life living amongst the submerged structures, such as schools of fish, crab, and eels.

But the real magic begins when you enter the fantasy realm of the mermaids. Immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where you will find these mystical creatures singing and dancing alongside dolphins and other sea creatures.

As you explore, you will find yourself lost in the wonder and beauty of this underwater paradise, where imagination knows no bounds. Experience the thrill of being immersed in this world, where nature and magic come together in perfect harmony.


opening June 15
Enjoy riding a horse through the rainforest, pausing to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls and listening to the tranquil sound of the cascading water. The lush greenery around you is teeming with life, and you can hear the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects as you make your way through the rainforest.

The horse beneath you is well-trained and sure-footed, carefully making its way over the rocky terrain and across streams. As you ride, you take in the sights and sounds of the rainforest, feeling a sense of peace and relaxation wash over you.

As you approach a majestic waterfall, you dismount from your horse and take a moment to admire the stunning view. The cool mist from the falls hits your face, and you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

You spend some time at the waterfall, enjoying the tranquility of the rainforest and the power of nature before mounting your horse once again and continuing on your journey.

As you ride through the rainforest, you realize that this experience is one of a kind and something that you will never forget

, taking in each moment and feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such beauty.


opening June 15

Have an awesome day everyone !

“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Opening June 15


Nico Kaliani: In OS, people are more important than land. Come visit the friendly people on Friends-Grid. (I don't have to visit. I live there). 12 months ago


Serina Gee: One of my favourite stores on my home grid.....I feel a few shopping trips coming up!!! 1 years ago

For One Night Only - Motown Madness !
See you at 11am !

Courreges Malatesta: Btw .. here is the stream : 1 years ago

Got my Satyr village square set up. Getting busy making stuff.

Lily Loire: Booze 1 years ago

SkyRealm Observatory~A dream realized~Thank you, @FerdFrederix

Safinemahoe2: omg....soooo cool to see what you are doing....and I think you built that oil well thing! great work! 1 years ago

Some views on the new refinery place .. inspired by Mad Max 2 movie.
Work in progress...

PinDeluca: This is coming along great Reggie. 1 years ago

Welcome to DARWIN - Eco Hub , controlled by Artificial Intelligence .

Here are the the Poster in sim action!

I Think the timing system on the racetracks is fixed with some help from the builder of it, kayaker magic.

If you get time, Please use the tp board I sent out and go to racetracks. See if it lists your name after race. Thank you
Hello everyone, some days I really hate time zones and not getting to see my friends.

I have a favor to ask. I would like you all to use this group page on osw as a way to share what we are doing….even though our schedules may not allow it.

I LOVE seeing posts and pics from you all.

Here are some ideas:

Funny things… like Pin’s goat coming in her window

In progress pics of your building projects

Activity pics showing what you like to do at friends-grid (within reason)

I think it gets people interested in what we have here when they see people doing things.

Courreges Malatesta: Hi Safine and all the others, to give you some news about what I'm doing on friends-grid these days, it will be short : almost nothing ! I only built a draft for a dance place ... RL was almost full t... 1 years ago